Interoperable Physics Driver for NGGPS
Interoperable Physics Driver

IPD, or interface between the dynamic core and the physics parameterizations. More...


module  nuopc_physics
 the interface between the dynamic core and the physics packages

Data Types

type  nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt
 DDT for data that has not been pigeonholed and is left to be determined. More...
type  nuopc_physics::state_fields_in
 DDT for basic inputs of radiation and physics parameters. More...
type  nuopc_physics::state_fields_out
 DDT for basic outputs from radiation and physics. More...
type  nuopc_physics::sfc_properties
 DDT for surface fields. More...
type  nuopc_physics::diagnostics
 DDT for fields typically only used for diagnostic output. More...
type  nuopc_physics::interface_fields
 DDT for data used for coupling (e.g. land and ocean) More...
type  nuopc_physics::cloud_properties
 DDT for cloud data and parameters. Used by grrad and gbphys with different intent. More...
type  nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies
 DDT for radiation tendencies. More...
type  nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters
 DDT for data that changes frequently (e.g. inner loops) More...
type  nuopc_physics::model_parameters
 DDT for non-changing model parameters - set once in initialize. More...


procedure nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::set => tbd_set
 define scalar values and assign pointers to array data More...
procedure nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::setrad => state_fld_setrad_in
 set the items required by radiation More...
procedure nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::setphys => state_fld_setphys_in
 set the items required by physics More...
procedure nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::print => state_fld_in_print
procedure nuopc_physics::state_fields_out::setphys => state_fld_setphys_out
 set the items required by physics More...
procedure nuopc_physics::state_fields_out::print => state_fld_out_print
procedure nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::setrad => sfc_prop_setrad
 set the items required by radiation More...
procedure nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::setphys => sfc_prop_setphys
 set the items required by physics More...
procedure nuopc_physics::diagnostics::setrad => diagnostics_setrad
 set the items required by radiation More...
procedure nuopc_physics::diagnostics::setphys => diagnostics_setphys
 set the items required by physics More...
procedure nuopc_physics::interface_fields::setrad => interface_fld_setrad
 set the items required by radiation More...
procedure nuopc_physics::interface_fields::setphys => interface_fld_setphys
 set the items required by physics More...
procedure nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::setrad => cld_prop_setrad
 set the items required by radiation More...
procedure nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::setphys => cld_prop_setphys
 set the items required by physics More...
procedure nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::setrad => rad_tend_set
 define scalar values and assign pointers to array data More...
procedure nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::setphys => rad_phys_set
 define scalar values and assign pointers to array data More...
procedure nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::setrad => dyn_param_setrad
 set the items required by radiation More...
procedure nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::setphys => dyn_param_setphys
 set the items required by physics More...
procedure nuopc_physics::model_parameters::print => mdl_param_print
subroutine, public nuopc_physics::nuopc_phys_init (mdl, ntcw, ncld, ntoz, NTRAC, levs, me, lsoil, ntiw, ntlnc, ntinc, lsm, nmtvr, nrcm, levozp, levh2o, lonr, latr, jcap, num_p3d, num_p2d, npdf3d, ncnvcld3d, pl_coeff, ncw, crtrh, cdmbgwd, ccwf, dlqf, ctei_rm, cgwf, prslrd0, ral_ts, ras, pre_rad, ldiag3d, lgocart, lssav_cpl, flipv, old_monin, cnvgwd, shal_cnv, imfshalcnv, imfdeepcnv, cal_pre, mom4ice, mstrat, trans_trac, nstf_name, moist_adj, thermodyn_id, sfcpress_id, gen_coord_hybrid, levr, lsidea, pdfcld, shcnvcw, redrag, hybedmf, dspheat, dxmaxin, dxminin, dxinvin, h2o_phys, h2o_coeff,
subroutine, public nuopc_physics::ozoneini (this, jindx1, jindx2, ozplin, ddy)
 Writes inputs that are used for nuopc_phys_init to init_savein.dat. More...
subroutine, public nuopc_physics::h2oini (this, jindx1_h, jindx2_h, h2oplin, ddy_h, h2o_pres)
subroutine, public nuopc_physics::phys_init_savein (levr, ntcw, ncld, ntoz, NTRAC, levs, me, lsoil, lsm, nmtvr, nrcm, levozp, lonr, latr, jcap, num_p3d, num_p2d, npdf3d, ncnvcld3d, pl_coeff, ncw, nstf_name, thermodyn_id, sfcpress_id, crtrh, cdmbgwd, ccwf, dlqf, ctei_rm, cgwf, prslrd0, ral_ts, ras, pre_rad, ldiag3d, lgocart, lssav_cpl, flipv, old_monin, cnvgwd, shal_cnv, imfshalcnv, imfdeepcnv, cal_pre, mom4ice, mstrat, trans_trac, moist_adj, gen_coord_hybrid, lsidea, pdfcld, shcnvcw, redrag, hybedmf, dspheat, dxmax, dxmin, dxinv,
subroutine, public nuopc_physics::phys_init_readin (levr, ntcw, ncld, ntoz, NTRAC, levs, me, lsoil, lsm, nmtvr, nrcm, levozp, lonr, latr, jcap, num_p3d, num_p2d, npdf3d, ncnvcld3d, pl_coeff, ncw, nstf_name, thermodyn_id, sfcpress_id, crtrh, cdmbgwd, ccwf, dlqf, ctei_rm, cgwf, prslrd0, ral_ts, ras, pre_rad, ldiag3d, lgocart, lssav_cpl, flipv, old_monin, cnvgwd, shal_cnv, imfshalcnv, imfdeepcnv, cal_pre, mom4ice, mstrat, trans_trac, moist_adj, gen_coord_hybrid, lsidea, pdfcld, shcnvcw, redrag, hybedmf, dspheat, dxmaxin, dxminin, dxinvin,
 Reads inputs that are used for nuopc_phys_init from init_savein.dat. More...
subroutine, public nuopc_physics::nuopc_rad_update (mdl, dyn)
 Wrapper for radupdate (grrad.f) - updates some fields between timesteps. More...
subroutine, public nuopc_physics::nuopc_rad_run (statein, sfc_prop, diags, intrfc_fld, cld_prop, rad_tend, mdl_parm, dyn_parm)
 Wrapper for grrad (grrad.f). More...
subroutine, public nuopc_physics::nuopc_sppt_phys (stateout, diag, intr, rad, mdl, tbd, dyn)
subroutine, public nuopc_physics::nuopc_phys_run (statein, stateout, sfc, diag, intr, cld, rad, mdl, tbd, dyn)
subroutine, public nuopc_physics::rad_run_savein (statein, sfc_prop, diags, intrfc_fld, cld_prop, rad_tend, mdl_parm, dyn_parm)
 Write inputs to nuopc_rad_run to file radrun_savein.dat. More...
subroutine, public nuopc_physics::rad_run_readin (statein, sfc_prop, diags, intrfc_fld, cld_prop, rad_tend, mdl_parm, dyn_parm)
 Reads inputs to nuopc_rad_run from file radrun_savein.dat. More...
subroutine, public nuopc_physics::rad_run_saveout (diags, intrfc_fld, cld_prop, rad_tend)
 Write outputs from nuopc_rad_run to radrun_saveout.dat. More...
subroutine, public nuopc_physics::rad_run_readout (diags, intrfc_fld, cld_prop, rad_tend)
 Read outputs from nuopc_rad_run from radrun_saveout.dat. More...
subroutine, public nuopc_physics::phys_run_savein (statein, sfc, diag, intr, cld, rad, mdl, tbd, dyn)
 @ brief Write inputs to nuopc_phys_run to physrun_savein.dat. More...
subroutine, public nuopc_physics::phys_run_readin (statein, sfc, diag, intr, cld, rad, mdl, tbd, dyn)
 @ brief Read inputs to nuopc_phys_run from physrun_savein.dat. More...
subroutine, public nuopc_physics::phys_run_saveout (stateout, sfc, diag, intr, cld, rad, tbd)
 Write outputs from nuopc_phys_run to physrun_saveout.dat. More...
subroutine, public nuopc_physics::phys_run_readout (stateout, sfc, diag, intr, cld, rad, tbd)
 Read outputs from nuopc_phys_run from physrun_saveout.dat. More...


