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aer_cloud Module Reference

Data Types

type  aerprops
interface  assignment(=)


subroutine, public aer_cloud_init ()
 This subroutine calculates. More...
subroutine, public aerosol_activate (tparc_in, pparc_in, sigwparc_in, wparc_ls, Aer_Props, npre_in, dpre_in, ccn_diagr8, Ndropr8, cdncr8, smaxliqr8, incr8, smaxicer8, nheticer8, INimmr8, dINimmr8, Ncdepr8, Ncdhfr8, sc_icer8, fdust_immr8, fdust_depr8, fdust_dhfr8, nlimr8, use_average_v, CCN_param, IN_param, fd_dust, fd_soot, pfrz_inc_r8, sigma_nuc, rhi_cell, nccn)
 This subroutine sets the variables needed for the activation subroutines and return the activated droplet and ice number concentration. More...
subroutine aerconversion_base ()
 This subrotine sets basic properties of the aerosol size distributions when using GOCART aerosol Mass-number conversion based on Barahona at al.(2014) [15]. More...
subroutine, public aerconversion (aer_mass, AerPr, kappa, SULFATE, ORG, BCARBON, DUST, SEASALT)
 This subroutine sets the properties of the aerosol distributions Mass-number conversion based on Barahona at al. GMD, 2014. [15]. More...
subroutine, public aerconversion1 (aer_mass, AerPr)
 This subroutine sets the properties of the aerosol distributions. More...
subroutine, public vertical_vel_variance (omeg, lc_turb, tm_gw, pm_gw,
 This subroutine calculates subgrid scale distribution of vertical velocity. More...
subroutine, public getinsubset (typ, aerin, aerout)
 This subroutine extracts aerosol props with INactive = typ. More...
subroutine copy_aer (a, b)
 This subroutine handles aer structure. More...
subroutine copy_mode (a_out, a_in, mode_in, mode_out)
 This subroutine. More...
subroutine, public init_aer (aerout)
 This subroutine initialize aerosol properties in MG sheme. More...
subroutine arg_activ (wparc, sigw, nact, smax, nmodes, tp_par, dpg_par, kappa_par, sig_par, temp_par, pres_par)
 This subroutine finds the activated droplet number following Abdul-Razzak and Ghan (2000) [1] . More...
subroutine ccn_at_super (super, ccn_at_s, nmodes, sig_par, sg_par, tp_par)
subroutine ccnspec (tparc, pparc, nmodes,
subroutine pdfactiv (wparc, sigw, nact, smax, nmodes,
 This subroutine calculates the ccn activation fraction according to the nenes and seinfeld (2003) parameterization, with modification for non-contunuum effects as proposed by fountoukis and nenes (2005). this routine calculates for a pdf of updraft velocities. More...
subroutine activate (wparc, ndroplet, smax, nmodes,
subroutine sintegral (spar, summa, sum, summat, wparcel, nmodes,
subroutine props (pres_par, temp_par, surt_par, dv_par, act_param,
real *8 function vpres (t)
real *8 function sft (t)
subroutine gauleg (x, w, n)
real *8 function erf (x)
real *8 function gammln (xx)
subroutine iceparam (sigma_w, denice_ice, ddry_ice, np_ice,
subroutine nice_vdist (denice_ice, ddry_ice, np_ice,
real *8 function erfapp (x)
subroutine nice_param (wpar_icex, denice_ice, ddry_ice, np_ice,
real *8 function findsmax (SX, DSH,
real *8 function vpreswater_ice (T)
real *8 function vpresice (T)
real *8 function dhsub_ice (T)
real *8 function densityice (T)
real *8 function watdensity_ice (T)
subroutine prop_ice (T, P, denice_ice, ddry_ice,
subroutine gausspdf (x, dp, sigmav_ice, miuv_ice, normv_ice)
real *8 function cubicint_ice (y, y1, y2, a, b)
real *8 function dcubicint_ice (y, y1, y2, a, b)
real *8 function pdg07_ice (si, T)
subroutine inspec_ice (six, N, Dsh, np_ice, norg_ice, sigorg_ice,
subroutine inimmersion (INconc, dINconc, wparcel, dbc_ice, sigbc_ice
subroutine empirical_param_phillips (SI, SIW, SW, D_grid_dust,
real function h_1 (X, X_1, X_2, Hlo)
real function h_1_smooth (X, X_1, X_2, Hlo, Hhi, dH1smooth)


integer, parameter nsmx_par =20
integer, parameter npgauss =10
real *8, dimension(npgaussxgs_par
real *8, dimension(npgausswgs_par
real *8 base_mass_so4_polluted
real *8 base_mass_so4_clean
real *8 sh_ice
real *8 doin_ice
real *8 vmin_ice
real *8 acorr_dust
real *8 acorr_bc
integer typeofspec_ice
logical purehet_ice
logical purehom_ice
logical is_gocart
integer, parameter maxit_par =100
real, parameter amw_par =18d-3
real, parameter ama_par =29d-3