Three-layer Thermodynamics Sea Ice Model General Algorithm
- Ice temperature calculation.
- Calculate the effective conductive coupling of the snow-ice layer between the surface and the upper layer ice temperature h_i/4 beneath the snow-ice interface (see eq.(5) in Winton (2000) [174]).
- Calculate the conductive coupling between the two ice temperature points (see eq.(10) in Winton (2000) [174]).
- Calculate the new upper ice temperature following eq.(21) in Winton (2000) [174].
- If the surface temperature is greater than the freezing temperature of snow (when there is snow over) or sea ice (when there is none), the surface temperature is fixed at the melting temperature of snow or sea ice, respectively, and the upper ice temperature is recomputed from eq.(21) using the coefficients given by eqs. (19),(20), and (18). An energy flux eq.(22) is applied toward surface melting thereby balancing the surface energy budget.
- Calculate the new lower ice temperature following eq.(15) in Winton (2000) [174].
- Calculate the energy for bottom melting (or freezing, if negative) following eq.(23), which serves to balance the difference between the oceanic heat flux to the ice bottom and the conductive flux of heat upward from the bottom.
- Calculation of ice and snow mass changes.
- Calculate the top layer thickness.
- When the energy for bottem melting M_b is negative (i.e., freezing is happening),calculate the bottom layer thickness h_2 and the new lower layer temperature (see eqs.(24)-(26)).
- If ice remains, even up 2 layers, else, pass negative energy back in snow. Calculate the new upper layer temperature (see eq.(38)).
Referenced by sfc_sice::sfc_sice_run().