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GMTB Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) Scientific Documentation  Version 1.0
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GFS precpd Main

This subroutine computes the conversion from condensation to precipitation (snow or rain) or evaporation of rain. More...

Detailed Description

Argument Table

local_name standard_name long_name units rank type kind intent optional
im horizontal_loop_extent horizontal loop extent count 0 integer in F
ix horizontal_dimension horizontal dimension count 0 integer in F
km vertical_dimension vertical layer dimension count 0 integer in F
dt time_step_for_physics physics time step s 0 real kind_phys in F
del air_pressure_difference_between_midlayers pressure level thickness Pa 2 real kind_phys in F
prsl air_pressure layer mean pressure Pa 2 real kind_phys in F
q water_vapor_specific_humidity_updated_by_physics water vapor specific humidity kg kg-1 2 real kind_phys inout F
cwm cloud_condensed_water_specific_humidity_updated_by_physics cloud condensed water specific humidity kg kg-1 2 real kind_phys inout F
t air_temperature_updated_by_physics layer mean air temperature K 2 real kind_phys inout F
rn lwe_thickness_of_stratiform_precipitation_amount stratiform rainfall amount on physics timestep m 1 real kind_phys out F
sr ratio_of_snowfall_to_rainfall ratio of snowfall to large-scale rainfall frac 1 real kind_phys out F
rainp tendency_of_rain_water_mixing_ratio_due_to_model_physics tendency of rain water mixing ratio due to model physics kg kg-1 s-1 2 real kind_phys out F
u00k critical_relative_humidity critical relative humidity frac 2 real kind_phys in F
psautco coefficient_from_cloud_ice_to_snow conversion coefficient from cloud ice to snow none 1 real kind_phys in F
prautco coefficient_from_cloud_water_to_rain conversion coefficient from cloud water to rain none 1 real kind_phys in F
evpco coefficient_for_evaporation_of_rainfall coefficient for evaporation of rainfall none 0 real kind_phys in F
wminco cloud_condensed_water_conversion_threshold conversion coefficient from cloud liquid and ice to precipitation none 1 real kind_phys in F
wk1 grid_size_related_coefficient_used_in_scale-sensitive_schemes grid size related coefficient used in scale-sensitive schemes none 1 real kind_phys in F
lprnt flag_print flag for printing diagnostics to output flag 0 logical in F
jpr horizontal_index_of_printed_column horizontal index of printed column index 0 integer in F
errmsg error_message error message for error handling in CCPP none 0 character len=* out F
errflg error_flag error flag for error handling in CCPP flag 0 integer out F

Zhao-Carr Precipitation Production Scheme General Algorithm

The following two equations can be used to calculate the precipitation rates of rain and snow at each module level:




where p_{s} and p_{t} are the surface pressure and the pressure at the top of model domain, respectively, and g is gravity. The implementation of the precipitation scheme also includes a simplified procedure of computing P_{r} and P_{s} ([90]).

The calculation is as follows:

  1. Calculate precipitation production by auto conversion and accretion ( P_{saut}, P_{saci}, P_{raut}).
    • The accretion of cloud water by rain, P_{racw}, is not included in the current operational scheme.
  2. Calculate evaporation of precipitation ( E_{rr} and E_{rs}).
  3. Calculate melting of snow ( P_{sm1} and P_{sm2}, P_{sacw}).
  4. Update t and q due to precipitation (snow or rain) production.
  5. Calculate precipitation at surface ( rn) and fraction of frozen precipitation ( sr).

Detailed Algorithm


subroutine zhaocarr_precpd::zhaocarr_precpd_run (im, ix, km, dt, del, prsl, q, cwm, t, rn, sr, rainp, u00k, psautco, prautco, evpco, wminco , wk1, lprnt, jpr, errmsg, errflg)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine zhaocarr_precpd::zhaocarr_precpd_run ( integer, intent(in)  im,
integer, intent(in)  ix,
integer, intent(in)  km,
real (kind=kind_phys), intent(in)  dt,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(ix,km), intent(in)  del,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(ix,km), intent(in)  prsl,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(ix,km), intent(inout)  q,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(ix,km), intent(inout)  cwm,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(ix,km), intent(inout)  t,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(im), intent(out)  rn,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(im), intent(out)  sr,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(im,km), intent(out)  rainp,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(im,km), intent(in)  u00k,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2), intent(in)  psautco,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2), intent(in)  prautco,
real (kind=kind_phys), intent(in)  evpco,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2), intent(in)  wminco,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(im), intent(in)  wk1,
logical, intent(in)  lprnt,
integer, intent(in)  jpr,
character(len=*), intent(out)  errmsg,
integer, intent(out)  errflg 
  1. Select columns where rain can be produced, where