logical, parameter nuopc_physics::debug = .false.
logical, parameter, public nuopc_physics::use_nuopc = .false.
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::dpshc => null()
 [in] maximum pressure depth for shallow convection [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::o3out => null()
integer, pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::lan
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::prdout => null()
 [in] ozplout_v - ozone forcing data [dim(ix,ko3,pl_coeff): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::h2oplout => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::h2oplout_v => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::poz => null()
 [in] pl_pres - ozone forcing data level pressure (ln(Pa)) [dim(ko3): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::rann => null()
 [in] random number array (0-1) [dim(ix,nrcm): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::xkzm_m
 [in] bkgd_vdif_m background vertical diffusion for momentum More...
real(kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::xkzm_h
 [in] bkgd_vdif_h background vertical diffusion for heat q More...
real(kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::xkzm_s
 [in] bkgd_vdif_s sigma threshold for background mom. diffusion More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(2) nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::psautco
 [in] auto conversion coeff from ice to snow [created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(2) nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::prautco
 [in] auto conversion coeff from cloud to rain [created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::evpco
 [in] coeff for evaporation of largescale rain [created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(2) nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::wminco
 [in] water and ice minimum threshold for Zhao [created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::acv => null()
 [in,out] array containing accumulated convective clouds [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::acvb => null()
 [in,out] arrays used by cnvc90 bottom [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::acvt => null()
 [in,out] arrays used by cnvc9 top (cnvc90.f) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::slc => null()
 [in,out] liquid soil moisture [dim(ix,soil): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::smc => null()
 [in,out] total soil moisture [dim(ix,soil): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::stc => null()
 [in,out] soil temperature [dim(ix,soil): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::upd_mf => null()
 [in,out] convective updraft mass flux [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::dwn_mf => null()
 [in,out] convective downdraft mass flux [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::det_mf => null()
 [in,out] convective detrainment mass flux [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::phy_f3d => null()
 [in,out] 3d arrays saved for restart [dim(ix,levs,num_p3d): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::phy_f2d => null()
 [in,out] 2d arrays save for restart [dim(ix,num_p2d): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::tprcp => null()
 [in,out] sfc_fldtprcp - total precipitation [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::srflag => null()
 [in,out] sfc_fldsrflag - snow/rain flag for precipitation [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::phy_fctd => null()
 [InOut] For CS convection [dim(ix,nctp): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::tref => null()
 [out] nst_fldTref - Reference Temperature [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::z_c => null()
 [out] nst_fldz_c - Sub layer cooling thickness [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::c_0 => null()
 [out] nst_fldc_0 - coefficient1 to calculate d(Tz)/d(Ts) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::c_d => null()
 [out] nst_fldc_d - coefficient2 to calculate d(Tz)/d(Ts) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::w_0 => null()
 [out] nst_fldw_0 - coefficient3 to calculate d(Tz)/d(Ts) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::w_d => null()
 [out] nst_fldw_d - coefficient4 to calculate d(Tz)/d(Ts) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::fscav => null()
 [In] tracer scavenging [dim(ntr): created in cs_conv.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::fswtr => null()
 [In] tracer [dim(ntr): created in cs_conv.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::prsi => null()
 [in] model level pressure in Pa [dim(ix,lm+1): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::prsl => null()
 [in] model layer mean pressure Pa [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::prslk => null()
 [in] exner function = (p/p0)**rocp [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::tgrs => null()
 [in] model layer mean temperature in k [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f and gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::qgrs_rad => null()
 [in] layer specific humidity in gm/gm : qgrs in gloopr [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::tracer => null()
 [in] layer prognostic tracer amount/mixing-ratio More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::vvl => null()
 [in] layer mean vertical velocity in pa/sec [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f] More...
integer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::ntl
logical nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::uni_cld
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::pgr => null()
 [in] surface pressure (Pa) real [dim(ix): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::ugrs => null()
 [in] u component of layer wind [dim(ix,lm): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::vgrs => null()
 [in] v component of layer wind [dim(ix,lm): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::qgrs => null()
 [in] layer mean tracer concentration [dim(ix,lm,ntrac): created in grrad.f and gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::prsik => null()
 [in] Exner function at layer [dim(ix,levs+1): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::phii => null()
 [in] interface geopotential height [dim(ix,levs+1): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::phil => null()
 [in] layer geopotential height [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::adjtrc => null()
 [in] dynamics adjustments to tracers [dim(ntrac): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_out::gt0 => null()
 [out] updated temperature [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_out::gq0 => null()
 [out] updated tracers [dim(ix,levs,ntrac): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_out::gu0 => null()
 [out] updated zonal wind [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_out::gv0 => null()
 [out] updated meridional wind [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::slmsk => null()
 [in] sea/land mask array (sea:0,land:1,sea-ice:2) [dim(im): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::tsfc => null()
 [in] surface temperature in k ; same as tsea [dim(im): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::snowd => null()
 [in] snow depth water equivalent in mm ; same as snwdph [dim(im): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::sncovr => null()
 [in] snow cover in fraction [dim(im): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::snoalb => null()
 [in] maximum snow albedo in fraction [dim(im): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::zorl => null()
 [in] surface roughness in cm [dim(im): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::hprim => null()
 [in] topographic standard deviation in m [dim(im): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::fice => null()
 [in] ice fraction over open water grid [dim(im): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::tisfc => null()
 [in] surface temperature over ice fraction [dim(im): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::alvsf => null()
 [in] mean vis albedo with strong cosz dependency [dim(im): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::alnsf => null()
 [in] mean nir albedo with strong cosz dependency [dim(im): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::alvwf => null()
 [in] mean vis albedo with weak cosz dependency [dim(im): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::alnwf => null()
 [in] mean nir albedo with weak cosz dependency [dim(im): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::facsf => null()
 [in] fractional coverage with strong cosz dependen [dim(im): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::facwf => null()
 [in] fractional coverage with weak cosz dependency [dim(im): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::hprime2 => null()
 [in] orographic std dev More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::slope => null()
 [in] sfc slope type for lsm [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::shdmin => null()
 [in] min fractional coverage of green veg [dim(im1): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::shdmax => null()
 [in] max fractnl cover of green veg (not used) [dim(im1): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::tg3 => null()
 [in] deep soil temperature [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::vfrac => null()
 [in] vegetation fraction [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::vtype => null()
 [in] vegetation type [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::stype => null()
 [in] soil type [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::uustar => null()
 [in] boundary layer parameter [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::oro => null()
 [in] orography [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::oro_uf => null()
 [in] unfiltered orography [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::hice => null()
 [in,out] sea ice thickness [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::weasd => null()
 [in,out] sheleg water equiv of accumulated snow depth (kg/m**2) over land and sea ice [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::canopy => null()
 [in,out] canopy water [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::ffmm => null()
 [in,out] fm parameter from PBL scheme [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::ffhh => null()
 [in,out] fh parameter from PBL scheme [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::f10m => null()
 [in,out] fm at 10m - Ratio of sigma level 1 wind and 10m wind [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::t2m => null()
 [out] 2 meter temperature [dim(im): created in gbphys.f) More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::q2m => null()
 [out] 2 meter humidity [dim(im): created in gbphys.f) More...
integer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::nfxr
 second dimension of input/output array fluxr More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::fluxr => null()
 [in,out] for radiation [dim(ix,nfxr): created in grrad.f] to save time accumulated 2-d fields defined as: More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dswcmp => null()
 [dim(ix,4): created in grrad.f] downward sfc sw spectral components More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::uswcmp => null()
 [dim(ix,4): created in grrad.f] upward sfc sw spectral components More...
type(topfsw_type), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::topfsw => null()
 [in,out] for radiation [dim(im): created in grrad.f]: sw radiation fluxes at toa, components:
upfxc - total sky upward sw flux at toa (w/m**2)
dnflx - total sky downward sw flux at toa (w/m**2)
upfx0 - clear sky upward sw flux at toa (w/m**2) More...
type(topflw_type), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::topflw => null()
 [in,out] for radiation [dim(im): created in grrad.f]: lw radiation fluxes at top, component:
upfxc - total sky upward lw flux at toa (w/m**2)
upfx0 - clear sky upward lw flux at toa (w/m**2) More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::srunoff => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldsrunoff surface water runoff (from lsm) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::evbsa => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldevbsa noah lsm diagnostics [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::evcwa => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldevcwa noah lsm diagnostics [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::snohfa => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldsnohfa noah lsm diagnostics [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::transa => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldtransa noah lsm diagnostics [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::sbsnoa => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldsbsnoa noah lsm diagnostics [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::snowca => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldsnowca noah lsm diagnostics [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::soilm => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldsoilm soil moisture [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::tmpmin => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldtmpmin min temperature at 2m height (k) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::tmpmax => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldtmpmax max temperature at 2m height (k) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dusfc => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_flddusfc u component of surface stress [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dvsfc => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_flddvsfc v component of surface stress [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dtsfc => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_flddtsfc sensible heat flux (w/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dqsfc => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_flddqsfc latent heat flux (w/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::totprcp => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldgeshem accumulated total precipitation (kg/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::gflux => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldgflux groud conductive heat flux [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dlwsfc => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_flddlwsfc time accumulated sfc dn lw flux ( w/m**2 ) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::ulwsfc => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldulwsfc time accumulated sfc up lw flux ( w/m**2 ) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::suntim => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldsuntim sunshine duration time (s) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::runoff => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldrunoff total water runoff [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::ep => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldep potential evaporation [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::cldwrk => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldcldwrk cloud workfunction (valid only with sas) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dugwd => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_flddugwd vertically integrated u change by OGWD [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dvgwd => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_flddvgwd vertically integrated v change by OGWD [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::psmean => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldpsmean surface pressure (kPa) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::cnvprcp => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldbengsh accumulated convective precipitation (kg/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::spfhmin => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldspfhmin minimum specific humidity [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::spfhmax => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldspfhmax maximum specific humidity [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::rain => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldrain total rain at this time step [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::rainc => null()
 [in,out] for phys: flx_fldrainc convective rain at this time step [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dt3dt => null()
 [in,out] for phys: ix,levs,6 temperature change due to physics [dim(ix,levs,6): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dq3dt => null()
 [in,out] for phys: ix,levs,5+pl_coeff moisture change due to physics [dim(ix,levs,5+pl_coeff): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::du3dt => null()
 [in,out] for phys: ix,levs,4 u momentum change due to physics [dim(ix,levs,4): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dv3dt => null()
 [in,out] for phys: ix,levs,4 v momentum change due to physics [dim(ix,levs,4): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dqdt_v => null()
 [in,out] for phys: ix,levs total moisture tendency (kg/kg/s) [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::u10m => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldu10m 10 meater u/v wind speed [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::v10m => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldv10m 10 meater u/v wind speed [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::zlvl => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldzlvl layer 1 height (m) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::psurf => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldpsurf surface pressure (Pa) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::hpbl => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldhpbl pbl height (m) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::pwat => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldpwat precipitable water [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::t1 => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldt1 layer 1 temperature (K) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::q1 => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldq1 layer 1 specific humidity (kg/kg) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::u1 => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldu1 layer 1 zonal wind (m/s) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::v1 => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldv1 layer 1 merdional wind (m/s) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::chh => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldchh thermal exchange coefficient [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::cmm => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldcmm momentum exchange coefficient [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dlwsfci => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_flddlwsfci instantaneous sfc dnwd lw flux ( w/m**2 ) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::ulwsfci => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldulwsfci instantaneous sfc upwd lw flux ( w/m**2 ) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dswsfci => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_flddswsfci instantaneous sfc dnwd sw flux ( w/m**2 ) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::uswsfci => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_flduswsfci instantaneous sfc upwd sw flux ( w/m**2 ) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dusfci => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_flddusfci instantaneous u component of surface stress [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dvsfci => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_flddvsfci instantaneous v component of surface stress [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dtsfci => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_flddtsfci instantaneous sfc sensible heat flux [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dqsfci => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_flddqsfci instantaneous sfc latent heat flux [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::gfluxi => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldgfluxi instantaneous sfc ground heat flux [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::epi => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldepi instantaneous sfc potential evaporation [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::smcwlt2 => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldsmcwlt2 wilting point (volumetric) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::smcref2 => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldsmcref2 soil moisture threshold (volumetric) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::wet1 => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldwet1 normalized soil wetness [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::sr => null()
 [out] for phys: flx_fldsr snow ratio : ratio of snow to total precipitation More...
type(sfcfsw_type), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcfsw => null()
 [out] sw radiation fluxes at sfc [dim(im): created in grrad.f], components: (check module_radsw_parameters for definition)
upfxc - total sky upward sw flux at sfc (w/m**2)
dnfxc - total sky downward sw flux at sfc (w/m**2)
upfx0 - clear sky upward sw flux at sfc (w/m**2)
dnfx0 - clear sky downward sw flux at sfc (w/m**2) More...
type(sfcflw_type), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcflw => null()
 [out] lw radiation fluxes at sfc [dim(im): created in grrad.f], components: (check module_radlw_paramters for definition)
upfxc - total sky upward lw flux at sfc (w/m**2)
upfx0 - clear sky upward lw flux at sfc (w/m**2)
dnfxc - total sky downward lw flux at sfc (w/m**2)
dnfx0 - clear sky downward lw flux at sfc (w/m**2) More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::htrswb => null()
 [out] used by WAM: Spectral heating rate [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::htrlwb => null()
 [out] used by WAM: Spectral heating rate [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::htrlw0 => null()
 [out] NEW [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::htrsw0 => null()
 [out] NEW [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcdsw => null()
 [in] for phys only: flx_fldsfcdsw total sky sfc downward sw flux ( w/m**2 ) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcnsw => null()
 [in] for phys only: flx_fldsfcnsw total sky sfc netsw flx into ground(w/m**2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcdlw => null()
 [in] for phys only: flx_fldsfcdlw total sky sfc downward lw flux ( w/m**2 ) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcnirbmu => null()
 [in] moved from TBD, phys only: aoi_fldnirbmui sfc nir beam sw upward flux (w/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcnirdfu => null()
 [in] moved from TBD, phys only: aoi_fldnirdfui sfc nir diff sw upward flux (w/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcvisbmu => null()
 [in] moved from TBD, phys only: aoi_fldvisbmui sfc uv+vis beam sw upward flux (w/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcvisdfu => null()
 [in] moved from TBD, phys only: aoi_fldvisdfui sfc uv+vis diff sw upward flux (w/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcnirbmd => null()
 [in] moved from diagnostics, phys only: aoi_fldnirbmdi sfc nir beam sw downward flux (w/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcnirdfd => null()
 [in] moved from diagnostics, phys only: aoi_fldnirdfdi sfc nir diff sw downward flux (w/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcvisbmd => null()
 [in] moved from diagnostics, phys only: aoi_fldvisbmdi sfc uv+vis beam sw downward flux (w/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcvisdfd => null()
 [in] moved from diagnostics, phys only: aoi_fldvisdfdi sfc uv+vis diff sw downward flux (w/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dusfc_cpl => null()
 [in,out], phys only: aoi_flddusfc sfc u momentum flux for A/O/I coupling [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dvsfc_cpl => null()
 [in,out], phys only: aoi_flddvsfc sfc v momentum flux for A/O/I coupling [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dtsfc_cpl => null()
 [in,out], phys only: aoi_flddtsfc sfc sensible heat flux for A/O/I coupling [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dqsfc_cpl => null()
 [in,out], phys only: aoi_flddqsfc sfc latent heat flux for A/O/I coupling [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dlwsfc_cpl => null()
 [in,out], phys only: aoi_flddlwsfc sfc dnwd lw flux (w/m**2) for A/O/I coupling [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dswsfc_cpl => null()
 [in,out], phys only: aoi_flddswsfc sfc dnwd sw flux (w/m**2) for A/O/I coupling [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dnirbm_cpl => null()
