Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) Scientific Documentation  Version 2.0
module_radiation_surface Module Reference


subroutine, public sfc_init (me)
 This subroutine is the initialization program for surface radiation related quantities (albedo, emissivity, etc.) More...
subroutine, public setalb (slmsk, snowf, sncovr, snoalb, zorlf, coszf, tsknf, tairf, hprif, alvsf, alnsf, alvwf, alnwf, facsf, facwf, fice, tisfc, IMAX, albPpert, pertalb, sfcalb )
 This subroutine computes four components of surface albedos (i.e., vis-nir, direct-diffused) according to control flag ialbflg.
1) climatological surface albedo scheme ([9])
2) MODIS retrieval based scheme from Boston univ. More...
subroutine, public setemis (xlon, xlat, slmsk, snowf, sncovr, zorlf, tsknf, tairf, hprif, IMAX, sfcemis )
 This subroutine computes surface emissivity for LW radiation. More...


character(40), parameter vtagsfc ='NCEP-Radiation_surface v5.1 Nov 2012 '
integer, parameter, public nf_albd = 4
 number of surface albedo components More...
integer, parameter, public imxems = 360
 number of longtitude points in global emis-type map More...
integer, parameter, public jmxems = 180
 number of latitude points in global emis-type map More...
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter f_zero = 0.0
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter f_one = 1.0
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter rad2dg = 180.0 / con_pi
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable idxems
 global surface emissivity index array More...
integer iemslw = 0
 global surface emissivity control flag set up in 'sfc_init' More...