    cwm > \min (wmin, wmini)

    where the cloud water and ice conversion threshold:

    wmin=wminco(1)\times prsl\times 10^{-5}

    wmini=wminco(2)\times prsl\times 10^{-5}

  2. Calculate ice-water identification number IW (see algorithm in GFS gscond Main).
  3. Calculate cloud fraction b (see algorithm in GFS gscond Main)
  4. Precipitation production by auto conversion and accretion
    • The autoconversion of cloud ice to snow ( P_{saut}) is simulated using the equation from [55]


      Since snow production in this process is caused by the increase in size of cloud ice particles due to depositional growth and aggregation of small ice particles, P_{saut} is a function of temperature as determined by coefficient a_{1}, given by

      a_{1}=psautco \times dt \times exp\left[ 0.025\left(T-273.15\right)\right]

    • The accretion of cloud ice by snow ( P_{saci}) in the regions where cloud ice exists is simulated by

      P_{saci}=C_{s}cwm P_{s}

      where P_{s} is the precipitation rate of snow. The collection coefficient C_{s} is a function of temperature since the open structures of ice crystals at relative warm temperatures are more likely to stick, given a collision, than crystals of other shapes ([75]). Above the freezing level, C_{s} is expressed by

      C_{s}=c_{1}exp\left[ 0.025\left(T-273.15\right)\right]

      where c_{1}=1.25\times 10^{-3} m^{2}kg^{-1}s^{-1} are used. C_{s} is set to zero below the freezing level.
    • Following [80], the autoconversion of cloud water to rain ( P_{raut}) can be parameterized from the cloud water mixing ratio m and cloud coverage b, that is,

      P_{raut}=(prautco \times dt )\times (cwm-wmin)\left\{1-exp[-(\frac{cwm-wmin}{m_{r}b})^{2}]\right\}

      where m_{r} is 3.0\times 10^{-4}.
  5. Evaporation of precipitation ( E_{rr} and E_{rs})
    Evaporation of precipitation is an important process that moistens the layers below cloud base. Through this process, some of the precipitating water is evaporated back to the atmosphere and the precipitation efficiency is reduced.
    • Evaporation of rain is calculated using the equation ([81]):

      E_{rr}= evpco \times (u-f)(P_{r})^{\beta}

      where u is u00k, f is the relative humidity. \beta = 0.5 are empirical parameter.
    • Evaporation of snow is calculated using the equation:


      where C_{rs1}=5\times 10^{-6}m^{2}kg^{-1}s^{-1} and C_{rs2}=6.67\times 10^{-10}m^{2}kg^{-1}K^{-1}s^{-1}. The evaporation of melting snow below the freezing level is ignored in this scheme because of the difficulty in the latent heat treatment since the surface of a melting snowflake is usually covered by a thin layer of liquid water.
  6. Melting of snow ( P_{sm1} and P_{sm2})
    In this scheme, we allow snow melting to take place in certain temperature regions below the freezing level in two ways. In both cases, the melted snow is assumed to become raindrops.
    • One is the continuous melting of snow due to the increase in temperature as it falls down through the freezing level. This process is parameterized as a function of temperature and snow precipitation rate, that is,


      where C_{sm}=5\times 10^{-8}m^{2}kg^{-1}K^{-2}s^{-1} cause the falling snow to melt almost completely before it reaches the T=278.15 K level.
    • Another is the immediate melting of melting snow by collection of the cloud water below the freezing level. In order to calculate the melting rate, the collection rate of cloud water by melting snow is computed first. Similar to the collection of cloud water by rain, the collection of cloud water by melting snow can be parameterized to be proportional to the cloud water mixing ratio m and the precipitation rate of snow P_{s}:


      where C_{r} is the collection coefficient, C_{r}=5.0\times 10^{-4}m^{2}kg^{-1}s^{-1} . The melting rate of snow then can be computed from


      where C_{ws}=0.025.
    • Update t and q.

      t=t-\frac{L}{C_{p}}(E_{rr}+E_{rs}+P_{sm1})\times dt

      q=q+(E_{rr}+E_{rs})\times dt

  7. Calculate precipitation at surface ( rn)and determine fraction of frozen precipitation ( sr).

    rn= (P_{r}(\eta_{sfc})+P_{s}(\eta_{sfc}))/10^3
