GRIB2 209 10 0 255 161 1 2 0 "LightningDensityNLDN1min" "CG Lightning Density 1-min - NLDN" "flashes/km^2/min" 209 10 0 255 161 1 2 1 "LightningDensityNLDN5min" "CG Lightning Density 5-min - NLDN" "flashes/km^2/min" 209 10 0 255 161 1 2 2 "LightningDensityNLDN15min" "CG Lightning Density 15-min - NLDN" "flashes/km^2/min" 209 10 0 255 161 1 2 3 "LightningDensityNLDN30min" "CG Lightning Density 30-min - NLDN" "flashes/km^2/min" 209 10 0 255 161 1 2 4 "LightningProbabilityNext30min" "Lightning Probability 0-30 minutes - NLDN" "%" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 0 "MergedAzShear0to2kmAGL" "Azimuth Shear 0-2km AGL" "0.001/s" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 1 "MergedAzShear3to6kmAGL" "Azimuth Shear 3-6km AGL" "0.001/s" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 2 "RotationTrack30min" "Rotation Track 0-2km AGL 30-min" "0.001/s" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 3 "RotationTrack60min" "Rotation Track 0-2km AGL 60-min" "0.001/s" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 4 "RotationTrack120min" "Rotation Track 0-2km AGL 120-min" "0.001/s" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 5 "RotationTrack240min" "Rotation Track 0-2km AGL 240-min" "0.001/s" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 6 "RotationTrack360min" "Rotation Track 0-2km AGL 360-min" "0.001/s" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 7 "RotationTrack1440min" "Rotation Track 0-2km AGL 1440-min" "0.001/s" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 14 "RotationTrackML30min" "Rotation Track 0-3km AGL 30-min" "0.001/s" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 15 "RotationTrackML60min" "Rotation Track 0-3km AGL 60-min" "0.001/s" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 16 "RotationTrackML120min" "Rotation Track 0-3km AGL 120-min" "0.001/s" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 17 "RotationTrackML240min" "Rotation Track 0-3km AGL 240-min" "0.001/s" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 18 "RotationTrackML360min" "Rotation Track 0-3km AGL 360-min" "0.001/s" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 19 "RotationTrackML1440min" "Rotation Track 0-3km AGL 1440-min" "0.001/s" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 26 "SHI" "Severe Hail Index" "index" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 27 "POSH" "Prob of Severe Hail" "%" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 28 "MESH" "Maximum Estimated Size of Hail (MESH)" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 29 "MESHMax30min" "MESH Hail Swath 30-min" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 30 "MESHMax60min" "MESH Hail Swath 60-min" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 31 "MESHMax120min" "MESH Hail Swath 120-min" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 32 "MESHMax240min" "MESH Hail Swath 240-min" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 33 "MESHMax360min" "MESH Hail Swath 360-min" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 34 "MESHMax1440min" "MESH Hail Swath 1440-min" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 41 "VIL" "Vertically Integrated Liquid" "kg/m^2" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 42 "VILDensity" "Vertically Integrated Liquid Density" "g/m^3" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 43 "VII" "Vertically Integrated Ice" "kg/m^2" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 44 "EchoTop18" "Echo Top - 18 dBZ" "km MSL" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 45 "EchoTop30" "Echo Top - 30 dBZ" "km MSL" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 46 "EchoTop50" "Echo Top - 50 dBZ" "km MSL" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 47 "EchoTop60" "Echo Top - 60 dBZ" "km MSL" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 48 "H50AboveM20C" "Thickness [50 dBZ top - (-20C)]" "km" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 49 "H50Above0C" "Thickness [50 dBZ top - 0C]" "km" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 50 "H60AboveM20C" "Thickness [60 dBZ top - (-20C)]" "km" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 51 "H60Above0C" "Thickness [60 dBZ top - 0C]" "km" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 52 "Reflectivity0C" "Isothermal Reflectivity at 0C" "dBZ" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 53 "ReflectivityM5C" "Isothermal Reflectivity at -5C" "dBZ" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 54 "ReflectivityM10C" "Isothermal Reflectivity at -10C" "dBZ" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 55 "ReflectivityM15C" "Isothermal Reflectivity at -15C" "dBZ" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 56 "ReflectivityM20C" "Isothermal Reflectivity at -20C" "dBZ" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 57 "ReflectivityAtLowestAltitude" "ReflectivityAtLowestAltitude" "dBZ" 209 10 0 255 161 1 3 58 "MergedReflectivityAtLowestAltitude" "Non Quality Controlled Reflectivity At Lowest Altitude" "dBZ" 209 10 0 255 161 1 4 0 "IRband4" "Infrared (E/W blend)" "K" 209 10 0 255 161 1 4 1 "Visible" "Visible (E/W blend)" "non-dim" 209 10 0 255 161 1 4 2 "WaterVapor" "Water Vapor (E/W blend)" "K" 209 10 0 255 161 1 4 3 "CloudCover" "Cloud Cover" "K" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 0 "PrecipFlag" "Surface Precipitation Type" "type" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 1 "PrecipRate" "Radar Precipitation Rate" "mm/hr" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 2 "RadarOnlyQPE01H" "Radar precipitation accumulation 1-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 3 "RadarOnlyQPE03H" "Radar precipitation accumulation 3-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 4 "RadarOnlyQPE06H" "Radar precipitation accumulation 6-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 5 "RadarOnlyQPE12H" "Radar precipitation accumulation 12-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 6 "RadarOnlyQPE24H" "Radar precipitation accumulation 24-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 7 "RadarOnlyQPE48H" "Radar precipitation accumulation 48-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 8 "RadarOnlyQPE72H" "Radar precipitation accumulation 72-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 9 "GaugeCorrQPE01H" "Local gauge bias corrected radar precipitation accumulation 1-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 10 "GaugeCorrQPE03H" "Local gauge bias corrected radar precipitation accumulation 3-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 11 "GaugeCorrQPE06H" "Local gauge bias corrected radar precipitation accumulation 6-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 12 "GaugeCorrQPE12H" "Local gauge bias corrected radar precipitation accumulation 12-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 13 "GaugeCorrQPE24H" "Local gauge bias corrected radar precipitation accumulation 24-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 14 "GaugeCorrQPE48H" "Local gauge bias corrected radar precipitation accumulation 48-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 15 "GaugeCorrQPE72H" "Local gauge