GFS Operational Physics Documentation  Revision: 81451

This module sets up absorption coeffients for band 18: 4000-4650 cm-1 (low - h2o,ch4; high - ch4) More...


integer, public msa18
coefficients to compute tau, ssa, asy for rain drop and snowflake
integer, public msb18
integer, public msf18
integer, public mfr18
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(msf18, ng18), public selfref
 the array selfref contains the coefficient of the water vapor self-continuum (including the energy term). the first index refers to temperature in 7.2 degree increments. for instance, jt = 1 refers to a temperature of 245.6, jt = 2 refers to 252.8, etc. the second index runs over the g-channel (1 to 8).
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(msa18, ng18), public absa
 the array absa(585,NG18) (ka(9,5,13,NG18)) contains absorption coefs at the 16 chosen g-values for a range of pressure levels> ~100mb, temperatures, and binary species parameters (see taumol.f for definition). the first index in the array, js, runs from 1 to 9, and corresponds to different values of the binary species parameter. for instance, js=1 refers to dry air, js = 2 corresponds to the paramter value 1/8, js = 3 corresponds to the parameter value 2/8, etc. the second index in the array, jt, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds to different temperatures. more specifically, Jt = 3 means that the data are for the reference temperature tref for this pressure level, jt = 2 refers to tref-15, jt = 1 is for tref-30, jt = 4 is for tref+15, and jt = 5 is for tref+30. the third index, jp, runs from 1 to 13 and refers to the jpth reference pressure level (see taumol.f for these levels in mb). the fourth index, ig, goes from 1 to 8, and indicates which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(msb18, ng18), public absb
 the array absb(235,8) (kb(5,13:59,8)) contains absorption coefs at the 16 chosen g-values for a range of pressure levels < ~100mb and temperatures. the first index in the array, jt, which runs from 1 to 5, corresponds to different temperatures. more specifically, jt = 3 means that the data are for the reference temperature tref for this pressure level, jt = 2 refers to the temperature tref-15, jt = 1 is for tref-30, jt = 4 is for tref+15, and jt = 5 is for tref+30. the second index, jp, runs from 13 to 59 and refers to the jpth reference pressure level (see taumol.f for the value of these pressure levels in mb). the third index, ig, goes from 1 to 8, and tells us which g-interval the absorption coefficients are for.
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(mfr18, ng18), public forref
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter, public rayl = 1.39e-09
 rayleigh extinction coefficient at \(v=4325 cm^{-1}\)

Detailed Description

This module sets up absorption coeffients for band 18: 4000-4650 cm-1 (low - h2o,ch4; high - ch4)