 [in,out], phys only: aoi_flddnirbm sfc nir beam dnwd sw rad flux (w/m**2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dnirdf_cpl => null()
 [in,out], phys only: aoi_flddnirdf sfc nir diff dnwd sw rad flux (w/m**2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dvisbm_cpl => null()
 [in,out], phys only: aoi_flddvisbm sfc uv+vis beam dnwd sw rad flux (w/m**2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dvisdf_cpl => null()
 [in,out], phys only: aoi_flddvisdf sfc uv+vis diff dnwd sw rad flux (w/m**2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::rain_cpl => null()
 [in,out], phys only: aoi_fldrain total precipitation for A/O/I coupling [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::snow_cpl => null()
 [in,out], phys only: aoi_fldsnow total precipitation [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::nlwsfc_cpl => null()
 [in,out], phys only: aoi_fldnlwsfc net dnwd lw flux (w/m**2) for A/O/I coupling [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::nswsfc_cpl => null()
 [in,out], phys only: aoi_fldnswsfc net dnwd sw flux (w/m**2) for A/O/I coupling [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::nnirbm_cpl => null()
 [in,out], phys only: aoi_fldnnirbm net nir beam dnwd sw rad flux (w/m**2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::nnirdf_cpl => null()
 [in,out], phys only: aoi_fldnnirdf net nir diff dnwd sw rad flux (w/m**2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::nvisbm_cpl => null()
 [in,out], phys only: aoi_fldnvisbm net uv+vis beam dnwd sw rad flux (w/m**2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::nvisdf_cpl => null()
 [in,out], phys only: aoi_fldnvisdf net uv+vis diff dnwd sw rad flux (w/m**2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::slimskin_cpl => null()
 [in,out], phys only: aoi_slimskin(i) = aoi_fldslimskin(item,lan) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dusfcin_cpl => null()
 [in,out], phys only: aoi_dusfcin(i) = aoi_flddusfcin(item,lan) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dvsfcin_cpl => null()
 [in,out], phys only: aoi_dvsfcin(i) = aoi_flddvsfcin(item,lan) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dtsfcin_cpl => null()
 [in,out], phys only: aoi_dtsfcin(i) = aoi_flddtsfcin(item,lan) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dqsfcin_cpl => null()
 [in,out], phys only: aoi_dqsfcin(i) = aoi_flddqsfcin(item,lan) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::ulwsfcin_cpl => null()
 [in,out], phys only: aoi_ulwsfcin(i) = aoi_fldulwsfcin(item,lan) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::xt => null()
 [in,out], phys only: nst_fldxt heat content in DTL [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::xs => null()
 [in,out], phys only: nst_fldxs salinity content in DTL [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::xu => null()
 [in,out], phys only: nst_fldxu u current content in DTL [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::xv => null()
 [in,out], phys only: nst_fldxv v current content in DTL [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::xz => null()
 [in,out], phys only: nst_fldxz DTL thickness [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::zm => null()
 [in,out], phys only: nst_fldzm MXL thickness [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::xtts => null()
 [in,out], phys only: nst_fldxtts d(xt)/d(ts) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::xzts => null()
 [in,out], phys only: nst_fldxzts d(xz)/d(ts) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::d_conv => null()
 [in,out], phys only: nst_fldd_conv thickness of Free Convection Layer (FCL) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::ifd => null()
 [in,out], phys only: nst_fldifd index to start DTM run or not [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dt_cool => null()
 [in,out], phys only: nst_flddt_cool Sub layer cooling amount [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::qrain => null()
 [in,out], phys only: nst_fldQrain sensible heat flux due to rainfall (watts) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dusfci_cpl => null()
 [out], phys only: aoi_flddusfci sfc u momentum flux at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dvsfci_cpl => null()
 [out], phys only: aoi_flddvsfci sfc v momentum flux at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dtsfci_cpl => null()
 [out], phys only: aoi_flddtsfci sfc sensib heat flux at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dqsfci_cpl => null()
 [out], phys only: aoi_flddqsfci sfc latent heat flux at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dlwsfci_cpl => null()
 [out], phys only: aoi_flddlwsfci sfc dnwd lw flux at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dswsfci_cpl => null()
 [out], phys only: aoi_flddswsfci sfc dnwd sw flux at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dnirbmi_cpl => null()
 [out], phys only: aoi_flddnirbmi sfc nir beam dnwd sw flx rad at time step [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dnirdfi_cpl => null()
 [out], phys only: aoi_flddnirdfi sfc nir diff dnwd sw flx rad at time step [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dvisbmi_cpl => null()
 [out], phys only: aoi_flddvisbmi sfc uv+vis beam dnwd sw flx at time step [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dvisdfi_cpl => null()
 [out], phys only: aoi_flddvisdfi sfc uv+vis diff dnwd sw flx at time step [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::nlwsfci_cpl => null()
 [out], phys only: aoi_fldnlwsfci net sfc dnwd lw flux at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::nswsfci_cpl => null()
 [out], phys only: aoi_fldnswsfci net sfc dnwd sw flux at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::nnirbmi_cpl => null()
 [out], phys only: aoi_fldnnirbmi net nir beam dnwd sw flx rad at time step [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::nnirdfi_cpl => null()
 [out], phys only: aoi_fldnnirdfi net nir diff dnwd sw flx rad at time step [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::nvisbmi_cpl => null()
 [out], phys only: aoi_fldnvisbmi net uv+vis beam dnwd sw flx at time step [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::nvisdfi_cpl => null()
 [out], phys only: aoi_fldnvisdfi net uv+vis diff dnwd sw flx at time step [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::t2mi_cpl => null()
 [out], phys only: aoi_fldt2mi T2m at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::q2mi_cpl => null()
 [out], phys only: aoi_fldq2mi Q2m at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::u10mi_cpl => null()
 [out], phys only: aoi_fldu10mi U10m at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::v10mi_cpl => null()
 [out], phys only: aoi_fldv10mi V10m at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::tseai_cpl => null()
 [out], phys only: aoi_fldtseai sfc temp at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::psurfi_cpl => null()
 [out], phys only: aoi_fldpsurfi sfc pressure at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::oro_cpl => null()
 [out], phys only: aoi_fldoro orography AOI cpl (removed) More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::slmsk_cpl => null()
 [out], phys only: aoi_fldslimsk Land/Sea/Ice AOI cpl (removed) More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_shum_wts => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_sppt_wts => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_skebu_wts => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_skebv_wts => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_vcu_wts => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_vcv_wts => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_uphys => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_vphys => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_tphys => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_qphys => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_tpphys => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_cpphys => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_cplrain0 => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_cplsnow0 => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_raincpl => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_snowcpl => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_totprcp0 => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_cnvprcp0 => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_gu0 => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_gv0 => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_gt0 => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_gr0 => null()
logical nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_do_sppt
logical nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_do_shum
logical nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_do_skeb
logical nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_do_vc
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::cv => null()
 [in] grrad, [in,out] gbphys: fraction of convective cloud ; phys [dim(im): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::cvt => null()
 [in] grrad, [in,out] gbphys: convective cloud top pressure in pa ; phys [dim(im): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::cvb => null()
 [in] grrad, [in,out] gbphys: convective cloud bottom pressure in pa ; phys, cnvc90 [dim(im): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::fcice => null()
 [in] grrad: fraction of cloud ice (in ferrier scheme) [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::frain => null()
 [in] grrad: fraction of rain water (in ferrier scheme) [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::rrime => null()
 [in] grrad: mass ratio of total to unrimed ice ( >= 1 ) [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::flgmin => null()
 [in] minimim large ice fraction [dim(im): created in gbphys.f and grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::deltaq => null()
 [in] half width of uniform total water distribution [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::cnvw => null()
 [in] layer convective cloud water [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::cnvc => null()
 [in] layer convective cloud cover [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::sup => null()
 [in] grrad, [in,out] gbphys: supersaturation in pdf cloud when t is very low More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::cnvqc_v => null()
 [in,out] total convective conensate (kg/kg) [dim(ix,lm): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::cldcov => null()
 [out] 3-d cloud fraction [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::htrsw => null()
 [out] swh total sky sw heating rate in k/sec [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::htrlw => null()
 [out] hlw total sky lw heating rate in k/sec [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::sfalb => null()
 [out] mean surface diffused sw albedo [dim(im): created in gbphys.f and grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::coszen => null()
 [out] mean cos of zenith angle over rad call period [dim(im): created in gbphys.f and grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::tsflw => null()
 [out] surface air temp during lw calculation in k [dim(im): created in gbphys.f and grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::semis => null()
 [out] surface lw emissivity in fraction [dim(im): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::coszdg => null()
 [InOut?] daytime mean cosz over rad call period [dim(im): created in grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::rqtk => null()
 [InOut?] mass change due to moisture variation [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::hlwd => null()
 [InOut?] idea sky lw heating rates ( k/s ) [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::dtdtr => null()
 [InOut?] temperature change due to radiative heating per time step (K) [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::swhc => null()
 [InOut?] clear sky sw heating rates ( k/s ) [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::hlwc => null()
 [InOut?] clear sky lw heating rates ( k/s ) [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::hlwc_v => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::swhc_v => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::xlon => null()
 grid longitude in radians, ok for both 0->2pi or -pi -> +pi ranges [dim(im): created in gbphys.f and grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::xlat => null()
 grid latitude in radians, default to pi/2 -> -pi/2 range, otherwise adj in subr called [dim(im): created in gbphys.f and grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::sinlat => null()
 sine of the grids corresponding latitudes [dim(im): created in gbphys.f and grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::coslat => null()
 cosine of the grids corresponding latitudes [dim(im): created in gbphys.f and grrad.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::solhr
integer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::ix
 horizontal dimension - ngptc in gloopb More...
integer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::im
 number of used points - njeff in gloopb More...
integer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::kdt
 time-step number More...
logical nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::lssav
 logical flag for store 3-d cloud field More...
logical nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::lmfshal
 mass-flux shallow conv scheme flag More...
logical nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::lmfdeep2
 scale-aware mass-flux deep conv scheme flag More...
integer, dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::icsdsw => null()
 (rad. only) auxiliary cloud control arrays passed to main [dim(im): created in grrad.f] More...
integer, dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::icsdlw => null()
 (rad. only) radiations. if isubcsw/isubclw (input to init) (rad. only) are set to 2, the arrays contains provided (rad. only) random seeds for sub-column clouds generators [dim(im): created in grrad.f] More...
integer, dimension(8) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::jdate
 (rad. only) current forecast date and time (rad. only) (yr, mon, day, t-zone, hr, min, sec, mil-sec) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::solcon
 (rad. only) solar constant (sun-earth distant adjusted) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::dtlw
 (rad. only) fhlwr - time duration for lw radiation call in sec More...
real(kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::dtsw
 (rad. only) fhswr - time duration for sw radiation call in sec More...
logical nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::lsswr
 (rad. only) logical flags for sw radiation calls More...
logical nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::lslwr
 (rad. only) logical flags for lw radiation calls More...
integer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::ipt
 (rad. only) index for diagnostic printout point More...
logical nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::lprnt
 (rad. only) control flag for diagnostic print out More...
real(kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::deltim
 (rad. only) timestep in seconds More...
real(kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::slag
 equation of time ( radian ) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::sdec
 sin of the solar declination angle More...
real(kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::cdec
 cos of the solar declination angle More...
integer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::lat
 (phys. only) latitude index used for debug prints More...
real(kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::dtp
 (phys. only) physics time step in seconds More...
real(kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::dtf
 (phys. only) dynamics time step in seconds More...
real(kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::clstp
 (phys. only) index used by cnvc90 (for convective clouds) legacy stuff does not affect forecast More...
integer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::nnp
 (phys. only) physics substep number More...
integer, dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::nlons
 (phys. only) number of total grid points in a latitude circle through a point [dim(im): created in gbphys.f] More...
real(kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::fhour
 (phys. only) forecast hour More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ntcw
 =0 no cloud condensate calculated >0 array index location for cloud condensate More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ncld
 only used when ntcw .gt. 0 More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ntoz
 =0 climatological ozone profile >0 interactive ozone profile More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ntrac
 dimension veriable for array oz More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::levs
 vertical layer dimension More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::me
 control flag for parallel process More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::lsoil
 number of soil layers More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ntiw
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ntlnc
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ntinc
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::lsm
 flag for land surface model to use =0 for osu lsm; =1 for noah lsm More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::nmtvr
 number of topographic variables such as variance etc used in the GWD parameterization More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::nrcm
 second dimension for the random number array rann More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::levozp
 ko3 - number of layers for ozone data More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::levh2o
 h2o layers More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::lonr
 number of lon/lat points More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::latr
 number of lon/lat points More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::jcap
 number of spectral wave trancation used only by sascnv shalcnv More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::num_p3d
 number of 3D arrays needed for microphysics More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::num_p2d
 number of 2D arrays needed for microphysics More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::npdf3d
 number of 3d arrays associated with pdf based clouds/microphysics More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ncnvcld3d
 number of 3d arrays associated with convective cloudiness enhancement More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::pl_coeff
 number coefficients in ozone forcing More...
integer, dimension(2) nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ncw
 range of droplet number concentrations for Ferrier microphysics - from compns_physics.f More...
integer, dimension(4) nuopc_physics::model_parameters::idate
 initial date More...
integer, dimension(8) nuopc_physics::model_parameters::idat
 initial date but different size and ordering used by radupdate More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::h2o_coeff
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::lats_node_r
integer, dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::jindx1 => null()
integer, dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::jindx2 => null()
integer, dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::jindx1_h => null()
integer, dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::jindx2_h => null()
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::nctp
 number of cloud types in CS scheme More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ntke
 tke location in the tracer array More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ntot3d
 number of total 3d fields for phy_f3d More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ntot2d
 number of total 2d fields for phy_f2d More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::imfshalcnv
 flag for new shallow convscheme More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::imfdeepcnv
 flag for new sas conv scheme More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::isot
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ivegsrc
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(3) nuopc_physics::model_parameters::crtrh
 critical relative humidity at the surface PBL top and at the top of the atmosphere More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(2) nuopc_physics::model_parameters::cdmbgwd
 multiplication factors for cdmb and gwd More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(2) nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ccwf
 multiplication factor for critical cloud workfunction for RAS More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(2) nuopc_physics::model_parameters::dlqf
 factor for cloud condensate detrainment from cloud edges (RAS) More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(2) nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ctei_rm
 critical cloud top entrainment instability criteria (used if mstrat=.true.) More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(2) nuopc_physics::model_parameters::cgwf
 multiplication factor for convective GWD More...
real(kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::model_parameters::prslrd0
 pressure level from which Rayleigh Damping is applied More...
real(kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ral_ts
 time scale for Rayleigh damping in days More...
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ozplin => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ddy => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::h2oplin => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ddy_h => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::h2o_lat => null()
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::h2o_pres => null()
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ras
 flag for ras convection scheme More...
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::pre_rad
 flag for testing purpose More...
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ldiag3d
 flag for 3d diagnostic fields More...
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::lgocart
 flag for 3d diagnostic fields for gocart 1 More...
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::lssav_cpl
 flag for save data for A/O/I coupling More...
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::flipv
 flag for vertical direction flip (ras) More...
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::old_monin
 flag for diff monin schemes More...
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::cnvgwd
 flag for conv gravity wave drag More...
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::shal_cnv
 flag for calling shallow convection More...
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::cal_pre
 flag controls precip type algorithm More...
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::mom4ice
 flag controls mom4 sea ice More...
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::mstrat
 flag for moorthi approach for stratus More...
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::trans_trac
 flag for convective transport of tracers More...
integer, dimension(5) nuopc_physics::model_parameters::nstf_name
 flag 0 for no nst 1 for uncoupled nst and 2 for coupled NST More...
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::moist_adj
 flag for moist convective adjustment More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::thermodyn_id
 valid for GFS only for get_prs/phi More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::sfcpress_id
 valid for GFS only for get_prs/phi More...
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::gen_coord_hybrid
 for Henry's gen coord More...
integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::levr
 the number of layers GFS Radiative heating calculated at 1 More...
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::lsidea
 flag for idea More...
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::pdfcld
 flag for pdfcld More...
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::shcnvcw
 flag for shallow convective cloud More...
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::redrag
 flag for reduced drag coeff. over sea More...
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::hybedmf
 flag for hybrid edmf pbl scheme More...
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::dspheat
 flag for tke dissipative heating More...
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::h2o_phys
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::shoc_cld
 flag for SHOC in grrad More...
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::cscnv
 flag for Chikira-Sugiyama convection More...
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::do_shoc
 flag for SHOC More...
logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::shocaftcnv
 flag for SHOC More...

