This is three-layer thermodynomics sea-ice model based on Winton (2000) [174]. More...
local_name | standard_name | long_name | units | type | dimensions | kind | intent | optional |
im | horizontal_loop_extent | horizontal loop extent | count | integer | () | in | False | |
km | soil_vertical_dimension | vertical loop extent for soil levels, start at 1 | count | integer | () | in | False | |
sbc | stefan_boltzmann_constant | Stefan-Boltzmann constant | W m-2 K-4 | real | () | kind_phys | in | False |
hvap | latent_heat_of_vaporization_of_water_at_0C | latent heat of evaporation/sublimation | J kg-1 | real | () | kind_phys | in | False |
tgice | freezing_point_temperature_of_seawater | freezing point temperature of seawater | K | real | () | kind_phys | in | False |
cp | specific_heat_of_dry_air_at_constant_pressure | specific heat of dry air at constant pressure | J kg-1 K-1 | real | () | kind_phys | in | False |
eps | ratio_of_dry_air_to_water_vapor_gas_constants | rd/rv | none | real | () | kind_phys | in | False |
epsm1 | ratio_of_dry_air_to_water_vapor_gas_constants_minus_one | (rd/rv) - 1 | none | real | () | kind_phys | in | False |
rvrdm1 | ratio_of_vapor_to_dry_air_gas_constants_minus_one | (rv/rd) - 1 (rv = ideal gas constant for water vapor) | none | real | () | kind_phys | in | False |
grav | gravitational_acceleration | gravitational acceleration | m s-2 | real | () | kind_phys | in | False |
t0c | temperature_at_zero_celsius | temperature at 0 degrees Celsius | K | real | () | kind_phys | in | False |
rd | gas_constant_dry_air | ideal gas constant for dry air | J kg-1 K-1 | real | () | kind_phys | in | False |
ps | surface_air_pressure | surface pressure | Pa | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
t1 | air_temperature_at_lowest_model_layer | surface layer mean temperature | K | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
q1 | water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_lowest_model_layer | surface layer mean specific humidity | kg kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
delt | time_step_for_dynamics | time step | s | real | () | kind_phys | in | False |
sfcemis | surface_longwave_emissivity_over_ice_interstitial | surface lw emissivity in fraction over ice (temporary use as interstitial) | frac | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
dlwflx | surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_absorbed_by_ground_over_ice | total sky surface downward longwave flux absorbed by the ground over ice | W m-2 | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
sfcnsw | surface_net_downwelling_shortwave_flux | total sky sfc netsw flx into ground | W m-2 | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
sfcdsw | surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux | total sky sfc downward sw flux | W m-2 | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
srflag | flag_for_precipitation_type | snow/rain flag for precipitation | flag | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
cm | surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_air_over_ice | surface exchange coeff for momentum over ice | none | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
ch | surface_drag_coefficient_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air_over_ice | surface exchange coeff heat & moisture over ice | none | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
prsl1 | air_pressure_at_lowest_model_layer | surface layer mean pressure | Pa | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
prslki | ratio_of_exner_function_between_midlayer_and_interface_at_lowest_model_layer | Exner function ratio bt midlayer and interface at 1st layer | ratio | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
prsik1 | dimensionless_exner_function_at_lowest_model_interface | dimensionless Exner function at the ground surface | none | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
prslk1 | dimensionless_exner_function_at_lowest_model_layer | dimensionless Exner function at the lowest model layer | none | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
islimsk | sea_land_ice_mask | sea/land/ice mask (=0/1/2) | flag | integer | (horizontal_dimension) | in | False | |
wind | wind_speed_at_lowest_model_layer | wind speed at lowest model level | m s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | in | False |
flag_iter | flag_for_iteration | flag for iteration | flag | logical | (horizontal_dimension) | in | False | |
lprnt | flag_print | switch for printing sample column to stdout | flag | logical | () | in | False | |
ipr | horizontal_index_of_printed_column | horizontal index of printed column | index | integer | () | in | False | |
