HWRF Thompson Testing Evaluation


The Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting model (HWRF) is a limited-area numerical model used by the National Weather Service (NWS) to provide numerical guidance for operational tropical cyclone forecasting. The atmospheric component of HWRF employs the Non-Hydrostatic Model (NMM) dynamic core of Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The oceanic component of HWRF is a parallelized version of the Princeton Ocean Model for Tropical Cyclones (MPIPOM-TC).

In preparation for the 2016 hurricane season, DTC partnered with EMC to test HWRF with Thompson microphysics.

DTC worked closely with EMC during the pre-implementation testing phase to select test cases, exchange notes on the evaluations, and make decisions to select the 2016 operational suite.

Contact information: Mrinal Biswas (biswas@ucar.edu)