Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) Scientific Documentation  Version 2.0
subroutine ozphys::ozphys_run ( integer, intent(in)  ix,
integer, intent(in)  im,
integer, intent(in)  levs,
integer, intent(in)  ko3,
real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in)  dt,
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(ix,levs), intent(inout)  oz,
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(ix,levs), intent(in)  tin,
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(ko3), intent(in)  po3,
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(ix,levs), intent(in)  prsl,
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(ix,ko3,oz_coeff), intent(in)  prdout,
integer, intent(in)  oz_coeff,
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(ix,levs), intent(in)  delp,
logical, intent(in)  ldiag3d,
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(ix,levs,oz_coeff), intent(inout)  ozp,
integer, intent(in)  me,
character(len=*), intent(out)  errmsg,
integer, intent(out)  errflg 
  • Calculate vertical integrated column ozone values.
  • Apply vertically linear interpolation to the ozone coefficients.
  • Calculate the 4 terms of prognostic ozone change during time dt:
    • ozp(:,:,1) - Ozone production at model layers
    • ozp(:,:,2) - Ozone tendency at model layers
    • ozp(:,:,3) - Ozone production from temperature term at model layers
    • ozp(:,:,4) - Ozone production from column ozone term at model layers

References physcons::con_g.