cimin | lake_ice_minimum | minimum lake ice value | ??? | real | () | kind_phys | in | False |
hice | sea_ice_thickness | sea-ice thickness | m | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
fice | sea_ice_concentration | sea-ice concentration [0,1] | frac | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
tice | sea_ice_temperature_interstitial | sea-ice surface temperature use as interstitial | K | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
weasd | water_equivalent_accumulated_snow_depth_over_ice | water equiv of acc snow depth over ice | mm | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
tskin | surface_skin_temperature_over_ice_interstitial | surface skin temperature over ice (temporary use as interstitial) | K | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
tprcp | nonnegative_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_on_dynamics_timestep_over_ice | total precipitation amount in each time step over ice | m | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
stc | soil_temperature | soil temp | K | real | (horizontal_dimension, soil_vertical_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
ep | surface_upward_potential_latent_heat_flux_over_ice | surface upward potential latent heat flux over ice | W m-2 | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
snwdph | surface_snow_thickness_water_equivalent_over_ice | water equivalent snow depth over ice | mm | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
qsurf | surface_specific_humidity_over_ice | surface air saturation specific humidity over ice | kg kg-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
snowmt | surface_snow_melt | snow melt during timestep | m | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
gflux | upward_heat_flux_in_soil_over_ice | soil heat flux over ice | W m-2 | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
cmm | surface_drag_wind_speed_for_momentum_in_air_over_ice | momentum exchange coefficient over ice | m s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
chh | surface_drag_mass_flux_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air_over_ice | thermal exchange coefficient over ice | kg m-2 s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
evap | kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_over_ice | kinematic surface upward latent heat flux over ice | kg kg-1 m s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
hflx | kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_over_ice | kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux over ice | K m s-1 | real | (horizontal_dimension) | kind_phys | inout | False |
cplflx | flag_for_flux_coupling | flag controlling cplflx collection (default off) | flag | logical | () | in | False | |
cplchm | flag_for_chemistry_coupling | flag controlling cplchm collection (default off) | flag | logical | () | in | False | |
flag_cice | flag_for_cice | flag for cice | flag | logical | (horizontal_dimension) | in | False | |
islmsk_cice | sea_land_ice_mask_cice | sea/land/ice mask cice (=0/1/2) | flag | integer | (horizontal_dimension) | in | False | |
errmsg | ccpp_error_message | error message for error handling in CCPP | none | character | () | len=* | out | False |
errflg | ccpp_error_flag | error flag for error handling in CCPP | flag | integer | () | out | False |
The model has four prognostic variables: the snow layer thickness h_s, the ice layer thickness h_i, the upper and lower ice layer temperatures located at the midpoints of the layers h_i/4 and 3h_i/4 below the ice surface, respectively T_1 and T_2. The temperature of the bottom of the ice is fixed at T_f, the freezing temperature of seawater. The temperature of the top of the ice or snow, T_s, is determined from the surface energy balance. The model consists of a zero-heat-capacity snow layer overlying two equally thick sea ice layers (Figure 1). The upper ice layer has a variable heat capacity to represent brine pockets.
The ice model main program ice3lay() performs two functions:
Functions/Subroutines | |
subroutine | sfc_sice::sfc_sice_run (im, km, sbc, hvap, tgice, cp, eps, epsm1, rvrdm1, grav, t0c, rd, ps, t1, q1, delt, sfcemis, dlwflx, sfcnsw, sfcdsw, srflag, cm, ch, prsl1, prslki, prsik1, prslk1, islimsk, wind, flag_iter, lprnt, ipr, cimin, hice, fice, tice, weasd, tskin, tprcp, stc, ep, snwdph, qsurf, snowmt, gflux, cmm, chh, evap, hflx, cplflx, cplchm, flag_cice, islmsk_cice, errmsg, errflg |
subroutine | ice3lay |
This subroutine is the entity of three-layer sea ice vertical thermodynamics based on Winton(2000) [174] . More... | |