CCPP SciDoc for UFS-SRW v2.2.0  SRW v2.2.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
aerinterp Module Reference

This module contain subroutines of reading and interpolating aerosol data for MG microphysics.


logical function netcdf_check (status, errmsg, errflg, why)
subroutine, public read_aerdata (me, master, iflip, idate, errmsg, errflg)
subroutine, public read_aerdataf (me, master, iflip, idate, FHOUR, errmsg, errflg)
subroutine, public setindxaer (npts, dlat, jindx1, jindx2, ddy, dlon, iindx1, iindx2, ddx, me, master)
subroutine, public aerinterpol (me, master, nthrds, npts, IDATE, FHOUR, iflip, jindx1, jindx2, ddy, iindx1, iindx2, ddx, lev, prsl, aerout, errmsg, errflg)
subroutine, private read_netfaer (nf, iflip, nt, errmsg, errflg)