Radiation Scheme in CCPP
SW Coefficients calculation

SUBROUTINE setcoef in module_radsw_main computes various coefficients needed in radiative transfer calculation.
call setcoef
! — inputs:
& ( pavel,tavel,h2ovmr, nlay,nlp1, &
! — output:
& laytrop,jp,jt,jt1,fac00,fac01,fac10,fac11, &
& selffac,selffrac,indself,forfac,forfrac,indfor &
& )

[in]pavel- real, (nlay), layer pressure (mb)
[in]tavel- real, (nlay), layer temperature (k)
[in]h2ovmr-real, (nlay), layer w.v. volumn mixing ratio (kg/kg)
[in]nlay- integer,1, total number of vertical layers
[in]nlp1- integer,1, total number of vertical levels
[out]laytrop- interger,1, tropopause layer index (unitless)
[out]jp- real, (nlay), indices of lower reference pressure
[out]jt,jt1- real, (nlay), indices of lower reference temperatures at levels of jp and jp+1
[out]facij- real, (nlay), factors mltiply the reference ks,i,j=0/1 for lower/higher of the 2 appropriate temperature and altitudes.
[out]selffac- real, (nlay), scale factor for w. v. self-continuum equals (w.v. density)/(atmospheric density at 296k and 1013 mb)
[out]seffrac- real, (nlay), factor for temperature interpolation of reference w.v. self-continuum data
[out]indself- integer, (nlay), index of lower ref temp for selffac
[out]forfac- real, (nlay), factor for temperature interpolation of reference w.v. foreign-continuum data
[out]indfor- integer, (nlay), index of lower ref temp for forfac