GFS Operational Physics Documentation  Revision: 81451
radsw_main.f File Reference

This file contains NCEP's modifications of the rrtmg-sw radiation code from AER. More...


subroutine, public module_radsw_main::rswinit
 This subroutine initializes non-varying module variables, conversion factors, and look-up tables. More...
subroutine module_radsw_main::mcica_subcol
 This subroutine computes the sub-colum cloud profile flag array. More...
subroutine module_radsw_main::setcoef
 This subroutine computes various coefficients needed in radiative transfer calculation. More...
subroutine module_radsw_main::spcvrtm
 This subroutine computes the shortwave radiative fluxes using two-stream method of h. barder and mcica,the monte-carlo independent column approximation, for the representation of sub-grid cloud variability (i.e. cloud overlap). More...
subroutine taumol17
 The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 17: 3250-4000 cm-1 (low - h2o,co2; high - h2o,co2)
subroutine taumol18
 The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 18: 4000-4650 cm-1 (low - h2o,ch4; high - ch4)
subroutine taumol19
 The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 19: 4650-5150 cm-1 (low - h2o,co2; high - co2)
subroutine taumol20
 The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 20: 5150-6150 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - h2o)
subroutine taumol21
 The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 21: 6150-7700 cm-1 (low - h2o,co2; high - h2o,co2)
subroutine taumol22
 The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 22: 7700-8050 cm-1 (low - h2o,o2; high - o2)
subroutine taumol23
 The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 23: 8050-12850 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - nothing)
subroutine taumol24
 The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 24: 12850-16000 cm-1 (low - h2o,o2; high - o2)
subroutine taumol25
 The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 25: 16000-22650 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - nothing)
subroutine taumol26
 The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 26: 22650-29000 cm-1 (low - nothing; high - nothing)
subroutine taumol27
 The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 27: 29000-38000 cm-1 (low - o3; high - o3)
subroutine taumol28
 The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 28: 38000-50000 cm-1 (low - o3,o2; high - o3,o2)
subroutine taumol29
 The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 29: 820-2600 cm-1 (low - h2o; high - co2)
subroutine module_radsw_main::cldprop
 This subroutine computes the cloud optical properties for each cloudy layer and g-point interval. More...
subroutine module_radsw_main::spcvrtc
 This subroutine computes the shortwave radiative fluxes using two-stream method. More...
subroutine module_radsw_main::vrtqdr
 This subroutine is called by spcvrtc() and spcvrtm(), and computes the upward and downward radiation fluxes. More...
subroutine module_radsw_main::taumol
 This subroutine calculates optical depths for gaseous absorption and rayleigh scattering
subroutine called taumol## (## = 16-29) More...
subroutine taumol16
 The subroutine computes the optical depth in band 16: 2600-3250 cm-1 (low - h2o,ch4; high - ch4)


constant values
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter module_radsw_main::eps = 1.0e-6
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter module_radsw_main::oneminus = 1.0 - eps
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter module_radsw_main::bpade = 1.0/0.278
 pade approx constant
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter module_radsw_main::stpfac = 296.0/1013.0
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter module_radsw_main::ftiny = 1.0e-12
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter module_radsw_main::s0 = 1368.22
 internal solar constant
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter module_radsw_main::f_zero = 0.0
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter module_radsw_main::f_one = 1.0
atomic weights for conversion from mass to volume mixing ratios
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter module_radsw_main::amdw = con_amd/con_amw
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter module_radsw_main::amdo3 = con_amd/con_amo3
band indices
integer, dimension(nblow:nbhgh) module_radsw_main::nspa
integer, dimension(nblow:nbhgh) module_radsw_main::nspb
integer, dimension(nblow:nbhgh) module_radsw_main::idxsfc
 band index for sfc flux
integer, dimension(nblow:nbhgh) module_radsw_main::idxebc
 band index for cld prop
integer, parameter module_radsw_main::nuvb = 27
 uv-b band index

logical flags for optional output fields

logical module_radsw_main::lhswb = .false.
logical module_radsw_main::lhsw0 = .false.
logical module_radsw_main::lflxprf = .false.
logical module_radsw_main::lfdncmp = .false.
real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(0:ntbmx) module_radsw_main::exp_tbl
 those data will be set up only once by "rswinit"
real(kind=kind_phys) module_radsw_main::heatfac
 the factor for heating rates (in k/day, or k/sec set by subroutine 'rswinit')
integer, parameter module_radsw_main::ipsdsw0 = 1
 initial permutation seed used for sub-column cloud scheme
subroutine, public module_radsw_main::swrad
 This subroutine is the main SW radiation routine. More...

Detailed Description

This file contains NCEP's modifications of the rrtmg-sw radiation code from AER.

Definition in file radsw_main.f.

Go to the source code of this file.