Detailed Description

IPD, or interface between the dynamic core and the physics parameterizations.

Function/Subroutine Documentation

procedure nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::set ( )

define scalar values and assign pointers to array data

Definition at line 244 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

procedure nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::setrad ( )

set the items required by radiation

Definition at line 315 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

procedure nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::setphys ( )

set the items required by physics

Definition at line 316 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

procedure nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::print ( )

Definition at line 317 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

procedure nuopc_physics::state_fields_out::setphys ( )

set the items required by physics

Definition at line 339 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

procedure nuopc_physics::state_fields_out::print ( )

Definition at line 340 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

procedure nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::setrad ( )

set the items required by radiation

Definition at line 401 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

procedure nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::setphys ( )

set the items required by physics

Definition at line 402 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

procedure nuopc_physics::diagnostics::setrad ( )

set the items required by radiation

Definition at line 503 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

procedure nuopc_physics::diagnostics::setphys ( )

set the items required by physics

Definition at line 504 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

procedure nuopc_physics::interface_fields::setrad ( )

set the items required by radiation

Definition at line 655 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

procedure nuopc_physics::interface_fields::setphys ( )

set the items required by physics

Definition at line 656 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

procedure nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::setrad ( )

set the items required by radiation

Definition at line 703 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

procedure nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::setphys ( )

set the items required by physics

Definition at line 704 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

procedure nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::setrad ( )

define scalar values and assign pointers to array data

Definition at line 747 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

procedure nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::setphys ( )

define scalar values and assign pointers to array data

Definition at line 748 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

procedure nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::setrad ( )

set the items required by radiation

Definition at line 815 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

procedure nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::setphys ( )

set the items required by physics

Definition at line 816 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

procedure nuopc_physics::model_parameters::print ( )

Definition at line 933 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

subroutine, public nuopc_physics::nuopc_phys_init ( type (model_parameters mdl,
integer  ntcw,
integer  ncld,
integer  ntoz,
integer  NTRAC,
integer  levs,
integer  me,
integer  lsoil,
integer  ntiw,
integer  ntlnc,
integer  ntinc,
integer  lsm,
integer  nmtvr,
integer  nrcm,
integer  levozp,
integer  levh2o,
integer  lonr,
integer  latr,
integer  jcap,
integer  num_p3d,
integer  num_p2d,
integer  npdf3d,
integer  ncnvcld3d,
integer  pl_coeff,
integer, dimension(2)  ncw,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(3)  crtrh,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2)  cdmbgwd,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2)  ccwf,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2)  dlqf,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2)  ctei_rm,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2)  cgwf,
real (kind=kind_phys)  prslrd0,
real (kind=kind_phys)  ral_ts,
logical  ras,
logical  pre_rad,
logical  ldiag3d,
logical  lgocart,
logical  lssav_cpl,
logical  flipv,
logical  old_monin,
logical  cnvgwd,
logical  shal_cnv,
integer  imfshalcnv,
integer  imfdeepcnv,
logical  cal_pre,
logical  mom4ice,
logical  mstrat,
logical  trans_trac,
integer, dimension(5)  nstf_name,
logical  moist_adj,
integer  thermodyn_id,
integer  sfcpress_id,
logical  gen_coord_hybrid,
integer  levr,
logical  lsidea,
logical  pdfcld,
logical  shcnvcw,
logical  redrag,
logical  hybedmf,
logical  dspheat,
real(kind=kind_phys)  dxmaxin,
real(kind=kind_phys)  dxminin,
real(kind=kind_phys)  dxinvin,
logical  h2o_phys,
integer  h2o_coeff 

General Algorithm

  1. Set up idat, used by radupdate
  2. Call gfuncphys (funcphys.f) to compute all physics function tables.
  3. Call rad_initialize (rad_initialize.f) to initialize radiation.
  4. Call set_soilveg (set_soilveg.f) to initialize soil parameters.

Definition at line 2274 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

References funcphys::gfuncphys(), nuopc_physics::myme, rad_initialize(), and set_soilveg().

Referenced by gfs_physics_initialize_mod::gfs_physics_initialize().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public nuopc_physics::ozoneini ( class(model_parameters this,
integer, dimension (:), target  jindx1,
integer, dimension (:), target  jindx2,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:,:), target  ozplin,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), target  ddy 

Writes inputs that are used for nuopc_phys_init to init_savein.dat.


