Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) Scientific Documentation  Version 2.0
subroutine module_microphysics::gsmcolumn ( real  ARAING,
real  ASNOWG,
real  DTPG,
integer  I_index,
integer  J_index,
integer  LSFC,
real, dimension(lm)  P_col,
real, dimension(lm)  QI_col,
real, dimension(lm)  QR_col,
real, dimension(lm)  QV_col,
real, dimension(lm)  QW_col,
real, dimension(lm)  RimeF_col,
real, dimension(lm)  T_col,
real, dimension(lm)  THICK_col,
real, dimension(lm)  WC_col,
integer  LM,
real, dimension(lm)  RHC_col,
real, dimension(lm)  XNCW,
real  FLGmin,
logical  PRINT_diag,
real  psfc 

References funcphys::fpvsi(), and funcphys::fpvsl().

Here is the call graph for this function: