GRIB1 0 201 146 -1 "var0" "undefined" "" 1 201 146 -1 "dw sw flux" "downward shortwave radiant flux density" "W/m**2" 2 201 146 -1 "uw sw flux" "upward shortwave radiant flux density" "W/m**2" 3 201 146 -1 "dw lw flux" "downward longwave radiant flux density" "W/m**2" 4 201 146 -1 "uw lw flux" "upward longwave radiant flux density" "W/m**2" 5 201 146 -1 "APAB_S" "downwd photosynthetic active radiant flux density" "W/m**2" 6 201 146 -1 "net s flux" "net shortwave flux" "W/m**2" 7 201 146 -1 "net l flux" "net longwave flux" "W/m**2" 8 201 146 -1 "net flux" "total net radiative flux density" "W/m**2" 9 201 146 -1 "dw sw clfr" "downw shortw radiant flux density, cloudfree part" "W/m**2" 10 201 146 -1 "uw sw cldy" "upw shortw radiant flux density, cloudy part" "W/m**2" 11 201 146 -1 "dw lw clfr" "downw longw radiant flux density, cloudfree part" "W/m**2" 12 201 146 -1 "uw lw cldy" "upw longw radiant flux density, cloudy part" "W/m**2" 13 201 146 -1 "SOHR_RAD" "shortwave radiative heating rate" "K/s" 14 201 146 -1 "THHR_RAD" "longwave radiative heating rate" "K/s" 15 201 146 -1 "rad heat" "total radiative heating rate" "K/s" 16 201 146 -1 "soilheat S" "soil heat flux, surface" "W/m**2" 17 201 146 -1 "soilheat L" "soil heat flux, bottom of layer" "W/m**2" 18 201 146 -1 "var18" "undefined" "" 19 201 146 -1 "var19" "undefined" "" 20 201 146 -1 "var20" "undefined" "" 21 201 146 -1 "var21" "undefined" "" 22 201 146 -1 "var22" "undefined" "" 23 201 146 -1 "var23" "undefined" "" 24 201 146 -1 "var24" "undefined" "" 25 201 146 -1 "var25" "undefined" "" 26 201 146 -1 "var26" "undefined" "" 27 201 146 -1 "var27" "undefined" "" 28 201 146 -1 "var28" "undefined" "" 29 201 146 -1 "CLC" "cloud cover, grid scale + convective" "1" 30 201 146 -1 "clc gr sc" "cloud cover, grid scale (0...1)" "1" 31 201 146 -1 "QC" "specific cloud water content, grid scale" "kg/kg" 32 201 146 -1 "clw gs vi" "cloud water content, grid scale, vert integrated" "kg/m**2" 33 201 146 -1 "QI" "specific cloud ice content, grid scale" "kg/kg" 34 201 146 -1 "cli gs vi" "cloud ice content, grid scale, vert integrated" "kg/m**2" 35 201 146 -1 "QR" "specific rainwater content, grid scale" "kg/kg" 36 201 146 -1 "QS" "specific snow content, grid scale" "kg/kg" 37 201 146 -1 "src gs vi" "specific rainwater content, gs, vert. integrated" "kg/m**2" 38 201 146 -1 "ssc gs vi" "specific snow content, gs, vert. integrated" "kg/m**2" 39 201 146 -1 "QG" "specific graupel content, grid scale" "kg/kg" 40 201 146 -1 "var40" "undefined" "" 41 201 146 -1 "TWATER" "vert. integral of humidity, cloud water (and ice)" "kg/(m**2)" 42 201 146 -1 "TDIV_HUM" "vert. integral of divergence of tot. water content" "kg/(m**2)" 43 201 146 -1 "var43" "undefined" "" 44 201 146 -1 "var44" "undefined" "" 45 201 146 -1 "var45" "undefined" "" 46 201 146 -1 "var46" "undefined" "" 47 201 146 -1 "var47" "undefined" "" 48 201 146 -1 "var48" "undefined" "" 49 201 146 -1 "var49" "undefined" "" 50 201 146 -1 "CH_CM_CL" "cloud covers CH_CM_CL (000...888)" "1" 51 201 146 -1 "cl cov. CH" "cloud cover CH (0..8)" "1" 52 