Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) Scientific Documentation  Version 2.0
subroutine, public module_radiation_aerosols::aer_init ( integer, intent(in)  NLAY,
integer, intent(in)  me 
NLAYnumber of model vertical layers (not used)
meprint message control flag

aer_init General Algorithm

  1. Call wrt_aerlog() to write aerosol parameter configuration to output logs.
  2. Call set_spectrum() to set up spectral one wavenumber solar/IR fluxes.
  3. Call clim_aerinit() to invoke tropospheric aerosol initialization.
  4. Call set_volcaer() to invoke stratospheric volcanic aerosol initialization.

References clim_aerinit(), physparam::iaerflg, physparam::iaermdl, physparam::lalw1bd, physparam::lalwflg, physparam::laswflg, physparam::lavoflg, set_spectrum(), set_volcaer(), and wrt_aerlog().

Here is the call graph for this function: