Radiation Scheme in CCPP
Data Types List
Here are the data types with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Nmodule_radiation_aerosolsThis module contains climatological atmospheric aerosol schemes for radiation computations
 Nmodule_radlw_parametersThis module contains LW band parameters set up
 Cproflw_typeDefine type construct for optional radiation flux profiles
 Csfcflw_typeDefine type construct for radiation fluxes at surface
 Ctopflw_typeDefine type construct for radiation fluxes at toa
 Nmodule_radsw_parametersThis module contains SW band parameters set up
 Ccmpfsw_typeDefine type construct for optional component downward fluxes at surface
 Cprofsw_typeDefine type construct for optional radiation flux profiles
 Csfcfsw_typeDefine type construct for radiation fluxes at surface
 Ctopfsw_typeDefine type construct for radiation fluxes at toa