src/ccpp_xml.c File Reference

Routines and functions for processing a XML file. This is a very thin layer around libxml2. More...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <sysexits.h>
#include <libxml/parser.h>
#include <libxml/tree.h>
#include "ccpp_xml.h"
Include dependency graph for ccpp_xml.c:


int ccpp_xml_load (const char *filename, void **xml, void **root)
int ccpp_xml_unload (void **xml)
int ccpp_xml_ele_find (void **node, const char *name, void **ele)
int ccpp_xml_ele_next (void **node, const char *name, void **ele)
int ccpp_xml_ele_count (void **node, const char *name, int *n)
int ccpp_xml_ele_contents (void **node, char **value)
int ccpp_xml_ele_att (void **node, const char *name, char **value)

Detailed Description

Routines and functions for processing a XML file. This is a very thin layer around libxml2.

Function Documentation

int ccpp_xml_ele_att ( void **  node,
const char *  name,
char **  value 

Get the attribute at the node.

[in] node The toplevel node pointer to start from.
[in] name The name of the attribute to get.
[out] value The value of the attribute.
Return values:
0 If it was sucessful.
1 If there was an error.

< String length

< XML tree node

< The attribute value

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ccpp_xml_ele_contents ( void **  node,
char **  value 

Get the contents of a node.

[in] node The toplevel node pointer to start from.
[out] value The value of the attribute.
Return values:
0 If it was sucessful.
1 If there was an error.

< String length

< XML tree node

< The contents value

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ccpp_xml_ele_count ( void **  node,
const char *  name,
int *  n 

Count the number of elements within the XML node.

[in] node The toplevel node pointer to start from.
[in] name The name element to count.
[out] n The number of times the element was found.
Return values:
0 If it was sucessful.
1 If there was an error.

< XML tree root node

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ccpp_xml_ele_find ( void **  node,
const char *  name,
void **  ele 

Get the first occurance of the node.

[in] node The toplevel node pointer to start from.
[in] name The name element to retrieve.
[out] ele The first occurance of the element.
Return values:
0 If it was sucessful.
1 If there was an error.

< XML tree root node

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ccpp_xml_ele_next ( void **  node,
const char *  name,
void **  ele 

Get the next occurance of the node.

This uses xmlNextElementSibling() followed by a check of the name.

[in] node The toplevel node pointer to start from.
[in] name The name element to retrieve.
[out] ele The next occurance of the element.
Return values:
0 If it was sucessful.
1 If there was an error.

< XML tree root node

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ccpp_xml_load ( const char *  filename,
void **  xml,
void **  root 

Read a xml file and load the information.

[in] filename The xml file name.
[out] xml The xml document pointer.
[out] root The root node of the xml document.
Return values:
0 If it was sucessful.
1 If there was an error.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ccpp_xml_unload ( void **  xml  ) 

Unload the XML document and clean-up the XML parser.

[in] xml The xml document pointer.
Return values:
0 If it was sucessful.
1 If there was an error.

< XML document tree

Here is the caller graph for this function:

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Generated on 26 Apr 2017 for ccpp by  doxygen 1.6.1