Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) Scientific Documentation  Version 2.0
subroutine, public module_radiation_clouds::cld_init ( real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), intent(in)  si,
integer, intent(in)  NLAY,
integer, intent(in)  imp_physics,
integer, intent(in)  me 
simodel vertical sigma layer interface
NLAYvertical layer number
imp_physicscloud microphysics scheme control flag
=99: Zhao-Carr/Sundqvist microphysics cloud
=98: Zhao-Carr/Sundqvist microphysics cloud = pdfcld
=11: GFDL microphysics cloud
=8: Thompson microphysics
=6: WSM6 microphysics
=10: MG microphysics
meprint control flag

cld_init General Algorithm

  • If using diagnostic cloud method, call rhtable() to set up tuned relative humidity table; If using prognostic cloud method, check if the MP exists.
  • Compute the top of BL cld (llyr), which is the topmost non cld(low) layer for stratiform (at or above lowest 0.1 of the atmosphere).

References physparam::icldflg, physparam::iovrlw, physparam::iovrsw, physparam::ivflip, and rhtable().

Here is the call graph for this function: