FHO_TOTAL "Total number of matched pairs" FHO_F_RATE "Forecast rate" FHO_H_RATE "Hit rate" FHO_O_RATE "Observation rate" CTC_TOTAL "Total number of matched pairs" CTC_FY_OY "Number of forecast yes and observation yes" CTC_FY_ON "Number of forecast yes and observation no" CTC_FN_OY "Number of forecast no and observation yes" CTC_FN_ON "Number of forecast no and observation no" CTS_TOTAL "Total number of matched pairs" CTS_BASER "Base rate" CTS_BASER_NCL "Base rate normal confidence interval lower limit" CTS_BASER_NCU "Base rate normal confidence interval upper limit" CTS_BASER_BCL "Base rate bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CTS_BASER_BCU "Base rate bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CTS_FMEAN "Forecast mean" CTS_FMEAN_NCL "Forecast mean normal confidence interval lower limit" CTS_FMEAN_NCU "Forecast mean normal confidence interval upper limit" CTS_FMEAN_BCL "Forecast mean bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CTS_FMEAN_BCU "Forecast mean bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CTS_ACC "Accuracy" CTS_ACC_NCL "Accuracy normal confidence interval lower limit" CTS_ACC_NCU "Accuracy normal confidence interval upper limit" CTS_ACC_BCL "Accuracy bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CTS_ACC_BCU "Accuracy bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CTS_FBIAS "Frequency bias" CTS_FBIAS_BCL "Frequency bias bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CTS_FBIAS_BCU "Frequency bias bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CTS_PODY "Probability of detecting yes" CTS_PODY_NCL "Probability of detecting yes normal confidence interval lower limit" CTS_PODY_NCU "Probability of detecting yes normal confidence interval upper limit" CTS_PODY_BCL "Probability of detecting yes bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CTS_PODY_BCU "Probability of detecting yes bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CTS_PODN "Probability of detecting no" CTS_PODN_NCL "Probability of detecting no normal confidence interval lower limit" CTS_PODN_NCU "Probability of detecting no normal confidence interval upper limit" CTS_PODN_BCL "Probability of detecting no bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CTS_PODN_BCU "Probability of detecting no bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CTS_POFD "Probability of false detection" CTS_POFD_NCL "Probability of false detection normal confidence interval lower limit" CTS_POFD_NCU "Probability of false detection normal confidence interval upper limit" CTS_POFD_BCL "Probability of false detection bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CTS_POFD_BCU "Probability of false detection bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CTS_FAR "False alarm ratio" CTS_FAR_NCL "False alarm ratio normal confidence interval lower limit" CTS_FAR_NCU "False alarm ratio normal confidence interval upper limit" CTS_FAR_BCL "False alarm ratio bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CTS_FAR_BCU "False alarm ratio bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CTS_CSI "Critical success index" CTS_CSI_NCL "Critical success index normal confidence interval lower limit" CTS_CSI_NCU "Critical success index normal confidence interval upper limit" CTS_CSI_BCL "Critical success index bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CTS_CSI_BCU "Critical success index bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CTS_GSS "Gilbert Skill Score" CTS_GSS_BCL "Gilbert Skill Score bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CTS_GSS_BCU "Gilbert Skill Score bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CTS_HK "Hanssen-Kuipers discriminant" CTS_HK_NCL "Hanssen-Kuipers discriminant normal confidence interval lower limit" CTS_HK_NCU "Hanssen-Kuipers discriminant normal confidence interval upper limit" CTS_HK_BCL "Hanssen-Kuipers discriminant bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CTS_HK_BCU "Hanssen-Kuipers discriminant bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CTS_HSS "Heidke skill score" CTS_HSS_BCL "Heidke skill score bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CTS_HSS_BCU "Heidke skill score bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CTS_ODDS "Odds ratio" CTS_ODDS_NCL "Odds ratio normal confidence interval lower limit" CTS_ODDS_NCU "Odds ratio normal confidence interval upper limit" CTS_ODDS_BCL "Odds ratio bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CTS_ODDS_BCU "Odds ratio bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" MCTC_TOTAL "Total number of matched pairs" MCTC_N_CAT "Number of categories in each dimension of the contingency table" MCTC_FI_OJ "Count of events in forecast category i and observation category j" MCTS_TOTAL "Total number of matched pairs" MCTS_N_CAT "Number of categories in each dimension of the contingency table" MCTS_ACC "Accuracy" MCTS_ACC_NCL "Accuracy normal confidence interval lower limit" MCTS_ACC_NCU "Accuracy normal confidence interval upper limit" MCTS_ACC_BCL "Accuracy bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" MCTS_ACC_BCU "Accuracy bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" MCTS_HK "Hanssen-Kuipers discriminant" MCTS_HK_BCL "Hanssen-Kuipers discriminant bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" MCTS_HK_BCU "Hanssen-Kuipers discriminant bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" MCTS_HSS "Heidke skill score" MCTS_HSS_BCL "Heidke skill score bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" MCTS_HSS_BCU "Heidke skill score bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" MCTS_GER "Gerrity skill score" MCTS_GER_BCL "Gerrity skill score bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" MCTS_GER_BCU "Gerrity skill score bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CNT_TOTAL "Total number of matched pairs" CNT_FBAR "Forecast mean" CNT_FBAR_NCL "Forecast mean normal confidence interval lower limit" CNT_FBAR_NCU "Forecast mean normal confidence interval upper limit" CNT_FBAR_BCL "Forecast mean bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CNT_FBAR_BCU "Forecast mean bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CNT_FSTDEV "Forecast standard deviation" CNT_FSTDEV_NCL "Forecast standard deviation normal confidence interval lower limit" CNT_FSTDEV_NCU "Forecast standard deviation normal confidence interval upper limit" CNT_FSTDEV_BCL "Forecast standard deviation bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CNT_FSTDEV_BCU "Forecast standard deviation bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CNT_OBAR "Observation mean" CNT_OBAR_NCL "Observation mean normal confidence interval lower limit" CNT_OBAR_NCU "Observation mean normal confidence interval upper limit" CNT_OBAR_BCL "Observation mean bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CNT_OBAR_BCU "Observation mean bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CNT_OSTDEV "Observation standard deviation" CNT_OSTDEV_NCL "Observation standard deviation normal confidence interval lower limit" CNT_OSTDEV_NCU "Observation standard deviation normal confidence interval upper limit" CNT_OSTDEV_BCL "Observation standard deviation bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CNT_OSTDEV_BCU "Observation standard deviation bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CNT_PR_CORR "Pearson correlation coefficient" CNT_PR_CORR_NCL "Pearson correlation coefficient normal confidence interval lower limit" CNT_PR_CORR_NCU "Pearson correlation coefficient normal confidence interval upper limit" CNT_PR_CORR_BCL "Pearson correlation coefficient bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CNT_PR_CORR_BCU "Pearson correlation coefficient bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CNT_SP_CORR "Spearman's rank correlation coefficient" CNT_KT_CORR "Kendall's tau statistic" CNT_RANKS "Number of ranks used in computing Kendall"s tau statistic" CNT_FRANK_TIES "Number of tied forecast ranks used in computing Kendall"s tau statistic" CNT_ORANK_TIES "Number of tied observation ranks used in computing Kendall"s tau statistic" CNT_ME "Mean error" CNT_ME_NCL "Mean error normal confidence interval lower limit" CNT_ME_NCU "Mean error normal confidence interval upper limit" CNT_ME_BCL "Mean error bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CNT_ME_BCU "Mean error bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CNT_ESTDEV "Standard deviation of the error" CNT_ESTDEV_NCL "Standard deviation of the error normal confidence interval lower limit" CNT_ESTDEV_NCU "Standard deviation of the error normal confidence interval upper limit" CNT_ESTDEV_BCL "Standard deviation of the error bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CNT_ESTDEV_BCU "Standard deviation of the error bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CNT_MBIAS "Multiplicative bias" CNT_MBIAS_BCL "Multiplicative bias bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CNT_MBIAS_BCU "Multiplicative bias bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CNT_MAE "Mean absolute error" CNT_MAE_BCL "Mean absolute error bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CNT_MAE_BCU "Mean absolute error bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CNT_MSE "Mean squared error" CNT_MSE_BCL "Mean squared error bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CNT_MSE_BCU "Mean squared error bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CNT_BCMSE "Bias-corrected mean squared error" CNT_BCMSE_BCL "Bias-corrected mean squared error bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CNT_BCMSE_BCU "Bias-corrected mean squared error bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CNT_RMSE "Root mean squared error" CNT_RMSE_BCL "Root mean squared error bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CNT_RMSE_BCU "Root mean squared error bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CNT_E10 "10th percentile of the error" CNT_E10_BCL "10th percentile of the error bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CNT_E10_BCU "10th percentile of the error bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CNT_E25 "25th percentile of the error" CNT_E25_BCL "25th percentile of the error bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CNT_E25_BCU "25th percentile of the error bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CNT_E50 "50th percentile of the error" CNT_E50_BCL "50th percentile of the error bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CNT_E50_BCU "50th percentile of the error bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CNT_E75 "75th percentile of the error" CNT_E75_BCL "75th percentile of the error bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CNT_E75_BCU "75th percentile of the error bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" CNT_E90 "90th percentile of the error" CNT_E90_BCL "90th percentile of the error bootstrap confidence interval lower limit" CNT_E90_BCU "90th percentile of the error bootstrap confidence interval upper limit" SL1L2_TOTAL "Total number of matched pairs" SL1L2_FBAR "Mean of the forecast: mean(f)" SL1L2_OBAR "Mean of the observation: mean(o)" SL1L2_FOBAR "Mean of the product of the forecast and observation: mean(f*o)" SL1L2_FFBAR "Mean of the forecast squared: mean(f*f)" SL1L2_OOBAR "Mean of the observation squared: mean(o*o)" PCT_TOTAL "Total number of matched pairs" PCT_N_THRESH "Number of probability thresholds" PCT_THRESH_I "The i-th probability threshold" PCT_OY_I "Number of observation yes when forecast is between the i-th and (i+1)-th probability thresholds" PCT_ON_I "Number of observation no when forecast is between the i-th and (i+1)-th probability thresholds" PSTD_TOTAL "Total number of matched pairs" PSTD_N_THRESH "Number of probability thresholds" PSTD_BASER "Base rate" PSTD_BASER_NCL "Base rate normal confidence interval lower limit" PSTD_BASER_NCU "Base rate normal confidence interval upper limit" PSTD_RELIABILITY "Reliability" PSTD_RESOLUTION "Resolution" PSTD_UNCERTAINTY "Uncertainty" PSTD_ROC_AUC "Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve" PSTD_BRIER "Brier score" PSTD_BRIER_NCL "Brier score normal confidence interval lower limit" PSTD_BRIER_NCU "Brier score normal confidence interval upper limit" PJC_TOTAL "Total number of matched pairs" PJC_N_THRESH "Number of probability thresholds" PJC_THRESH_I "The i-th probability threshold" PJC_OY_TP_I "Number of observation yes when forecast is between the i-th and (i+1)-th probability thresholds as a proportion of the total OY" PJC_ON_TP_I "Number of observation no when forecast is between the i-th and (i+1)-th probability thresholds as a proportion of the total ON" PJC_CALIBRATION_I "Calibration when forecast is between the i-th and (i+1)-th probability thresholds" PJC_REFINEMENT_I "Refinement when forecast is between the i-th and (i+1)-th probability thresholds" PJC_LIKELIHOOD_I "Likelihodd when forecast is between the i-th and (i+1)-th probability thresholds" PJC_BASER_I "Base rate when forecast is between the i-th and (i+1)-th probability thresholds" PRC_TOTAL "Total number of matched pairs" PRC_N_THRESH "Number of probability thresholds" PRC_THRESH_I "The i-th probability threshold" PRC_PODY_I "Probability of detecting yes when forecast is between the i-th and (i+1)-th probability thresholds" PRC_POFD_I "Probability of false detection when forecast is between the i-th and (i+1)-th probability thresholds"