Functions/Subroutines | |
subroutine, public | micro_mg_init ( kind, gravit, rair, rh2o, cpair, tmelt_in, latvap, latice, rhmini_in, micro_mg_dcs, ts_auto, mg_qcvar, micro_mg_do_hail_in, micro_mg_do_graupel_in, microp_uniform_in, do_cldice_in, use_hetfrz_classnuc_in, micro_mg_precip_frac_method_in, micro_mg_berg_eff_factor_in, allow_sed_supersat_in, do_sb_physics_in, do_ice_gmao_in, do_liq_liu_in, nccons_in, nicons_in, ncnst_in, ninst_in, ngcons_in, ngnst_in) |
This subroutine initializes microphysics routine, should be called once at start of simulation. More... | |
subroutine | calc_rercld (lamr, n0r, lamc, pgam, qric, qcic, ncic, rercld, mgncol, nlev) |
This subroutine calculates effective radius for rain and cloud. More... | |
subroutine, public | micro_mg_tend ( mgncol, nlev, deltatin, t, q, qcn, qin, ncn, nin, qrn, qsn, nrn, nsn, qgr, ngr, relvar, accre_enhan_i, p, pdel, cldn, liqcldf, icecldf, qsatfac, qcsinksum_rate1ord, naai, npccnin, rndst, nacon, tlat, qvlat, qctend, qitend, nctend, nitend, qrtend, qstend, nrtend, nstend, qgtend, ngtend, effc, effc_fn, effi, sadice, sadsnow, prect, preci, nevapr, evapsnow, am_evp_st, prain, prodsnow, cmeout, deffi, pgamrad, lamcrad, qsout, dsout, qgout, ngout, dgout, lflx, iflx, gflx, rflx, sflx, qrout, reff_rain, reff_snow, reff_grau, qcsevap, qisevap, qvres, cmeitot, vtrmc, vtrmi, umr, ums, umg, qgsedten, qcsedten, qisedten, qrsedten, qssedten, pratot, prctot, mnuccctot, mnuccttot, msacwitot, psacwstot, bergstot, bergtot, melttot, homotot, qcrestot, prcitot, praitot, qirestot, mnuccrtot, mnuccritot, pracstot, meltsdttot, frzrdttot, mnuccdtot, pracgtot, psacwgtot, pgsacwtot, pgracstot, prdgtot, qmultgtot, qmultrgtot, psacrtot, npracgtot, nscngtot, ngracstot, nmultgtot, nmultrgtot, npsacwgtot, nrout, nsout, refl, arefl, areflz, frefl, csrfl, acsrfl, fcsrfl, rercld, ncai, ncal, qrout2, qsout2, nrout2, nsout2, drout2, dsout2, qgout2, ngout2, dgout2, freqg, freqs, freqr, nfice, qcrat, prer_evap, xlat, xlon, lprnt, iccn, aero_in, nlball) |
This subroutine calculates calculate MG3 microphysical processes and other utilities. More... | |
Variables | |
logical | nccons |
nccons = .true. to specify constant cloud droplet number More... | |
logical | nicons |
nicons = .true. to specify constant cloud ice number More... | |
logical | ngcons |
ngcons = .true. to specify constant graupel number More... | |
real(r8) | ncnst |
droplet num concentration when nccons=.true. (m-3) More... | |
real(r8) | ninst |
ice num concentration when nicons=.true. (m-3) More... | |
real(r8) | ngnst |
graupel num concentration when ngcons=.true. (m-3) More... | |
real(r8), parameter | csmin = -30._r8 |
Range of cloudsat reflectivities (dBz) for analytic simulator. More... | |
real(r8), parameter | csmax = 26._r8 |
real(r8), parameter | mindbz = -99._r8 |
real(r8), parameter | minrefl = 1.26e-10_r8 |
real(r8) | dcs |
real(r8) | ts_au |
real(r8) | ts_au_min |
real(r8), public | qcvar |
real(r8), parameter | mi0l_min = 4._r8/3._r8*pi*rhow*(4.e-6_r8)**3 |
real(r8), parameter | sublim_factor = 0.0_r8 |
real(r8), parameter | zero =0.0_r8 |
real(r8), parameter | one =1.0_r8 |
real(r8), parameter | two =2.0_r8 |
real(r8), parameter | three =3.0_r8 |
real(r8), parameter | four =4.0_r8 |
real(r8), parameter | five =5.0_r8 |
real(r8), parameter | six =6._r8 |
real(r8), parameter | half =0.5_r8 |
real(r8), parameter | ten =10.0_r8 |
real(r8), parameter | forty =40.0_r8 |
real(r8), parameter | oneo6 =one/six |
real(r8) | g |
gravity More... | |
real(r8) | r |
dry air gas constant More... | |
real(r8) | rv |
water vapor gas constant More... | |
real(r8) | cpp |
specific heat of dry air More... | |
real(r8) | tmelt |
freezing point of water (K) More... | |
real(r8) | xxlv |
vaporization More... | |
real(r8) | xlf |
freezing More... | |
real(r8) | xxls |
sublimation More... | |
real(r8) | rhmini |
Minimum rh for ice cloud fraction > 0. More... | |
logical | microp_uniform |
logical | do_cldice |
logical | use_hetfrz_classnuc |
real(r8) | rhosu |
typical 850mn air density More... | |
real(r8) | icenuct |
ice nucleation temperature: currently -5 degrees C More... | |
real(r8) | snowmelt |
what temp to melt all snow: currently 2 degrees C More... | |
real(r8) | rainfrze |
what temp to freeze all rain: currently -5 degrees C More... | |
real(r8) | rhogtmp |
hail or graupel density (kg m-3) More... | |
real(r8) | agtmp |
tmp ag/ah parameter More... | |
real(r8) | bgtmp |
tmp fall speed parameter More... | |
real(r8) | gamma_br_plus1 |
real(r8) | gamma_bs_plus1 |
real(r8) | gamma_bi_plus1 |
real(r8) | gamma_bj_plus1 |
real(r8) | gamma_bg_plus1 |
real(r8) | gamma_br_plus4 |
real(r8) | gamma_bs_plus4 |
real(r8) | gamma_bi_plus4 |
real(r8) | gamma_bj_plus4 |
real(r8) | gamma_bg_plus4 |
real(r8) | xxlv_squared |
real(r8) | xxls_squared |
real(r8) | omeps |
character(len=16) | micro_mg_precip_frac_method |
type of precipitation fraction method More... | |
real(r8) | micro_mg_berg_eff_factor |
berg efficiency factor More... | |
logical | allow_sed_supersat |
Allow supersaturated conditions after sedimentation loop. More... | |
logical | do_sb_physics |
do SB 2001 autoconversion or accretion physics More... | |
logical | do_ice_gmao |
logical | do_liq_liu |