ccpp_fields Module Reference

Physics fields module. More...

Data Types

interface  ccpp_fields_add
 Module precedence for adding a field. More...
interface  ccpp_fields_get
 Module precedence for getting a field.
interface  interface
 Interface to all the C field index funtions.


subroutine ccpp_fields_init (cdata, ierr)
 CCPP fields initialization subroutine.
subroutine ccpp_fields_fini (cdata, ierr)
 CCPP fields finalization subroutine.
integer ccpp_fields_find (cdata, standard_name, ierr)
 CCPP find a fields location/array index by standard name.

Detailed Description

Physics fields module.

Routines and functions to interact with physics fields. Most of the work is carried out in C (ccpp_field_idx.c). The IPD contains an array of C pointers to all the fields passed around. This array needs an index so one can field the requested field.

Example usage in the atmosphere driver cap.


 ! Add a field, for example the eastward_wind.
 call ccpp_fields_add(ipd_data, 'eastward_wind', &
                      u, ierr, 'm s-1')
 if (ierr /= 0) then
   call exit(ierr)
 end if

Example usage in a physics scheme cap.


 ! Extract a field, for example the eastward_wind.
 call ccpp_fields_get(ipd_data, 'eastward_wind', u, ierr)
 if (ierr /= 0) then
   call exit(ierr)
 end if

Function/Subroutine Documentation

integer ccpp_fields::ccpp_fields_find ( type(ccpp_t),intent(in)  cdata,
character(len=*),intent(in)  standard_name,
integer,intent(out)  ierr 

CCPP find a fields location/array index by standard name.

[in,out] cdata The ccpp_t type data.
[in] standard_name The standard name for the data.
[out] ierr Integer error flag.

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine ccpp_fields::ccpp_fields_fini ( type(ccpp_t),intent(inout)  cdata,
integer,intent(out)  ierr 

CCPP fields finalization subroutine.

[in,out] cdata The ccpp_t type data.
[out] ierr Integer error flag.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine ccpp_fields::ccpp_fields_init ( type(ccpp_t),intent(inout)  cdata,
integer,intent(out)  ierr 

CCPP fields initialization subroutine.

[in,out] cdata The ccpp_t type data.
[out] ierr Integer error flag.

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

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Generated on 26 Apr 2017 for ccpp by  doxygen 1.6.1