GFS Operational Physics Documentation  Revision: 81451
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Ozone Sources and Sinks

Detailed Description

Intraphysics Cummunication

[in]ix,iminteger, horizontal dimension and num of used pts
[in]levsinteger, vertical layer dimension
[in]ko3integer, number of layers for ozone data
[in]dtreal, physics time step in seconds
[in]ozireal, updated ozone
[in]ozoreal, updated ozone
[in]tinreal, updated temperature
[in]po3real, (ko3), ozone forcing data level pressure (ln(Pa))
[in]prslreal, (ix,levs),mean layer pressure
[in]prdoutreal, (ix,ko3,pl_coeff),ozone forcing data
[in]pl_coeffinteger, number coefficients in ozone forcing
[in]delpreal, (ix,levs)
[in]ldiag3dlogical, flag for 3d diagnostic fields
[out]ozpreal, ozone change due to physics
[in]meinteger, pe number - used for debug prints

General Algorithm


subroutine ozphys (ix, im, levs, ko3, dt, ozi, ozo, tin, po3, prsl, prdout, pl_coeff, delp, ldiag3d, ozp, me)