bias corrected radar precipitation accumulation 72-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 16 "GaugeOnlyQPE01H" "Gauge only precipitation accumulation 1-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 17 "GaugeOnlyQPE03H" "Gauge only precipitation accumulation 3-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 18 "GaugeOnlyQPE06H" "Gauge only precipitation accumulation 6-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 19 "GaugeOnlyQPE12H" "Gauge only precipitation accumulation 12-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 20 "GaugeOnlyQPE24H" "Gauge only precipitation accumulation 24-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 21 "GaugeOnlyQPE48H" "Gauge only precipitation accumulation 48-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 22 "GaugeOnlyQPE72H" "Gauge only precipitation accumulation 72-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 23 "MountainMapperQPE01H" "Mountain Mapper precipitation accumulation 1-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 24 "MountainMapperQPE03H" "Mountain Mapper precipitation accumulation 3-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 25 "MountainMapperQPE06H" "Mountain Mapper precipitation accumulation 6-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 26 "MountainMapperQPE12H" "Mountain Mapper precipitation accumulation 12-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 27 "MountainMapperQPE24H" "Mountain Mapper precipitation accumulation 24-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 28 "MountainMapperQPE48H" "Mountain Mapper precipitation accumulation 48-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 6 29 "MountainMapperQPE72H" "Mountain Mapper precipitation accumulation 72-hour" "mm" 209 10 0 255 161 1 7 0 "ModelSurfaceTemp" "Model Surface temperature [RAP 13km]" "C" 209 10 0 255 161 1 7 1 "ModelWetBulbTemp" "Model Surface wet bulb temperature [RAP 13km]" "C" 209 10 0 255 161 1 7 2 "WarmRainProbability" "Probability of warm rain [RAP 13km derived]" "%" 209 10 0 255 161 1 7 3 "ModelHeight0C" "Model Freezing Level Height [RAP 13km]" "m MSL" 209 10 0 255 161 1 7 4 "BrightBandTopHeight" "Brightband Top Radar [RAP 13km derived]" "m AGL" 209 10 0 255 161 1 7 5 "BrightBandBottomHeight" "Brightband Bottom Radar [RAP 13km derived]" "m AGL" 209 10 0 255 161 1 8 0 "RadarQualityIndex" "Radar Quality Index" "non-dim" 209 10 0 255 161 1 8 1 "GaugeInflIndex01H" "Gauge Influence Index for 1-hour QPE" "non-dim" 209 10 0 255 161 1 8 2 "GaugeInflIndex03H" "Gauge Influence Index for 3-hour QPE" "non-dim" 209 10 0 255 161 1 8 3 "GaugeInflIndex06H" "Gauge Influence Index for 6-hour QPE" "non-dim" 209 10 0 255 161 1 8 4 "GaugeInflIndex12H" "Gauge Influence Index for 12-hour QPE" "non-dim" 209 10 0 255 161 1 8 5 "GaugeInflIndex24H" "Gauge Influence Index for 24-hour QPE" "non-dim" 209 10 0 255 161 1 8 6 "GaugeInflIndex48H" "Gauge Influence Index for 48-hour QPE" "non-dim" 209 10 0 255 161 1 8 7 "GaugeInflIndex72H" "Gauge Influence Index for 72-hour QPE" "non-dim" 209 10 0 255 161 1 8 8 "SeamlessHSR" "Seamless Hybrid Scan Reflectivity with VPR correction" "dBZ" 209 10 0 255 161 1 8 9 "SeamlessHSRHeight" "Height of Seamless Hybrid Scan Reflectivity" "km AGL" 209 10 0 255 161 1 9 0 "ConusMergedReflectivityQC" "WSR-88D 3D Reflectivty Mosaic - 33 CAPPIS (500-19000m)" "dBZ" 209 10 0 255 161 1 9 1 "ConusPlusMergedReflectivityQC" "All Radar 3D Reflectivty Mosaic - 33 CAPPIS (500-19000m)" "dBZ" 209 10 0 255 161 1 10 0 "MergedReflectivityQCComposite" "Composite Reflectivity Mosaic (optimal method)" "dBZ" 209 10 0 255 