GFS radlw Main | This module includes NCEP's modifications of the RRTMG-LW radiation code from AER |
GFS radsw Main | This module includes NCEP's modifications of the RRTMG-SW radiation code from AER |
RRTMG Aerosols Module | This module contains climatological atmospheric aerosol schemes for radiation computations |
RRTMG Astronomy Module | This module sets up astronomical quantities for solar radiation calculations |
RRTMG Clouds Module | This module computes cloud related quantities for radiation computations |
RRTMG Gases Module | This module sets up ozone climatological profiles and other constant gas profiles, such as co2, ch4, n2o, o2, and those of cfc gases. All data are entered as mixing ratio by volume, except ozone which is mass mixing ratio (g/g) |
RRTMG Surface Module | This module sets up surface albedo for sw radiation and surface emissivity for lw radiation |
GFS sfc_diff Main | This subroutine calculates surface roughness length |
GFS sfc_nst Main | This subroutine calls the Thermal Skin-layer and Diurnal Thermocline models to update the NSST profile |
GFS Noah LSM Driver | This is Noah LSM driver module, with the functionality of preparing variables to run Noah LSM gfssflx(), calling Noah LSM and post-processing variables for return to the parent model suite including unit conversion, as well as diagnotics calculation |
GFS Noah LSM Model | This is the entity of GFS Noah LSM model of physics subroutines. It is a soil/veg/snowpack land-surface model to update soil moisture, soil ice, soil temperature, skin temperature, snowpack water content, snowdepth, and all terms of the surface energy balance and surface water balance (excluding input atmospheric forcings of downward radiation and precipitation ) |
GFS sfc_sice Main | This is three-layer thermodynomics sea-ice model based on [84] |
GFS HEDMF Main | The Hybrid EDMF scheme is a first-order turbulent transport scheme used for subgrid-scale vertical turbulent mixing in the PBL and above. It blends the traditional first-order approach that has been used and improved over the last several years with a more recent scheme that uses a mass-flux approach to calculate the countergradient diffusion terms |
GFS gwdps Main | This subroutine includes orographic gravity wave drag and mountain blocking |
GFS ozphys Main | The operational GFS currently parameterizes ozone production and destruction based on monthly mean coefficients (global_o3prdlos.f77 ) provided by Naval Research Laboratory through CHEM2D chemistry model ([61]) |
GFS mfdeepcnv Main | This subroutine contains the entirety of the SAMF deep convection scheme |
GFS gwdc Main | This subroutine is the parameterization of convective gravity wave drag based on the theory given by [15] modified for implementation into the GFS/CFS by Ake Johansson(Aug 2005) |
GFS mfshalcnv Main | The subroutine contains the entirety of the SAMF shallow convection scheme. The scale-aware mass-flux shallow convection scheme is an updated version of the previous mass-flux shallow convection scheme with scale and aerosol awareness and parameterizes the effect of shallow convection on the environment |
GFS gscond Main | This subroutine computes grid-scale condensation and evaporation of cloud condensate |
GFS precpd Main | This subroutine computes the conversion from condensation to precipitation (snow or rain) or evaporation of rain |