CCPP Scientific Documentation
subroutine, public wv_saturation::gestbl ( real(r8), intent(in)  tmn,
real(r8), intent(in)  tmx,
real(r8), intent(in)  trice,
logical  ip,
real(r8), intent(in)  epsil,
real(r8), intent(in)  latvap,
real(r8), intent(in)  latice,
real(r8), intent(in)  rh2o,
real(r8), intent(in)  cpair,
real(r8), intent(in)  tmeltx 

Method: uses Goff and Gratch (1946) relationships to generate the table according to a set of free paramters defined below. Auxiliary routines are also included for making rapid estimates (well with 1%) of both es and d(es)/dt for the particular table configuration.

J. Hack

References epsqs, estbl, gffgch(), hlatf, hlatv, icephs, pcf, plenest, rgasv, tmax, tmelt, tmin, and ttrice.

Referenced by micro_mg3_0::micro_mg_init().

Here is the call graph for this function: