CCPP Scidoc for SRW v2.1.0  SRW v2.1.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC

◆ esat_blend()

real function module_bl_mynn::esat_blend ( real, intent(in)  t)
JAYMES- added 22 Apr 2015 This function calculates saturation vapor pressure. Separate ice and liquid functions are used (identical to those in module_mp_thompson.F, v3.6). Then, the final returned value is a temperature-dependant "blend". Because the final value is "phase-aware", this formulation may be preferred for use throughout the module (replacing "svp").

References esat_blend().

Referenced by dmp_mf(), esat_blend(), and mym_condensation().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function: