Radiation Scheme in CCPP
SUBROUTINE cldprop in module_radlw_main computes the cloud optical depth(s) for each cloudy layer and g-point interval.
call cldprop
! — inputs:
& ( cfrac,cliqp,reliq,cicep,reice,cdat1,cdat2,cdat3,cdat4, &
& nlay, nlp1, ipseed, &
! — outputs:
& cldfmc, taucld &
& )
[in] | cfrac | - real, (0:nlp1), layer cloud fraction ..... for ilwcliq > 0 (prognostic cloud scheme) - - - |
[in] | cliqp | - real, (nlay), layer in-cloud liq water path ( \(g/m^2\)) |
[in] | reliq | - real, (nlay), mean eff radius for liq cloud (micron) |
[in] | cicep | - real, (nlay), layer in-cloud ice water path ( \(g/m^2\)) |
[in] | reice | - real, (nlay), mean eff radius for ice cloud (micron) |
[in] | cdat1 | - real, (nlay), layer rain drop water path ( \(g/m^2\)) |
[in] | cdat2 | - real, (nlay), effective radius for rain drop (micron) |
[in] | cdat3 | - real, (nlay), layer snow flake water path( \(g/m^2\)) |
[in] | cdat4 | - real, (nlay), mean eff radius for snow flake(micron) ..... for ilwcliq = 0 (diagnostic cloud scheme) - - - |
[in] | cliqp | - real, (nlay), not used |
[in] | cicep | - real, (nlay), not used |
[in] | reliq | - real, (nlay), not used |
[in] | reice | - real, (nlay), not used |
[in] | cdat1 | - real, (nlay), layer cloud optical depth |
[in] | cdat2 | - real, (nlay), layer cloud single scattering albedo |
[in] | cdat3 | - real, (nlay), layer cloud asymmetry factor |
[in] | cdat4 | - real, (nlay), optional use |
[in] | nlay | - integer, 1, number of layer number |
[in] | nlp1 | - integer, 1, number of veritcal levels |
[in] | ipseed- | permutation seed for generating random numbers (isubclw>0) |
[out] | cldfmc | - real,ngptlw*nlay, cloud fraction for each sub-column |
[out] | taucld | - real,nbands*nlay, cloud optical depth for bands (non-mcica) |