Definition at line 2498 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

Referenced by gfs_physics_initialize_mod::gfs_physics_initialize().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public nuopc_physics::h2oini ( class(model_parameters this,
integer, dimension (:), target  jindx1_h,
integer, dimension (:), target  jindx2_h,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:,:), target  h2oplin,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), target  ddy_h,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), target  h2o_pres 

Definition at line 2519 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

Referenced by gfs_physics_initialize_mod::gfs_physics_initialize().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public nuopc_physics::phys_init_savein ( integer, intent(in)  levr,
integer  ntcw,
integer  ncld,
integer  ntoz,
integer  NTRAC,
integer  levs,
integer  me,
integer  lsoil,
integer  lsm,
integer  nmtvr,
integer  nrcm,
integer  levozp,
integer  lonr,
integer  latr,
integer  jcap,
integer  num_p3d,
integer  num_p2d,
integer  npdf3d,
integer  ncnvcld3d,
integer  pl_coeff,
integer, dimension(2)  ncw,
integer, dimension(5)  nstf_name,
integer  thermodyn_id,
integer  sfcpress_id,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(3)  crtrh,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2)  cdmbgwd,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2)  ccwf,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2)  dlqf,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2)  ctei_rm,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2)  cgwf,
real (kind=kind_phys)  prslrd0,
real (kind=kind_phys)  ral_ts,
logical  ras,
logical  pre_rad,
logical  ldiag3d,
logical  lgocart,
logical  lssav_cpl,
logical  flipv,
logical  old_monin,
logical  cnvgwd,
logical  shal_cnv,
integer  imfshalcnv,
integer  imfdeepcnv,
logical  cal_pre,
logical  mom4ice,
logical  mstrat,
logical  trans_trac,
logical  moist_adj,
logical  gen_coord_hybrid,
logical  lsidea,
logical  pdfcld,
logical  shcnvcw,
logical  redrag,
logical  hybedmf,
logical  dspheat,
real(kind=kind_phys)  dxmax,
real(kind=kind_phys)  dxmin,
real(kind=kind_phys)  dxinv 

Definition at line 2551 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

References nuopc_physics::debug.

subroutine, public nuopc_physics::phys_init_readin ( integer, intent(in)  levr,
integer  ntcw,
integer  ncld,
integer  ntoz,
integer  NTRAC,
integer  levs,
integer  me,
integer  lsoil,
integer  lsm,
integer  nmtvr,
integer  nrcm,
integer  levozp,
integer  lonr,
integer  latr,
integer  jcap,
integer  num_p3d,
integer  num_p2d,
integer  npdf3d,
integer  ncnvcld3d,
integer  pl_coeff,
integer, dimension(2)  ncw,
integer, dimension(5)  nstf_name,
integer  thermodyn_id,
integer  sfcpress_id,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(3)  crtrh,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2)  cdmbgwd,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2)  ccwf,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2)  dlqf,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2)  ctei_rm,
real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2)  cgwf,
real (kind=kind_phys)  prslrd0,
real (kind=kind_phys)  ral_ts,
logical  ras,
logical  pre_rad,
logical  ldiag3d,
logical  lgocart,
logical  lssav_cpl,
logical  flipv,
logical  old_monin,
logical  cnvgwd,
logical  shal_cnv,
integer  imfshalcnv,
integer  imfdeepcnv,
logical  cal_pre,
logical  mom4ice,
logical  mstrat,
logical  trans_trac,
logical  moist_adj,
logical  gen_coord_hybrid,
logical  lsidea,
logical  pdfcld,
logical  shcnvcw,
logical  redrag,
logical  hybedmf,
logical  dspheat,
real(kind=kind_phys)  dxmaxin,
real(kind=kind_phys)  dxminin,
real(kind=kind_phys)  dxinvin 

Reads inputs that are used for nuopc_phys_init from init_savein.dat.

Need to pass in the known or expected levr

Definition at line 2803 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

References nuopc_physics::debug.

subroutine, public nuopc_physics::nuopc_rad_update ( type(model_parameters mdl,
type(dynamic_parameters dyn 

Wrapper for radupdate (grrad.f) - updates some fields between timesteps.

Definition at line 3139 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

References module_radiation_driver::radupdate().

Referenced by gloopr().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public nuopc_physics::nuopc_rad_run ( type(state_fields_in statein,
type(sfc_properties sfc_prop,
type(diagnostics diags,
type(interface_fields intrfc_fld,
type(cloud_properties cld_prop,
type(radiation_tendencies rad_tend,
type(model_parameters mdl_parm,
type(dynamic_parameters dyn_parm 

Wrapper for grrad (grrad.f).

Definition at line 3153 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

References module_radiation_driver::grrad().

Referenced by gloopr().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public nuopc_physics::nuopc_sppt_phys ( type(state_fields_out stateout,
type(diagnostics diag,
type(interface_fields intr,
type(radiation_tendencies rad,
type(model_parameters mdl,
type(tbd_ddt tbd,
type(dynamic_parameters dyn 

Wrapper for gbphys (gbhys.f).

Definition at line 3212 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

subroutine, public nuopc_physics::nuopc_phys_run ( type(state_fields_in statein,
type(state_fields_out stateout,
type(sfc_properties sfc,
type(diagnostics diag,
type(interface_fields intr,
type(cloud_properties cld,
type(radiation_tendencies rad,
type(model_parameters mdl,
type(tbd_ddt tbd,
type(dynamic_parameters dyn 

Definition at line 3336 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

References gbphys().

Here is the call graph for this function:

subroutine, public nuopc_physics::rad_run_savein ( type(state_fields_in statein,
type(sfc_properties sfc_prop,
type(diagnostics diags,
type(interface_fields intrfc_fld,
type(cloud_properties cld_prop,
type(radiation_tendencies rad_tend,
type(model_parameters mdl_parm,
type(dynamic_parameters dyn_parm 

Write inputs to nuopc_rad_run to file radrun_savein.dat.

Definition at line 3507 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

References nuopc_physics::debug.

Referenced by gloopr().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public nuopc_physics::rad_run_readin ( type(state_fields_in statein,
type(sfc_properties sfc_prop,
type(diagnostics diags,
type(interface_fields intrfc_fld,
type(cloud_properties cld_prop,
type(radiation_tendencies rad_tend,
type(model_parameters mdl_parm,
type(dynamic_parameters dyn_parm 

Reads inputs to nuopc_rad_run from file radrun_savein.dat.

Definition at line 3638 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

References nuopc_physics::debug.

Referenced by gloopr().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public nuopc_physics::rad_run_saveout ( type(diagnostics diags,
type(interface_fields intrfc_fld,
type(cloud_properties cld_prop,
type(radiation_tendencies rad_tend 

Write outputs from nuopc_rad_run to radrun_saveout.dat.

Definition at line 3767 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

References nuopc_physics::debug.

Referenced by gloopr().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public nuopc_physics::rad_run_readout ( type(diagnostics diags,
type(interface_fields intrfc_fld,
type(cloud_properties cld_prop,
type(radiation_tendencies rad_tend 

Read outputs from nuopc_rad_run from radrun_saveout.dat.

Definition at line 3830 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

References nuopc_physics::debug.

Referenced by gloopr().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

subroutine, public nuopc_physics::phys_run_savein ( type(state_fields_in statein,
type(sfc_properties sfc,
type(diagnostics diag,
type(interface_fields intr,
type(cloud_properties cld,
type(radiation_tendencies rad,
type(model_parameters mdl,
type(tbd_ddt tbd,
type(dynamic_parameters dyn 

@ brief Write inputs to nuopc_phys_run to physrun_savein.dat.

Definition at line 3887 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

subroutine, public nuopc_physics::phys_run_readin ( type(state_fields_in statein,
type(sfc_properties sfc,
type(diagnostics diag,
type(interface_fields intr,
type(cloud_properties cld,
type(radiation_tendencies rad,
type(model_parameters mdl,
type(tbd_ddt tbd,
type(dynamic_parameters dyn 

@ brief Read inputs to nuopc_phys_run from physrun_savein.dat.

Definition at line 4009 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

References nuopc_physics::debug.

subroutine, public nuopc_physics::phys_run_saveout ( type(state_fields_out stateout,
type(sfc_properties sfc,
type(diagnostics diag,
type(interface_fields intr,
type(cloud_properties cld,
type(radiation_tendencies rad,
type(tbd_ddt tbd 

Write outputs from nuopc_phys_run to physrun_saveout.dat.

Definition at line 4372 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

References nuopc_physics::debug.

subroutine, public nuopc_physics::phys_run_readout ( type(state_fields_out stateout,
type(sfc_properties sfc,
type(diagnostics diag,
type(interface_fields intr,
type(cloud_properties cld,
type(radiation_tendencies rad,
type(tbd_ddt tbd 

Read outputs from nuopc_phys_run from physrun_saveout.dat.

Definition at line 4529 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

References nuopc_physics::debug, and nuopc_physics::myme.

Variable Documentation

logical, parameter, public nuopc_physics::use_nuopc = .false.

Definition at line 178 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::dpshc => null()

[in] maximum pressure depth for shallow convection [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 191 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::o3out => null()

Definition at line 192 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer, pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::lan

Definition at line 193 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::prdout => null()

[in] ozplout_v - ozone forcing data [dim(ix,ko3,pl_coeff): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 194 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::h2oplout => null()

Definition at line 195 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::h2oplout_v => null()

Definition at line 196 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::poz => null()

[in] pl_pres - ozone forcing data level pressure (ln(Pa)) [dim(ko3): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 197 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::rann => null()

[in] random number array (0-1) [dim(ix,nrcm): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 198 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::xkzm_m

[in] bkgd_vdif_m background vertical diffusion for momentum

Definition at line 199 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::xkzm_h

[in] bkgd_vdif_h background vertical diffusion for heat q

Definition at line 200 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::xkzm_s

[in] bkgd_vdif_s sigma threshold for background mom. diffusion

Definition at line 201 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2) nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::psautco

[in] auto conversion coeff from ice to snow [created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 202 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2) nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::prautco

[in] auto conversion coeff from cloud to rain [created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 203 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::evpco

[in] coeff for evaporation of largescale rain [created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 204 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2) nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::wminco

[in] water and ice minimum threshold for Zhao [created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 205 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::acv => null()

[in,out] array containing accumulated convective clouds [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 214 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::acvb => null()

[in,out] arrays used by cnvc90 bottom [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 215 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::acvt => null()

[in,out] arrays used by cnvc9 top (cnvc90.f) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 216 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::slc => null()

[in,out] liquid soil moisture [dim(ix,soil): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 217 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::smc => null()

[in,out] total soil moisture [dim(ix,soil): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 218 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::stc => null()

[in,out] soil temperature [dim(ix,soil): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 219 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::upd_mf => null()

[in,out] convective updraft mass flux [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 220 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::dwn_mf => null()

[in,out] convective downdraft mass flux [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 221 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::det_mf => null()

[in,out] convective detrainment mass flux [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 222 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::phy_f3d => null()

[in,out] 3d arrays saved for restart [dim(ix,levs,num_p3d): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 223 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::phy_f2d => null()

[in,out] 2d arrays save for restart [dim(ix,num_p2d): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 224 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::tprcp => null()

[in,out] sfc_fldtprcp - total precipitation [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 225 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::srflag => null()

[in,out] sfc_fldsrflag - snow/rain flag for precipitation [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 226 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::phy_fctd => null()

[InOut] For CS convection [dim(ix,nctp): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 229 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::tref => null()

[out] nst_fldTref - Reference Temperature [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 232 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::z_c => null()

[out] nst_fldz_c - Sub layer cooling thickness [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 233 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::c_0 => null()

[out] nst_fldc_0 - coefficient1 to calculate d(Tz)/d(Ts) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 234 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::c_d => null()

[out] nst_fldc_d - coefficient2 to calculate d(Tz)/d(Ts) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 235 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::w_0 => null()

[out] nst_fldw_0 - coefficient3 to calculate d(Tz)/d(Ts) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 236 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::w_d => null()

[out] nst_fldw_d - coefficient4 to calculate d(Tz)/d(Ts) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 237 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::fscav => null()

[In] tracer scavenging [dim(ntr): created in cs_conv.f]

Definition at line 240 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::tbd_ddt::fswtr => null()

[In] tracer [dim(ntr): created in cs_conv.f]

Definition at line 241 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::prsi => null()

[in] model level pressure in Pa [dim(ix,lm+1): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 290 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::prsl => null()

[in] model layer mean pressure Pa [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 291 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::prslk => null()

[in] exner function = (p/p0)**rocp [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 292 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::tgrs => null()

[in] model layer mean temperature in k [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f and gbphys.f]

Definition at line 293 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::qgrs_rad => null()