201 146 -1 "cl cov. CM" "cloud cover CM (0..8)" "1" 53 201 146 -1 "cl cov. CL" "cloud cover CL (0..8)" "1" 54 201 146 -1 "cloud cov." "total cloud cover (0..8)" "1" 55 201 146 -1 "fog" "fog (0..8)" "1" 56 201 146 -1 "fog" "fog" "1" 57 201 146 -1 "var57" "undefined" "" 58 201 146 -1 "var58" "undefined" "" 59 201 146 -1 "var59" "undefined" "" 60 201 146 -1 "clc con ci" "cloud cover, convective cirrus (0...1)" "1" 61 201 146 -1 "CLW_CON" "specific cloud water content, convective clouds" "kg/kg" 62 201 146 -1 "clw con vi" "cloud water content, conv clouds, vert integrated" "kg/m**2" 63 201 146 -1 "cli con" "specific cloud ice content, convective clouds" "kg/kg" 64 201 146 -1 "cli con vi" "cloud ice content, conv clouds, vert integrated" "kg/m**2" 65 201 146 -1 "mass fl co" "convective mass flux" "kg/(s*m**2)" 66 201 146 -1 "upd vel co" "updraft velocity, convection" "m/s" 67 201 146 -1 "entr p co" "entrainment parameter, convection" "m**(-1)" 68 201 146 -1 "HBAS_CON" "cloud base, convective clouds (above msl)" "m" 69 201 146 -1 "HTOP_CON" "cloud top, convective clouds (above msl)" "m" 70 201 146 -1 "con layers" "convective layers (00...77) (BKE)" "1" 71 201 146 -1 "KO-index" "KO-index" "1" 72 201 146 -1 "BAS_CON" "convection base index" "1" 73 201 146 -1 "TOP_CON" "convection top index" "1" 74 201 146 -1 "DT_CON" "convective temperature tendency" "K/s" 75 201 146 -1 "DQV_CON" "convective tendency of specific humidity" "s**(-1)" 76 201 146 -1 "H ten co" "convective tendency of total heat" "J/(kg*s)" 77 201 146 -1 "QDW ten co" "convective tendency of total water" "s**(-1)" 78 201 146 -1 "DU_CON" "convective momentum tendency (X-component)" "m/s**2" 79 201 146 -1 "DV_CON" "convective momentum tendency (Y-component)" "m/s**2" 80 201 146 -1 "vor ten co" "convective vorticity tendency" "s**(-2)" 81 201 146 -1 "div ten co" "convective divergence tendency" "s**(-2)" 82 201 146 -1 "HTOP_DC" "top of dry convection (above msl)" "m" 83 201 146 -1 "top ind dc" "dry convection top index" "1" 84 201 146 -1 "HZEROCL" "height of 0 degree Celsius isotherm above msl" "m" 85 201 146 -1 "SNOWLMT" "height of snowfall limit above msl" "m" 86 201 146 -1 "var86" "undefined" "" 87 201 146 -1 "var87" "undefined" "" 88 201 146 -1 "var88" "undefined" "" 89 201 146 -1 "var89" "undefined" "" 90 201 146 -1 "var90" "undefined" "" 91 201 146 -1 "var91" "undefined" "" 92 201 146 -1 "var92" "undefined" "" 93 201 146 -1 "var93" "undefined" "" 94 201 146 -1 "var94" "undefined" "" 95 201 146 -1 "var95" "undefined" "" 96 201 146 -1 "var96" "undefined" "" 97 201 146 -1 "var97" "undefined" "" 98 201 146 -1 "var98" "undefined" "" 99 201 146 -1 "QRS_GSP" "spec water cont of rain/snow needed for w loading" "kg/kg" 100 201 146 -1 "PRR_GSP" "surface precipitation rate, rain, grid scale" "kg/(s*m**2)" 101 201 146 -1 "PRS_GSP" "surface precipitation rate, snow, grid scale" "kg/(s*m**2)" 102 201 146 -1 "RAIN_GSP" "surface precipitation amount, rain, grid scale" "kg/m**2" 103 201 146 -1 "condens gs" "condensation rate, grid scale" "kg/(kg*s)" 104 201 146 -1 "autocon