GF Testing

SCM Configuration Test Description
- Code
- Model
- Cases
Codes Employed
The GMTB SCM code consists of three components packaged into one software repository on NOAA's Virtual Laboratory (VLab). The specific code used for this test can be found within the 'gmtb-scm' project on VLab, in the 'gf_test' branch, under the tag v1.2. Details for the individual components are as follows:
- SCM Infrastructure
- v1.2
- Physics Driver
- v2+
- used the version of nuopc_physics.f90 from r85909 of the GSM branch 'gf-test-new'
- note: the driver does not contain development since October 2016 (v3 or v4)
- Physics Suites
- GFS operational suite found in r85909 of the GSM branch 'gf-test-new'
- Grell-Freitas-modified operational suite found in r85909 of the GSM branch 'gf-test-new'
Physics configuration is identical to the global model tests.
Control Configuration (SAS)
Microphysics: | Zhao-Carr |
Radiation (LW/SW): | RRTMG |
Gravity Wave Drag: | Orographic and Convective Gravity Wave Drag |
PBL: | Hybrid Eddy-diffusivity Mass-flux Scheme |
Deep Convection: | Simplified Arakawa-Schubert |
Shallow Convection: | Mass-Flux based SAS |
Test Configuration (GFTEST)
Microphysics: | Zhao-Carr |
Radiation (LW/SW): | RRTMG |
Gravity Wave Drag: | Orographic and Convective Gravity Wave Drag |
PBL: | Hybrid Eddy-diffusivity Mass-flux Scheme |
Deep Convection: | Grell-Freitas |
Shallow Convection: | Grell-Freitas |
Other settings
• When GF is activated, several additional parameters can be set:
imid = 0 (mid-level clouds turned off)
ichoice = 0 (deep convection closure option)
ichoice_s = 2 (shallow convection closure option)
dicycle = 1 (diurnal cycle adjustment turned on)
The SCM was configured to run the GCSS Deep Convective Working Group's sixth intercomparison case based on the ARM Tropical Warm Pool - International Cloud Experiment (TWP-ICE) field campaign. Full case specifications can be found here and a paper describing a SCM intercomparison performed in 2011-2012 was written by Davies et al. (2013). Highlights of the case configuration are as follows.
- initial conditions and forcing obtained from field campaign data near Darwin, Australia during January and February 2006
- featured deep convection associated with active phase of monsoon and suppressed convection associated with inactive phase
Case Setup
Initial Conditions: | mean profiles of u, v, T, q over the study area centered on 12.425°S, 130.891°E at 3 UTC on January 19, 2006 |
Surface: | oceanic, fixed SST |
Forcing: |
Runtime: | 3 UTC on January 19, 2006 to 21 UTC on February 12, 2006 |