[in] layer specific humidity in gm/gm : qgrs in gloopr [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 296 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::tracer => null()

[in] layer prognostic tracer amount/mixing-ratio

Definition at line 297 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::vvl => null()

[in] layer mean vertical velocity in pa/sec [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 299 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::ntl

Definition at line 300 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::uni_cld

Definition at line 301 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::pgr => null()

[in] surface pressure (Pa) real [dim(ix): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 304 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::ugrs => null()

[in] u component of layer wind [dim(ix,lm): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 305 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::vgrs => null()

[in] v component of layer wind [dim(ix,lm): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 306 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::qgrs => null()

[in] layer mean tracer concentration [dim(ix,lm,ntrac): created in grrad.f and gbphys.f]

Definition at line 307 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::prsik => null()

[in] Exner function at layer [dim(ix,levs+1): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 309 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::phii => null()

[in] interface geopotential height [dim(ix,levs+1): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 310 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::phil => null()

[in] layer geopotential height [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 311 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_in::adjtrc => null()

[in] dynamics adjustments to tracers [dim(ntrac): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 312 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_out::gt0 => null()

[out] updated temperature [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 333 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_out::gq0 => null()

[out] updated tracers [dim(ix,levs,ntrac): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 334 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_out::gu0 => null()

[out] updated zonal wind [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 335 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::state_fields_out::gv0 => null()

[out] updated meridional wind [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 336 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::slmsk => null()

[in] sea/land mask array (sea:0,land:1,sea-ice:2) [dim(im): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 356 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::tsfc => null()

[in] surface temperature in k ; same as tsea [dim(im): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 357 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::snowd => null()

[in] snow depth water equivalent in mm ; same as snwdph [dim(im): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 358 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::sncovr => null()

[in] snow cover in fraction [dim(im): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 359 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::snoalb => null()

[in] maximum snow albedo in fraction [dim(im): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 360 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::zorl => null()

[in] surface roughness in cm [dim(im): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 361 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::hprim => null()

[in] topographic standard deviation in m [dim(im): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 362 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::fice => null()

[in] ice fraction over open water grid [dim(im): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 363 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::tisfc => null()

[in] surface temperature over ice fraction [dim(im): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 364 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::alvsf => null()

[in] mean vis albedo with strong cosz dependency [dim(im): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 365 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::alnsf => null()

[in] mean nir albedo with strong cosz dependency [dim(im): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 366 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::alvwf => null()

[in] mean vis albedo with weak cosz dependency [dim(im): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 367 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::alnwf => null()

[in] mean nir albedo with weak cosz dependency [dim(im): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 368 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::facsf => null()

[in] fractional coverage with strong cosz dependen [dim(im): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 369 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::facwf => null()

[in] fractional coverage with weak cosz dependency [dim(im): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 370 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::hprime2 => null()

[in] orographic std dev

Definition at line 376 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::slope => null()

[in] sfc slope type for lsm [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 377 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::shdmin => null()

[in] min fractional coverage of green veg [dim(im1): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 378 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::shdmax => null()

[in] max fractnl cover of green veg (not used) [dim(im1): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 379 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::tg3 => null()

[in] deep soil temperature [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 380 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::vfrac => null()

[in] vegetation fraction [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 381 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::vtype => null()

[in] vegetation type [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 382 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::stype => null()

[in] soil type [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 383 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::uustar => null()

[in] boundary layer parameter [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 384 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::oro => null()

[in] orography [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 385 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::oro_uf => null()

[in] unfiltered orography [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 386 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::hice => null()

[in,out] sea ice thickness [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 389 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::weasd => null()

[in,out] sheleg water equiv of accumulated snow depth (kg/m**2) over land and sea ice [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 390 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::canopy => null()

[in,out] canopy water [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 391 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::ffmm => null()

[in,out] fm parameter from PBL scheme [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 392 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::ffhh => null()

[in,out] fh parameter from PBL scheme [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 393 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::f10m => null()

[in,out] fm at 10m - Ratio of sigma level 1 wind and 10m wind [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 394 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::t2m => null()

[out] 2 meter temperature [dim(im): created in gbphys.f)

Definition at line 397 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::sfc_properties::q2m => null()

[out] 2 meter humidity [dim(im): created in gbphys.f)

Definition at line 398 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::nfxr

second dimension of input/output array fluxr

Definition at line 418 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::fluxr => null()

[in,out] for radiation [dim(ix,nfxr): created in grrad.f] to save time accumulated 2-d fields defined as:

Definition at line 421 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dswcmp => null()

[dim(ix,4): created in grrad.f] downward sfc sw spectral components

Definition at line 424 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::uswcmp => null()

[dim(ix,4): created in grrad.f] upward sfc sw spectral components

Definition at line 425 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

type (topfsw_type), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::topfsw => null()

[in,out] for radiation [dim(im): created in grrad.f]: sw radiation fluxes at toa, components:
upfxc - total sky upward sw flux at toa (w/m**2)
dnflx - total sky downward sw flux at toa (w/m**2)
upfx0 - clear sky upward sw flux at toa (w/m**2)

Definition at line 427 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

type (topflw_type), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::topflw => null()

[in,out] for radiation [dim(im): created in grrad.f]: lw radiation fluxes at top, component:
upfxc - total sky upward lw flux at toa (w/m**2)
upfx0 - clear sky upward lw flux at toa (w/m**2)

Definition at line 432 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::srunoff => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_fldsrunoff surface water runoff (from lsm) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 437 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::evbsa => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_fldevbsa noah lsm diagnostics [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 438 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::evcwa => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_fldevcwa noah lsm diagnostics [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 439 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::snohfa => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_fldsnohfa noah lsm diagnostics [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 440 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::transa => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_fldtransa noah lsm diagnostics [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 441 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::sbsnoa => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_fldsbsnoa noah lsm diagnostics [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 442 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::snowca => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_fldsnowca noah lsm diagnostics [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 443 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::soilm => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_fldsoilm soil moisture [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 444 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::tmpmin => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_fldtmpmin min temperature at 2m height (k) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 445 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::tmpmax => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_fldtmpmax max temperature at 2m height (k) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 446 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dusfc => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_flddusfc u component of surface stress [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 447 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dvsfc => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_flddvsfc v component of surface stress [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 448 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dtsfc => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_flddtsfc sensible heat flux (w/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 449 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dqsfc => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_flddqsfc latent heat flux (w/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 450 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::totprcp => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_fldgeshem accumulated total precipitation (kg/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 451 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::gflux => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_fldgflux groud conductive heat flux [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 452 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dlwsfc => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_flddlwsfc time accumulated sfc dn lw flux ( w/m**2 ) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 453 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::ulwsfc => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_fldulwsfc time accumulated sfc up lw flux ( w/m**2 ) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 454 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::suntim => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_fldsuntim sunshine duration time (s) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 455 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::runoff => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_fldrunoff total water runoff [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 456 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::ep => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_fldep potential evaporation [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 457 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::cldwrk => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_fldcldwrk cloud workfunction (valid only with sas) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 458 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dugwd => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_flddugwd vertically integrated u change by OGWD [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 459 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dvgwd => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_flddvgwd vertically integrated v change by OGWD [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 460 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::psmean => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_fldpsmean surface pressure (kPa) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 461 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::cnvprcp => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_fldbengsh accumulated convective precipitation (kg/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 462 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::spfhmin => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_fldspfhmin minimum specific humidity [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 463 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::spfhmax => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_fldspfhmax maximum specific humidity [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 464 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::rain => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_fldrain total rain at this time step [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 465 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::rainc => null()

[in,out] for phys: flx_fldrainc convective rain at this time step [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 466 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dt3dt => null()

[in,out] for phys: ix,levs,6 temperature change due to physics [dim(ix,levs,6): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 468 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dq3dt => null()

[in,out] for phys: ix,levs,5+pl_coeff moisture change due to physics [dim(ix,levs,5+pl_coeff): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 469 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::du3dt => null()

[in,out] for phys: ix,levs,4 u momentum change due to physics [dim(ix,levs,4): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 470 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dv3dt => null()

[in,out] for phys: ix,levs,4 v momentum change due to physics [dim(ix,levs,4): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 471 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dqdt_v => null()

[in,out] for phys: ix,levs total moisture tendency (kg/kg/s) [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 472 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::u10m => null()

[out] for phys: flx_fldu10m 10 meater u/v wind speed [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 475 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::v10m => null()

[out] for phys: flx_fldv10m 10 meater u/v wind speed [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 476 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::zlvl => null()

[out] for phys: flx_fldzlvl layer 1 height (m) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 477 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::psurf => null()

[out] for phys: flx_fldpsurf surface pressure (Pa) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 478 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::hpbl => null()

[out] for phys: flx_fldhpbl pbl height (m) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 479 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::pwat => null()

[out] for phys: flx_fldpwat precipitable water [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 480 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::t1 => null()

[out] for phys: flx_fldt1 layer 1 temperature (K) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 481 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::q1 => null()

[out] for phys: flx_fldq1 layer 1 specific humidity (kg/kg) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 482 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::u1 => null()

[out] for phys: flx_fldu1 layer 1 zonal wind (m/s) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 483 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::v1 => null()

[out] for phys: flx_fldv1 layer 1 merdional wind (m/s) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 484 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::chh => null()

[out] for phys: flx_fldchh thermal exchange coefficient [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 485 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::cmm => null()

[out] for phys: flx_fldcmm momentum exchange coefficient [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 486 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dlwsfci => null()

[out] for phys: flx_flddlwsfci instantaneous sfc dnwd lw flux ( w/m**2 ) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 487 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::ulwsfci => null()

[out] for phys: flx_fldulwsfci instantaneous sfc upwd lw flux ( w/m**2 ) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 488 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dswsfci => null()

[out] for phys: flx_flddswsfci instantaneous sfc dnwd sw flux ( w/m**2 ) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 489 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::uswsfci => null()

[out] for phys: flx_flduswsfci instantaneous sfc upwd sw flux ( w/m**2 ) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 490 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dusfci => null()

[out] for phys: flx_flddusfci instantaneous u component of surface stress [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 491 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dvsfci => null()

[out] for phys: flx_flddvsfci instantaneous v component of surface stress [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 492 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dtsfci => null()

[out] for phys: flx_flddtsfci instantaneous sfc sensible heat flux [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 493 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::dqsfci => null()

[out] for phys: flx_flddqsfci instantaneous sfc latent heat flux [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 494 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::gfluxi => null()

[out] for phys: flx_fldgfluxi instantaneous sfc ground heat flux [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 495 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::epi => null()

[out] for phys: flx_fldepi instantaneous sfc potential evaporation [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 496 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::smcwlt2 => null()

[out] for phys: flx_fldsmcwlt2 wilting point (volumetric) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 497 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::smcref2 => null()

[out] for phys: flx_fldsmcref2 soil moisture threshold (volumetric) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 498 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::wet1 => null()

[out] for phys: flx_fldwet1 normalized soil wetness [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 499 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::diagnostics::sr => null()

[out] for phys: flx_fldsr snow ratio : ratio of snow to total precipitation

Definition at line 500 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

type (sfcfsw_type), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcfsw => null()

[out] sw radiation fluxes at sfc [dim(im): created in grrad.f], components: (check module_radsw_parameters for definition)
upfxc - total sky upward sw flux at sfc (w/m**2)
dnfxc - total sky downward sw flux at sfc (w/m**2)
upfx0 - clear sky upward sw flux at sfc (w/m**2)
dnfx0 - clear sky downward sw flux at sfc (w/m**2)

Definition at line 520 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

type (sfcflw_type), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcflw => null()

