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wv_saturation Module Reference


real(r8) function, public estblf (td)
subroutine, public gestbl (tmn, tmx, trice, ip, epsil, latvap, latice, rh2o, cpair, tmeltx)
 This subroutine builds saturation vapor pressure table for later procedure. More...
subroutine, public aqsat (t, p, es, qs, ii, ilen, kk, kstart, kend)
 This subroutine is the utility procedure to look up and returen saturation vapor pressure from precomputed table, calculate and return saturation specific humidity ( g g^{-1}), for input arrays of temperature and pressure (dimensioned ii,kk). More...
subroutine, public aqsat_water (t, p, es, qs, ii, ilen, kk, kstart, kend)
 This subroutine includes the utility procedure to look up and return saturation vapor pressure from precomputed table, calculate and return saturation specific humidity (g/g), for input arrays of temperature and pressure (dimensiond ii, kk). This routine is useful for evaluating only a selected region in the vertical. More...
subroutine, public aqsatd (t, p, es, qs, gam, ii, ilen, kk, kstart, kend)
 This subroutine include the utility procedure to look up and returen saturation vapor pressure from precomputed table, calculate and return saturation specific humidity (g/g) More...
subroutine, public vqsatd (t, p, es, qs, gam, len)
 This subroutine is the utility procedure to look up and return saturation vapor pressure from precomputed table, calculated the return saturation specific humidity (g/g). and calculate and return gamma (1/cp)*(d(qsat)/dT). The same function as qsatd, but operates on vectors of temperature and pressure. More...
subroutine, public vqsatd_water (t, p, es, qs, gam, len)
real(r8) function, public polysvp (T, typ)
integer function, public fqsatd (t, p, es, qs, gam, len)
real(r8) function, public qsat_water (t, p)
subroutine, public vqsat_water (t, p, qsat_water, len)
 This subroutine. More...
real(r8) function, public qsat_ice (t, p)
subroutine, public vqsat_ice (t, p, qsat_ice, len)
subroutine, public vqsatd2_water (t, p, es, qs, dqsdt, len)
subroutine, public vqsatd2_water_single (t, p, es, qs, dqsdt)
subroutine, public vqsatd2 (t, p, es, qs, dqsdt, len)
subroutine, public vqsatd2_single (t, p, es, qs, dqsdt)
subroutine gffgch (t, es, tmelt, itype)
real(r8) function murphykoop_svp_water (tx)
 DONIF USe Murphy and Koop (2005) (Written by Andrew Gettelman) More...
real(r8) function murphykoop_svp_ice (tx)
subroutine, public vqsatd2_ice_single (t, p, es, qs, dqsdt)


integer plenest
real(r8), dimension(plenestestbl
real(r8), public tmin
real(r8) tmax
real(r8), public ttrice
real(r8), dimension(6), public pcf
real(r8), public epsqs
real(r8), public rgasv
real(r8), public hlatf
real(r8), public hlatv
real(r8), public cp
real(r8) tmelt
logical icephs
integer, parameter iulog =6