subroutine, public | micro_mg_utils_init (kind, rair, rh2o, cpair, tmelt_in, latvap, latice, dcs) |
| Initialize module variables. More...
type(mghydrometeorprops) function | newmghydrometeorprops (rho, eff_dim, lambda_bounds, min_mean_mass) |
| Constructor for a constituent property object. More...
pure real(r8) function | rising_factorial_r8 (x, n) |
pure real(r8) function | rising_factorial_integer (x, n) |
elemental real(r8) function | calc_ab (t, qv, xxl) |
elemental subroutine | size_dist_param_liq_line (props, qcic, ncic, rho, pgam, lamc) |
| get cloud droplet size distribution parameters More...
subroutine | size_dist_param_liq_vect (props, qcic, ncic, rho, pgam, lamc, mgncol) |
| This subroutine gets cloud droplet size distribution parameters. More...
elemental subroutine | size_dist_param_basic_line (props, qic, nic, lam, n0) |
| Basic routine for getting size distribution parameters. More...
subroutine | size_dist_param_basic_vect (props, qic, nic, lam, mgncol, n0) |
| This subroutine calculates. More...
elemental subroutine | size_dist_param_ice_line (props, qic, nic, lam, n0) |
| ice routine for getting size distribution parameters. More...
subroutine | size_dist_param_ice_vect (props, qic, nic, lam, mgncol, n0) |
| This subroutine. More...
real(r8) elemental function, public | avg_diameter (q, n, rho_air, rho_sub) |
| Finds the average diameter of particles given their density, and mass/number concentrations in the air. Assumes that diameter follows an exponential distribution. More...
elemental real(r8) function | var_coef_r8 (relvar, a) |
| Finds a coefficient for process rates based on the relative variance of cloud water. More...
elemental real(r8) function | var_coef_integer (relvar, a) |
| Finds a coefficient for process rates based on the relative variance of cloud water. More...
subroutine, public | ice_deposition_sublimation (t, qv, qi, ni, icldm, rho, dv, qvl, qvi, berg, vap_dep, ice_sublim, mgncol) |
| Initial ice deposition and sublimation loop. Run before the main loop This subroutine written by Peter Caldwell. More...
subroutine, public | kk2000_liq_autoconversion (microp_uniform, qcic, ncic, rho, relvar, prc, nprc, nprc1, mgncol) |
| autoconversion of cloud liquid water to rain formula from Khrouditnov and Kogan (2000), modified for sub-grid distribution of qc minimum qc of 1 x 10^-8 prevents floating point error More...
subroutine, public | sb2001v2_liq_autoconversion (pgam, qc, nc, qr, rho, relvar, au, nprc, nprc1, mgncol) |
| This subroutine. More...
subroutine, public | liu_liq_autoconversion (pgam, qc, nc, qr, rho, relvar, au, nprc, nprc1, mgncol) |
| Anning Cheng 10/5/2017 add Liu et al. autoconversion. More...
subroutine, public | sb2001v2_accre_cld_water_rain (qc, nc, qr, rho, relvar, pra, npra, mgncol) |
subroutine, public | ice_autoconversion (t, qiic, lami, n0i, dcs, ac_time, prci, nprci, mgncol) |
| Autoconversion of cloud ice to snow similar to Ferrier (1994) More...
subroutine, public | gmao_ice_autoconversion (t, qiic, niic, lami, n0i, dcs, ac_time, prci, nprci, mgncol) |
| GMAO ice autoconversion. More...
subroutine, public | immersion_freezing (microp_uniform, t, pgam, lamc, qcic, ncic, relvar, mnuccc, nnuccc, mgncol) |
| immersion freezing (Bigg, 1953) More...
subroutine, public | contact_freezing (microp_uniform, t, p, rndst, nacon, pgam, lamc, qcic, ncic, relvar, mnucct, nnucct, mgncol, mdust) |
| contact freezing (-40<T<-3 C) (Young, 1974) with hooks into simulated dust dust size and number in multiple bins are read in from companion routine More...
