CCPP SciDoc for UFS-SRW v3.0.0  SRW v3.0.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
Subgrid-scale Cloud Interstitial


This interstitial module adds the subgrid-scale cloud information to the resolved-scale (microphysics) clouds. This procedure is required when using microphysics schemes that only produce clouds in fully saturated grid cells, like the Thompson microphysics scheme, and when using boundary layer and convection schemes that produce subgrid-scale cloud information (mixing ratio and cloud fraction). This allows the subgrid-scale cloud information to be assembled into the rest of the cloud information prior to calling the radiation schemes.

Intraphysics Communication

SGSCLOUD Pre-radiation Interstitial General Algorithm

The order of procedures is outlined below:
- Back up the original qc, qi, and qs in "save arrays" qc_save, qi_save and qs_save.
- Add MYNN boundary layer clouds cldfra_bl as qc, qi and qs
- Add Grell-Freitas deep convection clouds. Partition the condensate from the convection scheme into liquid, ice and snow.
- Calculate effective radius cloud water, ice and snow
- Calculate Chaboureau-Bechtold (CB) convective component based on both Chaboureau and Bechtold (2002 [34] and 2005 [35])
- Leverage CB stratus clouds from MYNN in saturated condtions into cloud fraction.