gs" "autoconversion rate, grid scale (C+C --> R)" "kg/(kg*s)" 105 201 146 -1 "accret gs" "accretion rate, grid scale (R+C --> R)" "kg/(kg*s)" 106 201 146 -1 "nucleat gs" "nucleation rate, grid scale (C+C --> S)" "kg/(kg*s)" 107 201 146 -1 "riming gs" "riming rate, grid scale (S+C --> S)" "kg/(kg*s)" 108 201 146 -1 "deposit gs" "deposition rate, grid scale (S+V <--> S)" "kg/(kg*s)" 109 201 146 -1 "melting gs" "melting rate, grid scale (S --> R)" "kg/(kg*s)" 110 201 146 -1 "evapor gs" "evaporation rate, grid scale (R+V <-- R)" "kg/(kg*s)" 111 201 146 -1 "PRR_CON" "surface precipitation rate, rain, convective" "kg/(s*m**2)" 112 201 146 -1 "PRS_CON" "surface precipitation rate, snow, convective" "kg/(s*m**2)" 113 201 146 -1 "RAIN_CON" "surface precipitation amount, rain, convective" "kg/m**2" 114 201 146 -1 "condens co" "condensation rate, convective" "kg/(kg*s)" 115 201 146 -1 "autocon co" "autoconversion rate, convective" "kg/(kg*s)" 116 201 146 -1 "accret co" "accretion rate, convective" "kg/(kg*s)" 117 201 146 -1 "nucleat co" "nucleation rate, convective" "kg/(kg*s)" 118 201 146 -1 "riming co" "riming rate, convective" "kg/(kg*s)" 119 201 146 -1 "sublim co" "sublimation rate, convective" "kg/(kg*s)" 120 201 146 -1 "melting co" "melting rate, convective" "kg/(kg*s)" 121 201 146 -1 "evapor co" "evaporation rate, convective" "kg/(kg*s)" 122 201 146 -1 "rain am" "rain amount, grid-scale plus convective" "kg/m**2" 123 201 146 -1 "snow am" "snow amount, grid-scale plus convective" "kg/m**2" 124 201 146 -1 "DT_GSP" "temperature tendency, grid-scale condensation" "K/s" 125 201 146 -1 "DQV_GSP" "tendency of specific humidity, grid-scale condens" "s**(-1)" 126 201 146 -1 "H ten gs" "tendency of total heat, grid-scale condensation" "J/(kg*s)" 127 201 146 -1 "DQC_GSP" "tendency of total water, grid-scale condensation" "s**(-1)" 128 201 146 -1 "snowfall" "snowfall (dimension" "" 129 201 146 -1 "FRESHSNW" "fresh snow factor" "1" 130 201 146 -1 "DQI_GSP" "tend of the sp cl ice cont due to gs precipitation" "kg/(kg*s)" 131 201 146 -1 "PRG_GSP" "surface precipitation rate, graupel, grid scale" "kg/(s*m**2)" 132 201 146 -1 "GRAU_GSP" "surface precipitation amount, graupel, grid scale" "kg/(m**2)" 133 201 146 -1 "RHO_SNOW" "snow density" "kg/m**3" 134 201 146 -1 "var134" "undefined" "" 135 201 146 -1 "var135" "undefined" "" 136 201 146 -1 "var136" "undefined" "" 137 201 146 -1 "var137" "undefined" "" 138 201 146 -1 "var138" "undefined" "" 139 201 146 -1 "PP" "deviation of pressure from reference value" "Pa" 140 201 146 -1 "var140" "undefined" "" 141 201 146 -1 "var141" "undefined" "" 142 201 146 -1 "var142" "undefined" "" 143 201 146 -1 "var143" "undefined" "" 144 201 146 -1 "var144" "undefined" "" 145 201 146 -1 "var145" "undefined" "" 146 201 146 -1 "var146" "undefined" "" 147 201 146 -1 "var147" "undefined" "" 148 201 146 -1 "var148" "undefined" "" 149 201 146 -1 "KE" "kinetic energy ((u**2 + v**2) / 2)" "(m**2/s**2)" 150 201 146 -1 "hdi coeff" "coefficient of horizontal diffusion" "m**2/s" 151 201 146 -1 "dissp rate" "dissipation