[out] lw radiation fluxes at sfc [dim(im): created in grrad.f], components: (check module_radlw_paramters for definition)
upfxc - total sky upward lw flux at sfc (w/m**2)
upfx0 - clear sky upward lw flux at sfc (w/m**2)
dnfxc - total sky downward lw flux at sfc (w/m**2)
dnfx0 - clear sky downward lw flux at sfc (w/m**2)

Definition at line 527 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::htrswb => null()

[out] used by WAM: Spectral heating rate [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 535 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::htrlwb => null()

[out] used by WAM: Spectral heating rate [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 536 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::htrlw0 => null()

[out] NEW [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 539 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::htrsw0 => null()

[out] NEW [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 540 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcdsw => null()

[in] for phys only: flx_fldsfcdsw total sky sfc downward sw flux ( w/m**2 ) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 543 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcnsw => null()

[in] for phys only: flx_fldsfcnsw total sky sfc netsw flx into ground(w/m**2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 544 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcdlw => null()

[in] for phys only: flx_fldsfcdlw total sky sfc downward lw flux ( w/m**2 ) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 545 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcnirbmu => null()

[in] moved from TBD, phys only: aoi_fldnirbmui sfc nir beam sw upward flux (w/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 548 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcnirdfu => null()

[in] moved from TBD, phys only: aoi_fldnirdfui sfc nir diff sw upward flux (w/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 549 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcvisbmu => null()

[in] moved from TBD, phys only: aoi_fldvisbmui sfc uv+vis beam sw upward flux (w/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 550 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcvisdfu => null()

[in] moved from TBD, phys only: aoi_fldvisdfui sfc uv+vis diff sw upward flux (w/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 551 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcnirbmd => null()

[in] moved from diagnostics, phys only: aoi_fldnirbmdi sfc nir beam sw downward flux (w/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 554 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcnirdfd => null()

[in] moved from diagnostics, phys only: aoi_fldnirdfdi sfc nir diff sw downward flux (w/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 555 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcvisbmd => null()

[in] moved from diagnostics, phys only: aoi_fldvisbmdi sfc uv+vis beam sw downward flux (w/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 556 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::sfcvisdfd => null()

[in] moved from diagnostics, phys only: aoi_fldvisdfdi sfc uv+vis diff sw downward flux (w/m2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 557 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dusfc_cpl => null()

[in,out], phys only: aoi_flddusfc sfc u momentum flux for A/O/I coupling [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 560 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dvsfc_cpl => null()

[in,out], phys only: aoi_flddvsfc sfc v momentum flux for A/O/I coupling [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 561 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dtsfc_cpl => null()

[in,out], phys only: aoi_flddtsfc sfc sensible heat flux for A/O/I coupling [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 562 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dqsfc_cpl => null()

[in,out], phys only: aoi_flddqsfc sfc latent heat flux for A/O/I coupling [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 563 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dlwsfc_cpl => null()

[in,out], phys only: aoi_flddlwsfc sfc dnwd lw flux (w/m**2) for A/O/I coupling [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 564 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dswsfc_cpl => null()

[in,out], phys only: aoi_flddswsfc sfc dnwd sw flux (w/m**2) for A/O/I coupling [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 565 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dnirbm_cpl => null()

[in,out], phys only: aoi_flddnirbm sfc nir beam dnwd sw rad flux (w/m**2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 566 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dnirdf_cpl => null()

[in,out], phys only: aoi_flddnirdf sfc nir diff dnwd sw rad flux (w/m**2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 567 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dvisbm_cpl => null()

[in,out], phys only: aoi_flddvisbm sfc uv+vis beam dnwd sw rad flux (w/m**2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 568 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dvisdf_cpl => null()

[in,out], phys only: aoi_flddvisdf sfc uv+vis diff dnwd sw rad flux (w/m**2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 569 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::rain_cpl => null()

[in,out], phys only: aoi_fldrain total precipitation for A/O/I coupling [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 570 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::snow_cpl => null()

[in,out], phys only: aoi_fldsnow total precipitation [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 571 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::nlwsfc_cpl => null()

[in,out], phys only: aoi_fldnlwsfc net dnwd lw flux (w/m**2) for A/O/I coupling [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 572 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::nswsfc_cpl => null()

[in,out], phys only: aoi_fldnswsfc net dnwd sw flux (w/m**2) for A/O/I coupling [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 573 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::nnirbm_cpl => null()

[in,out], phys only: aoi_fldnnirbm net nir beam dnwd sw rad flux (w/m**2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 574 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::nnirdf_cpl => null()

[in,out], phys only: aoi_fldnnirdf net nir diff dnwd sw rad flux (w/m**2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 575 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::nvisbm_cpl => null()

[in,out], phys only: aoi_fldnvisbm net uv+vis beam dnwd sw rad flux (w/m**2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 576 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::nvisdf_cpl => null()

[in,out], phys only: aoi_fldnvisdf net uv+vis diff dnwd sw rad flux (w/m**2) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 577 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::slimskin_cpl => null()

[in,out], phys only: aoi_slimskin(i) = aoi_fldslimskin(item,lan) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 578 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dusfcin_cpl => null()

[in,out], phys only: aoi_dusfcin(i) = aoi_flddusfcin(item,lan) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 579 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dvsfcin_cpl => null()

[in,out], phys only: aoi_dvsfcin(i) = aoi_flddvsfcin(item,lan) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 580 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dtsfcin_cpl => null()

[in,out], phys only: aoi_dtsfcin(i) = aoi_flddtsfcin(item,lan) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 581 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dqsfcin_cpl => null()

[in,out], phys only: aoi_dqsfcin(i) = aoi_flddqsfcin(item,lan) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 582 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::ulwsfcin_cpl => null()

[in,out], phys only: aoi_ulwsfcin(i) = aoi_fldulwsfcin(item,lan) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 583 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::xt => null()

[in,out], phys only: nst_fldxt heat content in DTL [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 586 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::xs => null()

[in,out], phys only: nst_fldxs salinity content in DTL [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 587 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::xu => null()

[in,out], phys only: nst_fldxu u current content in DTL [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 588 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::xv => null()

[in,out], phys only: nst_fldxv v current content in DTL [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 589 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::xz => null()

[in,out], phys only: nst_fldxz DTL thickness [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 590 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::zm => null()

[in,out], phys only: nst_fldzm MXL thickness [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 591 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::xtts => null()

[in,out], phys only: nst_fldxtts d(xt)/d(ts) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 592 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::xzts => null()

[in,out], phys only: nst_fldxzts d(xz)/d(ts) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 593 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::d_conv => null()

[in,out], phys only: nst_fldd_conv thickness of Free Convection Layer (FCL) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 594 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::ifd => null()

[in,out], phys only: nst_fldifd index to start DTM run or not [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 595 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dt_cool => null()

[in,out], phys only: nst_flddt_cool Sub layer cooling amount [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 596 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::qrain => null()

[in,out], phys only: nst_fldQrain sensible heat flux due to rainfall (watts) [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 597 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dusfci_cpl => null()

[out], phys only: aoi_flddusfci sfc u momentum flux at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 600 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dvsfci_cpl => null()

[out], phys only: aoi_flddvsfci sfc v momentum flux at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 601 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dtsfci_cpl => null()

[out], phys only: aoi_flddtsfci sfc sensib heat flux at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 602 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dqsfci_cpl => null()

[out], phys only: aoi_flddqsfci sfc latent heat flux at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 603 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dlwsfci_cpl => null()

[out], phys only: aoi_flddlwsfci sfc dnwd lw flux at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 604 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dswsfci_cpl => null()

[out], phys only: aoi_flddswsfci sfc dnwd sw flux at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 605 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dnirbmi_cpl => null()

[out], phys only: aoi_flddnirbmi sfc nir beam dnwd sw flx rad at time step [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 606 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dnirdfi_cpl => null()

[out], phys only: aoi_flddnirdfi sfc nir diff dnwd sw flx rad at time step [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 607 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dvisbmi_cpl => null()

[out], phys only: aoi_flddvisbmi sfc uv+vis beam dnwd sw flx at time step [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 608 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::dvisdfi_cpl => null()

[out], phys only: aoi_flddvisdfi sfc uv+vis diff dnwd sw flx at time step [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 609 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::nlwsfci_cpl => null()

[out], phys only: aoi_fldnlwsfci net sfc dnwd lw flux at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 610 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::nswsfci_cpl => null()

[out], phys only: aoi_fldnswsfci net sfc dnwd sw flux at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 611 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::nnirbmi_cpl => null()

[out], phys only: aoi_fldnnirbmi net nir beam dnwd sw flx rad at time step [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 612 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::nnirdfi_cpl => null()

[out], phys only: aoi_fldnnirdfi net nir diff dnwd sw flx rad at time step [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 613 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::nvisbmi_cpl => null()

[out], phys only: aoi_fldnvisbmi net uv+vis beam dnwd sw flx at time step [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 614 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::nvisdfi_cpl => null()

[out], phys only: aoi_fldnvisdfi net uv+vis diff dnwd sw flx at time step [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 615 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::t2mi_cpl => null()

[out], phys only: aoi_fldt2mi T2m at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 616 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::q2mi_cpl => null()

[out], phys only: aoi_fldq2mi Q2m at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 617 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::u10mi_cpl => null()

[out], phys only: aoi_fldu10mi U10m at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 618 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::v10mi_cpl => null()

[out], phys only: aoi_fldv10mi V10m at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 619 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::tseai_cpl => null()

[out], phys only: aoi_fldtseai sfc temp at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 620 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::psurfi_cpl => null()

[out], phys only: aoi_fldpsurfi sfc pressure at time step AOI cpl [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 621 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::oro_cpl => null()

[out], phys only: aoi_fldoro orography AOI cpl (removed)

Definition at line 622 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::slmsk_cpl => null()

[out], phys only: aoi_fldslimsk Land/Sea/Ice AOI cpl (removed)

Definition at line 623 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_shum_wts => null()

Definition at line 625 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_sppt_wts => null()

Definition at line 626 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_skebu_wts => null()

Definition at line 628 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_skebv_wts => null()

Definition at line 629 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_vcu_wts => null()

Definition at line 630 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_vcv_wts => null()

Definition at line 631 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_uphys => null()

Definition at line 632 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_vphys => null()

Definition at line 633 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_tphys => null()

Definition at line 634 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_qphys => null()

Definition at line 636 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_tpphys => null()

Definition at line 637 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_cpphys => null()

Definition at line 638 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_cplrain0 => null()

Definition at line 639 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_cplsnow0 => null()

Definition at line 640 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_raincpl => null()

Definition at line 641 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_snowcpl => null()

Definition at line 642 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_totprcp0 => null()

Definition at line 643 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_cnvprcp0 => null()

Definition at line 644 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_gu0 => null()

Definition at line 645 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_gv0 => null()

Definition at line 646 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_gt0 => null()

Definition at line 647 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_gr0 => null()

Definition at line 648 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_do_sppt

Definition at line 649 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_do_shum

Definition at line 650 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_do_skeb

Definition at line 651 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::interface_fields::s_do_vc

Definition at line 652 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::cv => null()

[in] grrad, [in,out] gbphys: fraction of convective cloud ; phys [dim(im): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 673 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::cvt => null()

[in] grrad, [in,out] gbphys: convective cloud top pressure in pa ; phys [dim(im): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 674 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::cvb => null()

[in] grrad, [in,out] gbphys: convective cloud bottom pressure in pa ; phys, cnvc90 [dim(im): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 675 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::fcice => null()

[in] grrad: fraction of cloud ice (in ferrier scheme) [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 678 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::frain => null()

[in] grrad: fraction of rain water (in ferrier scheme) [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 679 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::rrime => null()

