CCPP SciDoc for UFS-SRW v3.0.0  SRW v3.0.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
tridi_mod Module Reference


subroutine tridi1 (l, n, cl, cm, cu, r1, au, a1)
 Routine to solve the tridiagonal system to calculate temperature and moisture at \( t + \Delta t \); part of two-part process to calculate time tendencies due to vertical diffusion. More...
subroutine tridi2 (l, n, cl, cm, cu, r1, r2, au, a1, a2)
 This subroutine .. More...
subroutine tridin (l, n, nt, cl, cm, cu, r1, r2, au, a1, a2)
 Routine to solve the tridiagonal system to calculate u- and v-momentum at \( t + \Delta t \); part of two-part process to calculate time tendencies due to vertical diffusion. More...
subroutine tridit (l, n, nt, cl, cm, cu, rt, au, at)
 This subroutine solves tridiagonal problem for TKE. More...