subroutine, public | snow_self_aggregation (t, rho, asn, rhosn, qsic, nsic, nsagg, mgncol) |
| snow self-aggregation from passarelli, 1978, used by reisner, 1998 More...
subroutine, public | accrete_cloud_water_snow (t, rho, asn, uns, mu, qcic, ncic, qsic, pgam, lamc, lams, n0s, psacws, npsacws, mgncol) |
| accretion of cloud droplets onto snow/graupel More...
subroutine, public | secondary_ice_production (t, psacws, msacwi, nsacwi, mgncol) |
| add secondary ice production due to accretion of droplets by snow More...
subroutine, public | accrete_rain_snow (t, rho, umr, ums, unr, uns, qric, qsic, lamr, n0r, lams, n0s, pracs, npracs, mgncol) |
| accretion of rain water by snow More...
subroutine, public | heterogeneous_rain_freezing (t, qric, nric, lamr, mnuccr, nnuccr, mgncol) |
| heterogeneous freezing of rain drops More...
subroutine, public | accrete_cloud_water_rain (microp_uniform, qric, qcic, ncic, relvar, accre_enhan, pra, npra, mgncol) |
| accretion of cloud liquid water by rain formula from Khrouditnov and Kogan (2000) More...
subroutine, public | self_collection_rain (rho, qric, nric, nragg, mgncol) |
| Self-collection of rain drops from Beheng(1994) More...
subroutine, public | accrete_cloud_ice_snow (t, rho, asn, qiic, niic, qsic, lams, n0s, prai, nprai, mgncol) |
| Accretion of cloud ice by snow. More...
subroutine, public | evaporate_sublimate_precip (t, rho, dv, mu, sc, q, qvl, qvi, lcldm, precip_frac, arn, asn, qcic, qiic, qric, qsic, lamr, n0r, lams, n0s, pre, prds, am_evp_st, mgncol) |
| calculate evaporation/sublimation of rain and snow More...
subroutine | evaporate_sublimate_precip_graupel (t, rho, dv, mu, sc, q, qvl, qvi, lcldm, precip_frac, arn, asn, agn, bg, qcic, qiic, qric, qsic, qgic, lamr, n0r, lams, n0s, lamg, n0g, pre, prds, prdg, am_evp_st, mgncol) |
| evaporation/sublimation of rain, snow and graupel More...
subroutine, public | bergeron_process_snow (t, rho, dv, mu, sc, qvl, qvi, asn, qcic, qsic, lams, n0s, bergs, mgncol) |
| bergeron process - evaporation of droplets and deposition onto snow More...
subroutine | graupel_collecting_snow (qsic, qric, umr, ums, rho, lamr, n0r, lams, n0s, psacr, mgncol) |
| Collection of snow by rain to form graupel. More...
subroutine | graupel_collecting_cld_water (qgic, qcic, ncic, rho, n0g, lamg, bg, agn, psacwg, npsacwg, mgncol) |
| Collection of cloud water by graupel. More...
subroutine | graupel_riming_liquid_snow (psacws, qsic, qcic, nsic, rho, rhosn, rhog, asn, lams, n0s, dtime, pgsacw, nscng, mgncol) |
| Conversion of rimed cloud water onto snow to graupel/hail. More...
subroutine | graupel_collecting_rain (qric, qgic, umg, umr, ung, unr, rho, n0r, lamr, n0g, lamg, pracg, npracg, mgncol) |
subroutine | graupel_rain_riming_snow (pracs, npracs, psacr, qsic, qric, nric, nsic, n0s, lams, n0r, lamr, dtime, pgracs, ngracs, mgncol) |
| Rain riming snow to graupel. More...
subroutine | graupel_rime_splintering (t, qcic, qric, qgic, psacwg, pracg, qmultg, nmultg, qmultrg, nmultrg, mgncol) |
| Rime splintering. More...
pure real(r8) function | no_limiter () |
pure logical function | limiter_is_on (lim) |
real(r8) function | gamma_incomp (muice, x) |