ccpp_strings Module Reference

String routines module. More...

Data Types

interface  interface


character(len=:), allocatable ccpp_fstr (str1)
 ccpp_fstr converts an array of characters into a string.
character(len=:), allocatable ccpp_cstr (str1)
 ccpp_cstr converts a string to a trimmed null terminated string.

Detailed Description

String routines module.

A module continaing subroutines and fuctions to manipulate strings.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

character(len=:),allocatable ccpp_strings::ccpp_cstr ( character(len=*)  str1  ) 

ccpp_cstr converts a string to a trimmed null terminated string.

This function is needed to pass Fortran strings to C.

[in] str1 The fortran string.
str2 The trimmed, null terminated string.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

character(len=:),allocatable ccpp_strings::ccpp_fstr ( type(c_ptr),intent(in)  str1  ) 

ccpp_fstr converts an array of characters into a string.

This function is needed to pass C char arrays to Fortran.

[in] str1 The character array.
str2 The fortran string.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

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Generated on 26 Apr 2017 for ccpp by  doxygen 1.6.1