subroutine | mym_level2 (kts, kte, dz, u, v, thl, qw, ql, vt, vq, dtl, dqw, dtv, gm, gh, sm, sh) |
| This subroutine calculates the level 2, non-dimensional wind shear G_M and vertical temperature gradient G_H as well as the level 2 stability funcitons S_h and S_m. More...
subroutine | mym_length ( kts, kte, dz, zw, rmo, flt, flq, vt, vq, qke, dtv, el, zi, theta, qkw, Psig_bl, cldfra_bl1D, bl_mynn_mixlength, edmf_w1, edmf_a1, edmf_qc1, bl_mynn_edmf) |
| This subroutine calculates the mixing lengths. More...
subroutine | boulac_length0 (k, kts, kte, zw, dz, qtke, theta, lb1, lb2) |
| This subroutine was taken from the BouLac scheme in WRF-ARW and modified for integration into the MYNN PBL scheme. WHILE loops were added to reduce the computational expense. This subroutine computes the length scales up and down and then computes the min, average of the up/down length scales, and also considers the distance to the surface. More...
subroutine | boulac_length (kts, kte, zw, dz, qtke, theta, lb1, lb2) |
| This subroutine was taken from the BouLac scheme in WRF-ARW and modified for integration into the MYNN PBL scheme. WHILE loops were added to reduce the computational expense. This subroutine computes the length scales up and down and then computes the min, average of the up/down length scales, and also considers the distance to the surface. More...
subroutine | mym_turbulence ( kts, kte, levflag, dz, zw, u, v, thl, ql, qw, qke, tsq, qsq, cov, vt, vq, rmo, flt, flq, zi, theta, sh, El, Dfm, Dfh, Dfq, Tcd, Qcd, Pdk, Pdt, Pdq, Pdc, qWT1D, qSHEAR1D, qBUOY1D, qDISS1D, bl_mynn_tkebudget, Psig_bl, Psig_shcu, cldfra_bl1D, bl_mynn_mixlength, edmf_w1, edmf_a1, edmf_qc1, bl_mynn_edmf, TKEprodTD, spp_pbl, rstoch_col) |
| This subroutine calculates the vertical diffusivity coefficients and the production terms for the turbulent quantities. More...
subroutine | mym_predict (kts, kte, levflag, delt, dz, ust, flt, flq, pmz, phh, el, dfq, pdk, pdt, pdq, pdc, qke, tsq, qsq, cov, s_aw, s_awqke, bl_mynn_edmf_tke ) |
| This subroutine predicts the turbulent quantities at the next step. More...
subroutine | mym_condensation (kts, kte, dx, dz, zw, thl, qw, p, exner, tsq, qsq, cov, Sh, el, bl_mynn_cloudpdf, qc_bl1D, cldfra_bl1D, PBLH1, HFX1, Vt, Vq, th, sgm, rmo, spp_pbl, rstoch_col ) |
| This subroutine calculates the nonconvective component of the subgrid cloud fraction and mixing ratio as well as the functions used to calculate the buoyancy flux. Different cloud PDFs can be selected by use of the namelist parameter bl_mynn_cloudpdf . More...
subroutine | mynn_tendencies (kts, kte, levflag, grav_settling, delt, dz, rho, u, v, th, tk, qv, qc, qi, qnc, qni, p, exner, thl, sqv, sqc, sqi, sqw, qnwfa, qnifa, ust, flt, flq, flqv, flqc, wspd, qcg, uoce, voce, tsq, qsq, cov, tcd, qcd, dfm, dfh, dfq, Du, Dv, Dth, Dqv, Dqc, Dqi, Dqnc, Dqni, Dqnwfa, Dqnifa, vdfg1, diss_heat, s_aw, s_awthl, s_awqt, s_awqv, s_awqc, s_awu, s_awv, s_awqnc, s_awqni, s_awqnwfa, s_awqnifa, FLAG_QC, FLAG_QI, FLAG_QNC, FLAG_QNI, FLAG_QNWFA, FLAG_QNIFA, cldfra_bl1d, ztop_shallow, ktop_shallow, bl_mynn_cloudmix, bl_mynn_mixqt, bl_mynn_edmf, bl_mynn_edmf_mom, bl_mynn_mixscalars ) |
| This subroutine solves for tendencies of U, V, \theta, qv, qc, and qi. More...
subroutine | mynn_mix_chem (kts, kte, levflag, grav_settling, delt, dz, nchem, kdvel, ndvel, num_vert_mix, chem1, vd1, qnc, qni, p, exner, thl, sqv, sqc, sqi, sqw, ust, flt, flq, flqv, flqc, wspd, qcg, uoce, voce, tsq, qsq, cov, tcd, qcd, dfm, dfh, dfq, s_aw, s_awchem, bl_mynn_cloudmix) |
subroutine | retrieve_exchange_coeffs (kts, kte, dfm, dfh, dz, K_m, K_h) |
subroutine | tridiag (n, a, b, c, d) |
subroutine | tridiag2 (n, a, b, c, d, x) |
subroutine | tridiag3 (kte, a, b, c, d, x) |
subroutine | dmp_mf ( kts, kte, dt, zw, dz, p, momentum_opt, tke_opt, scalar_opt, u, v, w, th, thl, thv, tk, qt, qv, qc, qke, qnc, qni, qnwfa, qnifa, exner, vt, vq, sgm, ust, flt, flq, flqv, flqc, pblh, kpbl, DX, landsea, ts, |
| This subroutine is the Dynamic Multi-Plume (DMP) Mass-Flux Scheme. More...
subroutine | condensation_edmf (QT, THL, P, zagl, THV, QC) |
| This subroutine. More...
subroutine | scale_aware (dx, PBL1, Psig_bl, Psig_shcu) |
| This subroutine calculates the similarity functions, P_{\sigma-PBL} and P_{\sigma-shcu}, to control the scale-adaptive behavior for the local and nonlocal components, respectively. More...
real function | esat_blend (t) |
real function | qsat_blend (t, P, waterice) |
| This function extends function "esat" and returns a "blended" saturation mixing ratio. More...
real function | xl_blend (t) |
| This function interpolates the latent heats of vaporization and sublimation into a single, temperature-dependent, "blended" value, following Chaboureau and Bechtold (2002) [29], Appendix. More...
subroutine | mym_initialize ( kts, kte, dz, zw, u, v, thl, qw, |
| This subroutine initializes the mixing length, TKE, \theta^{'2}, q^{'2}, and \theta^{'}q^{'}. More...
subroutine | mynn_bl_driver (WRF_CHEM) |
| This subroutine is the GSD MYNN-EDNF PBL driver routine,which encompassed the majority of the subroutines that comprise the procedures that ultimately solve for tendencies of U, V, \theta, q_v, q_c, and q_i. More...
subroutine | get_pblh (KTS, KTE, zi, thetav1D, qke1D, zw1D, dz1D, landsea, kzi) |
| This subroutine calculates hybrid diagnotic boundary-layer height (PBLH). More...