DET | Modules

  • Overview
  • Config
  • Init
  • Physics
  • Stat Post-Proc
  • Products
  • Verif
How the DET Modules Fit Together

Ensemble configuration: Defines membership and horizontal/vertical resolution of members, such that different models and/or different configurations of the same model can be included.

Options slated for testing:

  • 2011 version of NCEP/EMC Short Range Ensemble Forecast

Initial perturbations: Provides the ability to represent uncertainty in initial conditions based on a variety of techniques.

Options under testing:

  • Cycling of Initial and Lateral Boundary Conditions

Model perturbations: Provides the ability to represent model-related uncertainty based on a variety of techniques.

Options slated for testing:

  • Multi-model
  • Multi-physics
  • Stochastic perturbations

Statistical post-processing: Provides ability to specify techniques for fusing information from ensemble and high resolution control forecasts, climatology, and other sources such as the latest set of observations; Bias correct/calibrate forecast distribution; Statistically downscale information to user relevant variables.

Options under testing:

  • Bias-correction
  • Baysian post-processing approach

Product generation: Provides ability to specify technique for deriving information from the ensemble, generating probabilistic products, providing decision support services, etc.

Options under testing:

  • Probability Matching Method
  • Neighborhood Probability Method

Verification: Provides the ability to specify techniques to be used to evaluate ensemble and derived probabilistic forecasts

Options under testing

  • Spatial verification of ensembles