CCPP SciDoc for UFS-SRW v3.0.0  SRW v3.0.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
GFS Scale-aware TKE-based Moist Eddy-Diffusion Mass-Flux (EDMF) PBL and Free Atmospheric Turbulence Scheme


The current operational GFS scale-aware TKE-EDMF PBL scheme is an extended version of GFS Hybrid Eddy-Diffusivity Mass-Flux PBL and Free Atmospheric Turbulence scheme (Han et al. 2016 [83]; Han et al. 2017 [84]) with below enhancement:

  1. Eddy diffusivity (K) is now a function of TKE which is prognostically predicted
  2. EDMF approach is applied for all the unstable PBL
  3. EDMF approach is also applied to the stratocumulus-top-driven turbulence mixing
  4. It includes a moist-adiabatic process when updraft thermal becomes saturated
  5. Scale-aware capability
  6. It includes interaction between TKE and cumulus convection

The CCPP-compliant subroutine satmedmfvdifq_run() computes subgrid vertical turbulence mixing using scale-aware TKE-based moist eddy-diffusion mass-flux paramterization (Han et al. 2019 [80])

  • For the convective boundary layer, the scheme adopts EDMF parameterization (Siebesma et al. (2007)[178]) to take into account nonlocal transport by large eddies(mfpbltq.f)
  • A new mass-flux paramterization for stratocumulus-top-induced turbulence mixing has been introduced (mfscuq.f; previously, it was an eddy diffusion form)
  • For local turbulence mixing, a TKE closure model is used.
  • Wind shear effect in characteristic mixing length calculation is included, which reduces the mixing length in a strong shear environment such as a hurricane.
  • To better predict surface inversion as well as capping inversion near the PBL top, background diffusivity in the inversion layers is reduced as a function of surface roughness and green vegetation fraction.
  • To reduce the PBL overgrowth, the PBL updraft overshoot is not only limited by bulk Richardson number-based-PBL depth, but the virtual potential temperature at top of the surface layer rather than that at the model first layer is also used as the near-surface virtual potential temperature in the bulk-Richardson number computation. This helps to largely suppress the unrealistic widespread popcorn-like precipitation.
  • Updraft entrainment rates for moisture, hydrometeors, and tracers are increased by about 30%.
  • A positive definite total variation diminishing (TVD) mass-flux transport scheme for moisture, hydrometeors, and tracers and a method for removing negative tracer mixing ratio values have been implemented.
See also
NCEP Office Note 505 [85] and 506 [86]

CCPP Physics Updates

UFS-SRW v3.0.0
  • To reduce the negative hurricane intensity biases, a parameterization for environmental wind shear effect is included in the GFS TKE-EDMF PBL and cumulus schemes. In addition, the entrainment rates are enhanced proportional to the sub-cloud or PBL mean TKE (turbulent kinetic energy) when TKE is larger than a threshold value.
  • To enhance the underestimated CAPE forecasts in the GFS, the entrainment rate in the TKE-EDMF PBL scheme is increased as a function of vegetation fraction and surface roughness length.

Intraphysics Communication

General Algorithm