Interoperable Physics Driver for NGGPS
physparam.f File Reference

This file contains module physparam. More...

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module  physparam


-1.1- Control flags for SW radiation
integer, parameter physparam::iswrate = 2
 SW heating rate unit control flag: =1:k/day; =2:k/second. More...
integer, parameter physparam::iswrgas = 1
 SW rare gases effect control flag (ch4,n2o,o2,...): =0:no; =1:yes. More...
integer, save physparam::iswcliq = 1
 SW optical property for liquid clouds
=0:input cld opt depth, ignoring iswcice setting
=1:input cwp,rew, use Hu and Stamnes(1993) [hu_and_stamnes_1993] method
=2:not defined yet. More...
integer, save physparam::iswcice = 3
 SW optical property for ice clouds (only iswcliq>0)
=0:not defined yet
=1:input cip,rei, use Ebert and Curry (1992) [ebert_and_curry_1992] method
=2:input cip,rei, use Streamer v3.0 (2001) [key_2001] method
=3:input cip,rei, use Fu's method (1996) [fu_1996] method. More...
integer, parameter physparam::iswmode = 2
 SW control flag for 2-stream transfer scheme
=1:delta-eddington (Joseph et al. 1976 [joseph_et_al_1976])
=2:pifm (Zdunkowski et al. 1980 [zdunkowski_et_al_1980])
=3:discrete ordinates (Liou, 1973 [liou_1973]) More...
-1.2- Control flags for LW radiation
integer, parameter physparam::ilwrate = 2
 LW heating rate unit (1:k/day; 2:k/second): =1:k/day; =2:k/second. More...
integer, parameter physparam::ilwrgas = 1
 LW rare gases effect control flag (ch4,n2o,o2,cfcs...): =0:no; =1:yes. More...
integer, save physparam::ilwcliq = 1
 LW optical property for liquid clouds
=0:input cld opt depth, ignoring ilwcice setting
=1:input cwp,rew, use Hu and Stamnes(1993) [hu_and_stamnes_1993] method
=2:not defined yet. More...
integer, save physparam::ilwcice = 3
 LW optical property for ice clouds (only ilwcliq>0)
=0:not defined yet
=1:input cip,rei, use Ebert and Curry (1992) [ebert_and_curry_1992] method
=2:input cip,rei, use Streamer (1996) method
=3:input cip,rei, use Fu's method (1998) [fu_et_al_1998] method. More...
-1.3- Control flag for LW aerosol property
logical, parameter physparam::lalw1bd =.false.
 =t: use 1 broad-band LW aeros properties
=f: use multi bands aeros properites More...
-2.1- For module radiation_astronomy
integer, save physparam::isolar = 0
 solar constant scheme control flag More...
character, save physparam::solar_file
 external solar constant data table,solarconstant_noaa_a0.txt More...
-2.2- For module radiation_aerosols
integer, save physparam::iaermdl = 0
 aerosol model scheme control flag More...
integer, save physparam::iaerflg = 0
 aerosol effect control flag More...
logical, save physparam::lalwflg = .true.
 LW aerosols effect control flag. More...
logical, save physparam::laswflg = .true.
 SW aerosols effect control flag. More...
logical, save physparam::lavoflg = .true.
 stratospheric volcanic effect flag More...
character, save physparam::aeros_file
 external aerosols data file: aerosol.dat More...
-2.3- For module radiation_gases
integer, save physparam::ico2flg = 0
 co2 data source control flag More...
integer, save physparam::ictmflg = 0
 external data time/date control flag More...
integer, save physparam::ioznflg = 1
 ozone data source control flag More...
character, save physparam::co2dat_file
 external co2 2d monthly obsv data table: co2historicaldata_2004.txt More...
character, save physparam::co2gbl_file
 external co2 global annual mean data tb: co2historicaldata_glob.txt More...
character, save physparam::co2usr_file
 external co2 user defined data table: co2userdata.txt More...
character, save physparam::co2cyc_file
 external co2 clim monthly cycle data tb: co2monthlycyc.txt More...
-2.4- For module radiation_clouds
integer, save physparam::icldflg = 1
 cloud optical property scheme control flag More...
integer, save physparam::icmphys = 1
 cloud micorphysics scheme control flag More...
integer, save physparam::iovrsw = 1
 cloud overlapping control flag for SW More...
integer, save physparam::iovrlw = 1
 cloud overlapping control flag for LW More...
logical, save physparam::lcrick =.false.
 eliminating CRICK control flag More...
logical, save physparam::lcnorm =.false.
 in-cld condensate control flag More...
logical, save physparam::lnoprec =.false.
 precip effect on radiation flag (Ferrier microphysics) More...
logical, save physparam::lsashal =.false.
 shallow convetion flag More...
-2.5- For module radiation_surface
integer, save physparam::ialbflg = 0
 surface albedo scheme control flag More...
integer, save physparam::iemsflg = 0
 surface emissivity scheme control flag More...
character, save physparam::semis_file
 external sfc emissivity data table: sfc_emissivity_idx.txt More...
-2.6- general purpose
integer, save physparam::ivflip = 1
 vertical profile indexing flag More...
integer, save physparam::isubcsw = 0
 sub-column cloud approx flag in SW radiation More...
integer, save physparam::isubclw = 0
 sub-column cloud approx flag in LW radiation More...
integer, save physparam::ipsd0 = 0
 initial permutaion seed for mcica radiation More...

Detailed Description

This file contains module physparam.

Definition in file physparam.f.