CCPP Scientific Documentation
samfdeepcnv Module Reference

This module contains the CCPP-compliant scale-aware mass-flux deep convection scheme.


subroutine samfdeepcnv_init ()
 Brief description of the subroutine. More...
subroutine samfdeepcnv_finalize ()
 Brief description of the subroutine. More...
subroutine samfdeepcnv_run (im, ix, km, itc, ntc, cliq, cp, cvap, eps, epsm1, fv, grav, hvap, rd, rv, t0c, delt, ntk, ntr, delp, prslp, psp, phil, qtr, q1, t1, u1, v1, fscav, do_ca, ca_deep, cldwrk, rn, kbot, ktop, kcnv, islimsk, garea, dot, ncloud, ud_mf, dd_mf, dt_mf, cnvw, cnvc, QLCN, QICN, w_upi, cf_upi, CNV_MFD, CNV_DQLDT, CLCN, CNV_FICE, CNV_NDROP, CNV_NICE, mp_phys, mp_phys_mg, clam, c0s, c1, betal, betas, evfact, evfactl, pgcon, asolfac, errmsg, errflg)