GMTB Workflow Documentation
REG_graphics Namespace Reference


def set_def_maps (preset_flag)
def main ()

Function Documentation

def REG_graphics.main ( )

Definition at line 75 of file

References set_def_maps().

Here is the call graph for this function:

def REG_graphics.set_def_maps (   preset_flag)
Defines the standard set of figures produced by the graphics package. 
   Top key is user's choice of a short descriptor for the figure generated. 
   Subdictionary for each individual figure with following params: 
      lev: 'lev' for desired variable in grib file
      sname: 'shortName' value of desired variable from grib file
      pname: 'parameterName' value of desired variable from grib file. Used when shortName is unavailable
      step:  'stepType' value of desired variable from grib file. e.g., avg or instant
      barbs: flag for plotting winds over variable
      hgt: flag for plotting height over variable
      vc: 'typeOfLevel' value in grib to set vertical coordinate

   Both lev and vc are required to determine the appropriate level of the given variable. 
   sname and pname are alternative methods to define the variable name. sname is preferred. 
   If pname is used, the title and file names will reflect the top-level dictionary entry. A corresponding
     variable entry to match the figure describer must be made in the dictionary of variables. 

Definition at line 16 of file

Referenced by main().

Here is the caller graph for this function: