Interoperable Physics Driver for NGGPS
module_radiation_driver Module Reference


subroutine, public radupdate (idate, jdate, deltsw, deltim, lsswr, me, slag, sdec, cdec, solcon)
 This subroutine calls many update subroutines to check and update radiation required but time varying data sets and module variables. More...
subroutine, public grrad (prsi, prsl, prslk, tgrs, qgrs, tracer, vvl, slmsk, xlon, xlat, tsfc, snowd, sncovr, snoalb, zorl, hprim, alvsf, alnsf, alvwf, alnwf, facsf, facwf, fice, tisfc, sinlat, coslat, solhr, jdate, solcon, cv, cvt, cvb, fcice, frain, rrime, flgmin, icsdsw, icsdlw, ntcw, ncld, ntoz, NTRAC, NFXR, dtlw, dtsw, lsswr, lslwr, lssav, uni_cld, lmfshal, lmfdeep2, IX, IM, LM, me, lprnt, ipt, kdt, deltaq, sup, cnvw, cnvc, htrsw, topfsw, sfcfsw, dswcmp, uswcmp, sfalb, coszen, coszdg, htrlw, topflw, sfcflw, tsflw, semis, cldcov, fluxr , htrlw0, htrsw0, htrswb, htrlwb )
 This subroutine is the driver of radiation calculation subroutines. It sets up profile variables for radiation input, including clouds, surface albedos, atmospheric aerosols, ozone, etc. More...


character(40), parameter vtagrad ='NCEP-Radiation_driver v5.2 Jan 2013 '
Constant values
real(kind=kind_phys) qmin
 QMIN=1.0e-10. More...
real(kind=kind_phys) qme5
 QME5=1.0e-7. More...
real(kind=kind_phys) qme6
 QME6=1.0e-7. More...
real(kind=kind_phys) epsq
 EPSQ=1.0e-12. More...
real, parameter prsmin = 1.0e-6
 toa pressure minimum value in mb (hPa) More...
integer itsfc =0
 control flag for lw sfc air/ground interface temp setting More...

input control variables (reset in radupdate):

integer month0 =0
integer iyear0 =0
integer monthd =0
logical loz1st =.true.
 first-time climatological ozone data read flag More...
integer, parameter ltp = 0
 optional extra top layer on top of low ceiling models
LTP=0: no extra top layer More...
logical, parameter lextop = (LTP > 0)
subroutine, public radinit (si, NLAY, me)
 This subroutine is the initialization of radiation calculations. More...

Variable Documentation

character(40), parameter module_radiation_driver::vtagrad ='NCEP-Radiation_driver v5.2 Jan 2013 '

Definition at line 333 of file grrad.f.

Referenced by radinit().