rate" "W/(Pa*m**2)" 152 201 146 -1 "TKE" "turbulent kinetic energy" "(m/s)**2" 153 201 146 -1 "TKVM" "coefficient of vertical diffusion, momentum" "m**2/s" 154 201 146 -1 "TKVH" "coefficient of vertical diffusion, heat" "m**2/s" 155 201 146 -1 "vdi coe cw" "coefficient of vertical diffusion, cloud water" "m**2/s" 156 201 146 -1 "vdi coe ci" "coefficient of vertical diffusion, cloud ice" "m**2/s" 157 201 146 -1 "vdi coe vp" "coefficient of vertical diffusion, water vapour" "m**2/s" 158 201 146 -1 "dis len m" "turbulent dissipation length for momentum" "m" 159 201 146 -1 "dis len h" "turbulent dissipation length for heat" "m" 160 201 146 -1 "var u mom" "variance of u-component of momentum" "(m/s)**2" 161 201 146 -1 "var v mom" "variance of v-component of momentum" "(m/s)**2" 162 201 146 -1 "var w mom" "variance of w-component of momentum" "(m/s)**2" 163 201 146 -1 "var temp" "variance of temperature" "K**2" 164 201 146 -1 "var cl wat" "variance of specific cloud water content" "(kg/kg)**2" 165 201 146 -1 "var cl ice" "variance of specific cloud ice content" "(kg/kg)**2" 166 201 146 -1 "var vap mr" "variance of water vapour mixing ratio" "(kg/kg)**2" 167 201 146 -1 "c wat flux" "turbulent vertical flux of spec cloud water" "m/s" 168 201 146 -1 "c ice flux" "turbulent vertical flux of spec cloud ice" "m/s" 169 201 146 -1 "w vap flux" "turbulent vertical flux of water vapour mix ratio" "m/s" 170 201 146 -1 "TCM" "drag coefficient CD" "1" 171 201 146 -1 "TCH" "transfer coefficient CH (sensible heat)" "1" 172 201 146 -1 "tr coef CQ" "transfer coefficient CQ (latent heat)" "1" 173 201 146 -1 "PBL-top h" "PBL-top h" "m" 174 201 146 -1 "T-jump h" "temperature jump at PBL-top" "K" 175 201 146 -1 "q-jump h" "specific humidity jump at PBL-top" "kg/kg" 176 201 146 -1 "entr at h" "entrainment at PBL-top" "kg/(s*m**2)" 177 201 146 -1 "mass fl h" "upward mass flux at PBL-top" "kg/(s*m**2)" 178 201 146 -1 "cl cov PBL" "cloud cover of PBL-clouds (0...1)" "1" 179 201 146 -1 "cl wat PBL" "specific cloud water content of PBL-clouds" "kg/kg" 180 201 146 -1 "cl top PBL" "cloud top of PBL-clouds" "m" 181 201 146 -1 "cl bas PBL" "cloud base of PBL-clouds" "m" 182 201 146 -1 "moun wav X" "vertical mountain wave momentum flux (X component)" "kg/(m*s**2)" 183 201 146 -1 "moun wav Y" "vertical mountain wave momentum flux (Y component)" "kg/(m*s**2)" 184 201 146 -1 "wave Ri" "wave Richardson number" "1" 185 201 146 -1 "wav div X" "mountain wave momentum flux divergence (X comp)" "m/s**2" 186 201 146 -1 "wav div Y" "mountain wave momentum flux divergence (Y comp)" "m/s**2" 187 201 146 -1 "VMAX_10M" "maximum wind velocity" "m/s" 188 201 146 -1 "wav dis vi" "mountain wave dissipation, vert integrated" "W/m**2" 189 201 146 -1 "wv en flux" "vertical wave energy flux" "kg*m/s**4" 190 201 146 -1 "var190" "undefined" "" 191 201 146 -1 "var191" "undefined" "" 192 201 146 -1 "var192" "undefined" "" 193 201 146 -1 "var193" "undefined" "" 194 201 146 -1 "var194" "undefined" "" 195 201 146 -1 "var195" "undefined" "" 196 201 146 -1 "var196" "undefined" "" 197 201 146 -1 "T_SO" "temperature of soil layers" "K" 198 201 146 -1 "W_SO" "water + ice content of soil layers" "kg/(m**2)" 199 201 146 -1 "W_SO_ICE" "ice content of soil layers" "kg/(m**2)" 200 201 146 -1 "W_I" "water content of interception store" "kg/(m**2)" 201 201 146 -1 "interc ice" "icebit for interception store" "1" 202 201 146 -1 "snow fract" "snow fraction" "1" 203 201 146 -1 "T_SNOW" "snow temperature" "K" 204 201 146 -1 "foliag tem" "foliage temperature" "K" 205 201 146 -1 "infiltrat" "infiltration" "m/s" 206 201 146 -1 "runoff" "runoff" "m/s" 207 201 146 -1 "soil evap" "bare soil evaporation" "m/s" 208 201 146 -1 "plant tran" "plant transpiration" "m/s" 209 201 146 -1 "inter evap" "interception store evaporation" "m/s" 210 201 146 -1 "water evap" "evaporation from water surfaces" "m/s" 211 201 146 -1 "aero resis" "aerodynamic resistance" "s/m" 212 201 146 -1 "plant res" "plant resistance" "s/m" 213 201 146 -1 "soil res" "soil resistance" "s/m" 214 201 146 -1 "total evap" "total evaporation (water, soil, plants)" "m/s" 215 201 146 -1 "T_ICE" "temperature of sea ice" "K" 216 201 146 -1 "var216" "undefined" "" 217 201 146 -1 "max wind m" "maximum wind velocity (modified)" "m/s" 218 201 146 -1 "var218" "undefined" "" 219 201 146 -1 "var219" "undefined" "" 220 201 146 -1 "var220" "undefined" "" 221 201 146 -1 "var221" "undefined" "" 222 201 146 -1 "var222" "undefined" "" 223 201 146 -1 "var223" "undefined" "" 224 201 146 -1 "var224" "undefined" "" 225 201 146 -1 "var225" "undefined" "" 226 201 146 -1 "var226" "undefined" "" 227 201 146 -1 "var227" "undefined" "" 228 201 146 -1 "var228" "undefined" "" 229 201 146 -1 "var229" "undefined" "" 230 201 146 -1 "XYZ" "S1" "1" 231 201 146 -1 "RHS_SI" "S2" "1" 232 201 146 -1 "DTTDIV" "S3" "1" 233 201 146 -1 "SOTR_RAD" "effective transmissivity of solar rad." "1" 234 201 146 -1 "GEN_TEN1" "averaged tendencies" "x/s" 235 201 146 -1 "GEN_TEN2" "averaged tendencies" "x/s" 236 201 146 -1 "S7" "S7" "1" 237 201 146 -1 "S8" "S8" "1" 238 201 146 -1 "S9" "S9" "1" 239 201 146 -1 "S10" "S10" "1" 240 201 146 -1 "MFLX_CON" "cloud base mass flux kg/(s*m**2)" "" 241 201 146 -1 "CAPE_CON" "convective available potential energy" "J/kg" 242 201 146 -1 "QCVG_CON" "moisture convergence for Kuo-type closure" "1/s" 243 201 146 -1 "TKE_CON" "convective turbulent energy" "J/kg" 244 201 146 -1 "MOS pTS fq" "MOS Gewitter-Wahrscheinlichkeit (frequent)" "1" 245 201 146 -1 "MOS TS cov" "MOS Gewitteranteil (occasional - frequent (1 - 2))" "1" 246 201 146 -1 "S17" "S17" "1" 247 201 146 -1 "S18" "S18" "1" 248 201 146 -1 "S19" "S19" "1" 249 201 146 -1 "S20" "S20" "1" 250 201 146 -1 "MOS TSISO1" "MOS Wahrscheinlichkeit mindestens ein Blitz" "1" 251 201 146 -1 "MOS TSISO2" "MOS Wahrscheinlichkeit mindestens zehn Blitze" "1" 252 201 146 -1 "MOS TSISO3" "MOS Wahrscheinlichkeit mindestens hundert Blitze" "1" 253 201 146 -1 "MOS TS DEN" "MOS Vorhersage der Blitzanzahl" "1" 254 201 146 -1 "MOS TS OCC" "MOS Gewitter-Wahrscheinlichkeit (occasional)" "1" 255 201 146 -1 "MOS TS FRQ" "MOS Gewitter-Wahrscheinlichkeit (frequent)" "1"