CCPP Scidoc for SRW v2.1.0  SRW v2.1.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
module_sf_noahmplsm::noahmp_parameters Type Reference
Collaboration diagram for module_sf_noahmplsm::noahmp_parameters:

Public Attributes

logical urban_flag
integer iswater
integer isbarren
integer isice
integer iscrop
integer eblforest
real(kind=kind_phys) ch2op
 maximum intercepted h2o per unit lai+sai (mm) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) dleaf
 characteristic leaf dimension (m) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) z0mvt
 momentum roughness length (m) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) hvt
 top of canopy (m) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) hvb
 bottom of canopy (m) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) den
 tree density (no. of trunks per m2) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) rc
 tree crown radius (m) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) mfsno
 snowmelt m parameter () More...
real(kind=kind_phys) scffac
 snow cover factor (m) More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(12) saim
 monthly stem area index, one-sided More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(12) laim
 monthly leaf area index, one-sided More...
real(kind=kind_phys) sla
 single-side leaf area per kg [m2/kg] More...
real(kind=kind_phys) dilefc
 coeficient for leaf stress death [1/s] More...
real(kind=kind_phys) dilefw
 coeficient for leaf stress death [1/s] More...
real(kind=kind_phys) fragr
 fraction of growth respiration !original was 0.3 More...
real(kind=kind_phys) ltovrc
 leaf turnover [1/s] More...
real(kind=kind_phys) c3psn
 photosynthetic pathway: 0. = c4, 1. = c3 More...
real(kind=kind_phys) kc25
 co2 michaelis-menten constant at 25c (pa) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) akc
 q10 for kc25 More...
real(kind=kind_phys) ko25
 o2 michaelis-menten constant at 25c (pa) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) ako
 q10 for ko25 More...
real(kind=kind_phys) vcmx25
 maximum rate of carboxylation at 25c (umol co2/m**2/s) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) avcmx
 q10 for vcmx25 More...
real(kind=kind_phys) bp
 minimum leaf conductance (umol/m**2/s) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) mp
 slope of conductance-to-photosynthesis relationship More...
real(kind=kind_phys) qe25
 quantum efficiency at 25c (umol co2 / umol photon) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) aqe
 q10 for qe25 More...
real(kind=kind_phys) rmf25
 leaf maintenance respiration at 25c (umol co2/m**2/s) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) rms25
 stem maintenance respiration at 25c (umol co2/kg bio/s) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) rmr25
 root maintenance respiration at 25c (umol co2/kg bio/s) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) arm
 q10 for maintenance respiration More...
real(kind=kind_phys) folnmx
 foliage nitrogen concentration when f(n)=1 (%) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) tmin
 minimum temperature for photosynthesis (k) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) xl
 leaf/stem orientation index More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(mbandrhol
 leaf reflectance: 1=vis, 2=nir More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(mbandrhos
 stem reflectance: 1=vis, 2=nir More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(mbandtaul
 leaf transmittance: 1=vis, 2=nir More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(mbandtaus
 stem transmittance: 1=vis, 2=nir More...
real(kind=kind_phys) mrp
 microbial respiration parameter (umol co2 /kg c/ s) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) cwpvt
 empirical canopy wind parameter More...
real(kind=kind_phys) wrrat
 wood to non-wood ratio More...
real(kind=kind_phys) wdpool
 wood pool (switch 1 or 0) depending on woody or not [-] More...
real(kind=kind_phys) tdlef
 characteristic t for leaf freezing [k] More...
integer nroot
 number of soil layers with root present More...
real(kind=kind_phys) rgl
 parameter used in radiation stress function More...
real(kind=kind_phys) rsmin
 minimum stomatal resistance [s m-1] More...
real(kind=kind_phys) hs
 parameter used in vapor pressure deficit function More...
real(kind=kind_phys) topt
 optimum transpiration air temperature [k] More...
real(kind=kind_phys) rsmax
 maximal stomatal resistance [s m-1] More...
real(kind=kind_phys) slarea
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(5) eps
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(mbandalbsat
 saturated soil albedos: 1=vis, 2=nir More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(mbandalbdry
 dry soil albedos: 1=vis, 2=nir More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(mbandalbice
 albedo land ice: 1=vis, 2=nir More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(mbandalblak
 albedo frozen lakes: 1=vis, 2=nir More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(mbandomegas
 two-stream parameter omega for snow More...
real(kind=kind_phys) betads
 two-stream parameter betad for snow More...
real(kind=kind_phys) betais
 two-stream parameter betad for snow More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(2) eg
 emissivity More...
real(kind=kind_phys) co2
 co2 partial pressure More...
real(kind=kind_phys) o2
 o2 partial pressure More...
real(kind=kind_phys) timean
 gridcell mean topgraphic index (global mean) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) fsatmx
 maximum surface saturated fraction (global mean) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) z0sno
 snow surface roughness length (m) (0.002) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) ssi
 liquid water holding capacity for snowpack (m3/m3) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) snow_ret_fac
 snowpack water release timescale factor (1/s) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) swemx
 new snow mass to fully cover old snow (mm) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) snow_emis
 snow emissivity More...
real(kind=kind_phys) tau0
 tau0 from yang97 eqn. 10a More...
real(kind=kind_phys) grain_growth
 growth from vapor diffusion yang97 eqn. 10b More...
real(kind=kind_phys) extra_growth
 extra growth near freezing yang97 eqn. 10c More...
real(kind=kind_phys) dirt_soot
 dirt and soot term yang97 eqn. 10d More...
real(kind=kind_phys) bats_cosz
 zenith angle snow albedo adjustment; b in yang97 eqn. 15 More...
real(kind=kind_phys) bats_vis_new
 new snow visible albedo More...
real(kind=kind_phys) bats_nir_new
 new snow nir albedo More...
real(kind=kind_phys) bats_vis_age
 age factor for diffuse visible snow albedo yang97 eqn. 17 More...
real(kind=kind_phys) bats_nir_age
 age factor for diffuse nir snow albedo yang97 eqn. 18 More...
real(kind=kind_phys) bats_vis_dir
 cosz factor for direct visible snow albedo yang97 eqn. 15 More...
real(kind=kind_phys) bats_nir_dir
 cosz factor for direct nir snow albedo yang97 eqn. 16 More...
real(kind=kind_phys) rsurf_snow
 surface resistance for snow(s/m) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) rsurf_exp
 exponent in the shape parameter for soil resistance option 1 More...
integer pltday
 planting date More...
integer hsday
 harvest date More...
real(kind=kind_phys) plantpop
 plant density [per ha] - used? More...
real(kind=kind_phys) irri
 irrigation strategy 0= non-irrigation 1=irrigation (no water-stress) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) gddtbase
 base temperature for gdd accumulation [c] More...
real(kind=kind_phys) gddtcut
 upper temperature for gdd accumulation [c] More...
real(kind=kind_phys) gdds1
 gdd from seeding to emergence More...
real(kind=kind_phys) gdds2
 gdd from seeding to initial vegetative More...
real(kind=kind_phys) gdds3
 gdd from seeding to post vegetative More...
real(kind=kind_phys) gdds4
 gdd from seeding to intial reproductive More...
real(kind=kind_phys) gdds5
 gdd from seeding to pysical maturity More...
integer c3c4
 photosynthetic pathway: 1 = c3 2 = c4 More...
real(kind=kind_phys) aref
 reference maximum co2 assimulation rate More...
real(kind=kind_phys) psnrf
 co2 assimulation reduction factor(0-1) (caused by non-modeling part,e.g.pest,weeds) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) i2par
 fraction of incoming solar radiation to photosynthetically active radiation More...
real(kind=kind_phys) tassim0
 minimum temperature for co2 assimulation [c] More...
real(kind=kind_phys) tassim1
 co2 assimulation linearly increasing until temperature reaches t1 [c] More...
real(kind=kind_phys) tassim2
 co2 assmilation rate remain at aref until temperature reaches t2 [c] More...
real(kind=kind_phys) k
 light extinction coefficient More...
real(kind=kind_phys) epsi
 initial light use efficiency More...
real(kind=kind_phys) q10mr
 q10 for maintainance respiration More...
real(kind=kind_phys) foln_mx
 foliage nitrogen concentration when f(n)=1 (%) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) lefreez
 characteristic t for leaf freezing [k] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(nstagedile_fc
 coeficient for temperature leaf stress death [1/s] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(nstagedile_fw
 coeficient for water leaf stress death [1/s] More...
real(kind=kind_phys) fra_gr
 fraction of growth respiration More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(nstagelf_ovrc
 fraction of leaf turnover [1/s] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(nstagest_ovrc
 fraction of stem turnover [1/s] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(nstagert_ovrc
 fraction of root tunrover [1/s] More...
real(kind=kind_phys) lfmr25
 leaf maintenance respiration at 25c [umol co2/m**2 /s] More...
real(kind=kind_phys) stmr25
 stem maintenance respiration at 25c [umol co2/kg bio/s] More...
real(kind=kind_phys) rtmr25
 root maintenance respiration at 25c [umol co2/kg bio/s] More...
real(kind=kind_phys) grainmr25
 grain maintenance respiration at 25c [umol co2/kg bio/s] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(nstagelfpt
 fraction of carbohydrate flux to leaf More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(nstagestpt
 fraction of carbohydrate flux to stem More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(nstagertpt
 fraction of carbohydrate flux to root More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(nstagegrainpt
 fraction of carbohydrate flux to grain More...
real(kind=kind_phys) bio2lai
 leaf are per living leaf biomass [m^2/kg] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(nsoilbexp
 b parameter More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(nsoilsmcdry
 dry soil moisture threshold where direct evap from top More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(nsoilsmcwlt
 wilting point soil moisture (volumetric) More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(nsoilsmcref
 reference soil moisture (field capacity) (volumetric) More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(nsoilsmcmax
 porosity, saturated value of soil moisture (volumetric) More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(nsoilpsisat
 saturated soil matric potential More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(nsoildksat
 saturated soil hydraulic conductivity More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(nsoildwsat
 saturated soil hydraulic diffusivity More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(nsoilquartz
 soil quartz content More...
real(kind=kind_phys) f1
 soil thermal diffusivity/conductivity coef (not used mb: 20140718) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) slope
 slope index (0 - 1) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) csoil
 vol. soil heat capacity [j/m3/k] More...
real(kind=kind_phys) zbot
 depth (m) of lower boundary soil temperature More...
real(kind=kind_phys) czil
 calculate roughness length of heat More...
real(kind=kind_phys) refdk
real(kind=kind_phys) refkdt
real(kind=kind_phys) kdt
 used in compute maximum infiltration rate (in infil) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) frzx
 used in compute maximum infiltration rate (in infil) More...