[in] grrad: mass ratio of total to unrimed ice ( >= 1 ) [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 680 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::flgmin => null()

[in] minimim large ice fraction [dim(im): created in gbphys.f and grrad.f]

Definition at line 683 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::deltaq => null()

[in] half width of uniform total water distribution [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 686 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::cnvw => null()

[in] layer convective cloud water [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 687 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::cnvc => null()

[in] layer convective cloud cover [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 688 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::sup => null()

[in] grrad, [in,out] gbphys: supersaturation in pdf cloud when t is very low

Definition at line 692 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::cnvqc_v => null()

[in,out] total convective conensate (kg/kg) [dim(ix,lm): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 695 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::cloud_properties::cldcov => null()

[out] 3-d cloud fraction [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 698 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::htrsw => null()

[out] swh total sky sw heating rate in k/sec [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 724 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::htrlw => null()

[out] hlw total sky lw heating rate in k/sec [dim(ix,lm): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 725 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::sfalb => null()

[out] mean surface diffused sw albedo [dim(im): created in gbphys.f and grrad.f]

Definition at line 726 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::coszen => null()

[out] mean cos of zenith angle over rad call period [dim(im): created in gbphys.f and grrad.f]

Definition at line 728 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::tsflw => null()

[out] surface air temp during lw calculation in k [dim(im): created in gbphys.f and grrad.f]

Definition at line 729 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::semis => null()

[out] surface lw emissivity in fraction [dim(im): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 730 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::coszdg => null()

[InOut?] daytime mean cosz over rad call period [dim(im): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 733 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::rqtk => null()

[InOut?] mass change due to moisture variation [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 736 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::hlwd => null()

[InOut?] idea sky lw heating rates ( k/s ) [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 737 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::dtdtr => null()

[InOut?] temperature change due to radiative heating per time step (K) [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 738 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::swhc => null()

[InOut?] clear sky sw heating rates ( k/s ) [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 740 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::hlwc => null()

[InOut?] clear sky lw heating rates ( k/s ) [dim(ix,levs): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 741 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::hlwc_v => null()

Definition at line 743 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::radiation_tendencies::swhc_v => null()

Definition at line 744 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::xlon => null()

grid longitude in radians, ok for both 0->2pi or -pi -> +pi ranges [dim(im): created in gbphys.f and grrad.f]

Definition at line 764 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension (:), pointer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::xlat => null()

grid latitude in radians, default to pi/2 -> -pi/2 range, otherwise adj in subr called [dim(im): created in gbphys.f and grrad.f]

Definition at line 766 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::sinlat => null()

sine of the grids corresponding latitudes [dim(im): created in gbphys.f and grrad.f]

Definition at line 768 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::coslat => null()

cosine of the grids corresponding latitudes [dim(im): created in gbphys.f and grrad.f]

Definition at line 769 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::solhr

Definition at line 770 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::ix

horizontal dimension - ngptc in gloopb

Definition at line 772 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::im

number of used points - njeff in gloopb

Definition at line 773 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::kdt

time-step number

Definition at line 774 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::lssav

logical flag for store 3-d cloud field

Definition at line 775 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::lmfshal

mass-flux shallow conv scheme flag

Definition at line 776 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::lmfdeep2

scale-aware mass-flux deep conv scheme flag

Definition at line 777 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer, dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::icsdsw => null()

(rad. only) auxiliary cloud control arrays passed to main [dim(im): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 780 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer, dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::icsdlw => null()

(rad. only) radiations. if isubcsw/isubclw (input to init) (rad. only) are set to 2, the arrays contains provided (rad. only) random seeds for sub-column clouds generators [dim(im): created in grrad.f]

Definition at line 781 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer, dimension(8) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::jdate

(rad. only) current forecast date and time (rad. only) (yr, mon, day, t-zone, hr, min, sec, mil-sec)

Definition at line 785 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::solcon

(rad. only) solar constant (sun-earth distant adjusted)

Definition at line 787 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::dtlw

(rad. only) fhlwr - time duration for lw radiation call in sec

Definition at line 789 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::dtsw

(rad. only) fhswr - time duration for sw radiation call in sec

Definition at line 790 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::lsswr

(rad. only) logical flags for sw radiation calls

Definition at line 791 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::lslwr

(rad. only) logical flags for lw radiation calls

Definition at line 792 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::ipt

(rad. only) index for diagnostic printout point

Definition at line 793 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::lprnt

(rad. only) control flag for diagnostic print out

Definition at line 794 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::deltim

(rad. only) timestep in seconds

Definition at line 795 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::slag

equation of time ( radian )

Definition at line 799 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::sdec

sin of the solar declination angle

Definition at line 800 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::cdec

cos of the solar declination angle

Definition at line 801 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::lat

(phys. only) latitude index used for debug prints

Definition at line 805 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::dtp

(phys. only) physics time step in seconds

Definition at line 806 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::dtf

(phys. only) dynamics time step in seconds

Definition at line 807 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::clstp

(phys. only) index used by cnvc90 (for convective clouds) legacy stuff does not affect forecast

Definition at line 808 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::nnp

(phys. only) physics substep number

Definition at line 809 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer, dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::nlons

(phys. only) number of total grid points in a latitude circle through a point [dim(im): created in gbphys.f]

Definition at line 810 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::dynamic_parameters::fhour

(phys. only) forecast hour

Definition at line 811 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ntcw

=0 no cloud condensate calculated >0 array index location for cloud condensate

Definition at line 832 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ncld

only used when ntcw .gt. 0

Definition at line 834 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ntoz

=0 climatological ozone profile >0 interactive ozone profile

Definition at line 835 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ntrac

dimension veriable for array oz

Definition at line 837 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::levs

vertical layer dimension

Definition at line 838 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::me

control flag for parallel process

Definition at line 839 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::lsoil

number of soil layers

Definition at line 840 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ntiw

Definition at line 841 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ntlnc

Definition at line 842 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ntinc

Definition at line 843 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::lsm

flag for land surface model to use =0 for osu lsm; =1 for noah lsm

Definition at line 844 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::nmtvr

number of topographic variables such as variance etc used in the GWD parameterization

Definition at line 845 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::nrcm

second dimension for the random number array rann

Definition at line 846 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::levozp

ko3 - number of layers for ozone data

Definition at line 847 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::levh2o

h2o layers

Definition at line 848 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::lonr

number of lon/lat points

Definition at line 849 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::latr

number of lon/lat points

Definition at line 850 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::jcap

number of spectral wave trancation used only by sascnv shalcnv

Definition at line 851 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::num_p3d

number of 3D arrays needed for microphysics

Definition at line 852 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::num_p2d

number of 2D arrays needed for microphysics

Definition at line 853 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::npdf3d

number of 3d arrays associated with pdf based clouds/microphysics

Definition at line 854 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ncnvcld3d

number of 3d arrays associated with convective cloudiness enhancement

Definition at line 855 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::pl_coeff

number coefficients in ozone forcing

Definition at line 856 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer, dimension(2) nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ncw

range of droplet number concentrations for Ferrier microphysics - from compns_physics.f

Definition at line 857 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer, dimension(4) nuopc_physics::model_parameters::idate

initial date

Definition at line 858 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer, dimension(8) nuopc_physics::model_parameters::idat

initial date but different size and ordering used by radupdate

Definition at line 859 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::h2o_coeff

Definition at line 861 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::lats_node_r

Definition at line 862 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer, dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::jindx1 => null()

Definition at line 863 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer, dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::jindx2 => null()

Definition at line 864 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer, dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::jindx1_h => null()

Definition at line 865 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer, dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::jindx2_h => null()

Definition at line 866 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::nctp

number of cloud types in CS scheme

Definition at line 870 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ntke

tke location in the tracer array

Definition at line 871 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ntot3d

number of total 3d fields for phy_f3d

Definition at line 872 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ntot2d

number of total 2d fields for phy_f2d

Definition at line 873 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::imfshalcnv

flag for new shallow convscheme

Definition at line 874 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::imfdeepcnv

flag for new sas conv scheme

Definition at line 875 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::isot

Definition at line 876 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ivegsrc

Definition at line 877 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(3) nuopc_physics::model_parameters::crtrh

critical relative humidity at the surface PBL top and at the top of the atmosphere

Definition at line 879 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2) nuopc_physics::model_parameters::cdmbgwd

multiplication factors for cdmb and gwd

Definition at line 880 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2) nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ccwf

multiplication factor for critical cloud workfunction for RAS

Definition at line 881 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2) nuopc_physics::model_parameters::dlqf

factor for cloud condensate detrainment from cloud edges (RAS)

Definition at line 882 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2) nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ctei_rm

critical cloud top entrainment instability criteria (used if mstrat=.true.)

Definition at line 883 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(2) nuopc_physics::model_parameters::cgwf

multiplication factor for convective GWD

Definition at line 884 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::model_parameters::prslrd0

pressure level from which Rayleigh Damping is applied

Definition at line 885 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys) nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ral_ts

time scale for Rayleigh damping in days

Definition at line 886 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ozplin => null()

Definition at line 887 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ddy => null()

Definition at line 888 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::h2oplin => null()

Definition at line 889 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ddy_h => null()

Definition at line 890 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::h2o_lat => null()

Definition at line 891 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(:), pointer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::h2o_pres => null()

Definition at line 892 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ras

flag for ras convection scheme

Definition at line 894 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::pre_rad

flag for testing purpose

Definition at line 895 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::ldiag3d

flag for 3d diagnostic fields

Definition at line 896 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::lgocart

flag for 3d diagnostic fields for gocart 1

Definition at line 897 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::lssav_cpl

flag for save data for A/O/I coupling

Definition at line 898 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::flipv

flag for vertical direction flip (ras)

Definition at line 899 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::old_monin

flag for diff monin schemes

Definition at line 900 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::cnvgwd

flag for conv gravity wave drag

Definition at line 901 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::shal_cnv

flag for calling shallow convection

Definition at line 903 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::cal_pre

flag controls precip type algorithm

Definition at line 907 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::mom4ice

flag controls mom4 sea ice

Definition at line 908 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::mstrat

flag for moorthi approach for stratus

Definition at line 909 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::trans_trac

flag for convective transport of tracers

Definition at line 910 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer, dimension(5) nuopc_physics::model_parameters::nstf_name

flag 0 for no nst 1 for uncoupled nst and 2 for coupled NST

Definition at line 911 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::moist_adj

flag for moist convective adjustment

Definition at line 912 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::thermodyn_id

valid for GFS only for get_prs/phi

Definition at line 913 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::sfcpress_id

valid for GFS only for get_prs/phi

Definition at line 914 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::gen_coord_hybrid

for Henry's gen coord

Definition at line 915 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

integer nuopc_physics::model_parameters::levr

the number of layers GFS Radiative heating calculated at 1

Definition at line 916 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::lsidea

flag for idea

Definition at line 917 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::pdfcld

flag for pdfcld

Definition at line 918 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::shcnvcw

flag for shallow convective cloud

Definition at line 919 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::redrag

flag for reduced drag coeff. over sea

Definition at line 920 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::hybedmf

flag for hybrid edmf pbl scheme

Definition at line 921 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::dspheat

flag for tke dissipative heating

Definition at line 922 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::h2o_phys

Definition at line 923 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::shoc_cld

flag for SHOC in grrad

Definition at line 926 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::cscnv

flag for Chikira-Sugiyama convection

Definition at line 927 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::do_shoc

flag for SHOC

Definition at line 928 of file nuopc_physics.F90.

logical nuopc_physics::model_parameters::shocaftcnv

flag for SHOC

Definition at line 929 of file nuopc_physics.F90.