161 1 10 1 "HeightCompositeReflectivity" "Height of Composite Reflectivity Mosaic (optimal method)" "m MSL" 209 10 0 255 161 1 10 2 "LowLevelCompositeReflectivity" "Low-Level Composite Reflectivity Mosaic (0-4km)" "dBZ" 209 10 0 255 161 1 10 3 "HeightLowLevelCompositeReflectivity" "Height of Low-Level Composite Reflectivity Mosaic (0-4km)" "m MSL" 209 10 0 255 161 1 10 4 "LayerCompositeReflectivity_Low" "Layer Composite Reflectivity Mosaic 0-24kft (low altitude)" "dBZ" 209 10 0 255 161 1 10 5 "LayerCompositeReflectivity_High" "Layer Composite Reflectivity Mosaic 24-60 kft (highest altitude)" "dBZ" 209 10 0 255 161 1 10 6 "LayerCompositeReflectivity_Super" "Layer Composite Reflectivity Mosaic 33-60 kft (super high altitude)" "dBZ" 209 10 0 255 161 1 10 7 "ReflectivityCompositeHourlyMax" "Composite Reflectivity Hourly Maximum" "dBZ" 209 10 0 255 161 1 10 9 "LayerCompositeReflectivity_ANC" "Layer Composite Reflectivity Mosaic (2-4.5km) (forANC)" "dBZ" 209 10 0 255 161 1 11 0 "MergedBaseReflectivityQC" "Mosaic Base Reflectivity (optimal method)" "dBZ" 209 10 0 255 161 1 11 1 "MergedReflectivityComposite" "dBZ" "Raw Composite Reflectivity Mosaic (max ref)" 209 10 0 255 161 1 11 2 "MergedReflectivityQComposite" "Composite Reflectivity Mosaic (max ref)" "dBZ" 209 10 0 255 161 1 11 3 "MergedBaseReflectivity" "dBZ" "Raw Base Reflectivity Mosaic (optimal method)" 209 10 0 255 161 1 11 4 "Merged_LVL3_BaseHCA" "flag" "Level III Base HCA Mosaic (nearest neighbor)" 209 10 0 255 161 1 12 0 "FLASH_CREST_MAXUNITSTREAMFLOW" "m^3/s/km^2" "FLASH QPE-CREST Unit Streamflow" 209 10 0 255 161 1 12 1 "FLASH_CREST_MAXSTREAMFLOW" "m^3/s" "FLASH QPE-CREST Streamflow" 209 10 0 255 161 1 12 2 "FLASH_CREST_MAXSOILSAT" "%" "FLASH QPE-CREST Soil Saturation" 209 10 0 255 161 1 12 4 "FLASH_SAC_MAXUNITSTREAMFLOW" "m^3/s/km^2" "FLASH QPE-SAC Unit Streamflow" 209 10 0 255 161 1 12 5 "FLASH_SAC_MAXSTREAMFLOW" "m^3/s" "FLASH QPE-SAC Streamflow" 209 10 0 255 161 1 12 6 "FLASH_SAC_MAXSOILSAT" "%" "FLASH QPE-SAC Soil Saturation" 209 10 0 255 161 1 12 14 "FLASH_QPE_ARI30M" "years" "FLASH QPE Average Recurrence Interval 30-min" 209 10 0 255 161 1 12 15 "FLASH_QPE_ARI01H" "years" "FLASH QPE Average Recurrence Interval 01H" 209 10 0 255 161 1 12 16 "FLASH_QPE_ARI03H" "years" "FLASH QPE Average Recurrence Interval 03H" 209 10 0 255 161 1 12 17 "FLASH_QPE_ARI06H" "years" "FLASH QPE Average Recurrence Interval 06H" 209 10 0 255 161 1 12 18 "FLASH_QPE_ARI12H" "years" "FLASH QPE Average Recurrence Interval 12H" 209 10 0 255 161 1 12 19 "FLASH_QPE_ARI24H" "years" "FLASH QPE Average Recurrence Interval 24H" 209 10 0 255 161 1 12 20 "FLASH_QPE_MAX" "years" "FLASH QPE Average Recurrence Interval Maximum" 209 10 0 255 161 1 12 26 "FLASH_QPE_FFG01H" "non-dim" "FLASH QPE-to-FFG Ratio 01H" 209 10 0 255 161 1 12 27 "FLASH_QPE_FFG03H" "non-dim" "FLASH QPE-to-FFG Ratio 03H" 209 10 0 255 161 1 12 28 "FLASH_QPE_FFG06H" "non-dim" "FLASH QPE-to-FFG Ratio 06H" 209 10 0 255 161 1 12 29 "FLASH_QPE_FFGMAX" "non-dim" "FLASH QPE-to-FFG Ratio Maximum" 209 10 0 255 161 1 12 39 "FLASH_HP_MAXUNITSTREAMFLOW" "m^3/s/km^2" "FLASH QPE-Hydrophobic Unit Streamflow" 209 10 0 255 161 1 12 40 "FLASH_HP_MAXSTREAMFLOW" "m^3/s" "FLASH QPE-Hydrophobic Streamflow" 209 10 0 255 161 1 13 0 "ANC_ConvectiveLikelihood" "non-dim" "Likelihood of convection over the next 01H" 209 10 0 255 161 1 13 1 "ANC_FinalForecast" "dBZ" "01H reflectivity forecast" 209 10 0 255 161 1 14 0 "LVL3_HREET" "kft" "Level III High Resolution Enhanced Echo Top mosaic" 209 10 0 255 161 1 14 1 "LVL3_HighResVIL" "kg/m^2" "Level III High Resouion VIL mosaic"