CCPP Scientific Documentation
radcons Module Reference

This module contains some of the most frequently used math and physics constants for RRTMG.


character(40), parameter vtagrad ='NCEP-Radiation_driver v5.2 Jan 2013 '
Constant values
real(kind=kind_phys) qmin
 lower limit of saturation vapor pressure (=1.0e-10) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) qme5
 lower limit of specific humidity (=1.0e-7) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) qme6
 lower limit of specific humidity (=1.0e-7) More...
real(kind=kind_phys) epsq
 EPSQ=1.0e-12. More...
real, parameter prsmin = 1.0e-6
 lower limit of toa pressure value in mb More...
integer itsfc =0
 control flag for LW surface temperature at air/ground interface (default=0, the value will be set in subroutine radinit) More...
integer month0 =0
 new data input control variables (set/reset in subroutines radinit/radupdate): More...
integer iyear0 =0
 lower limit of saturation vapor pressure (=1.0e-10) More...
integer monthd =0
 lower limit of saturation vapor pressure (=1.0e-10) More...
logical loz1st =.true.
 control flag for the first time of reading climatological ozone data (set/reset in subroutines radinit/radupdate, it is used only if the control parameter ioznflg=0) More...
integer, parameter ltp = 0
 optional extra top layer on top of low ceiling models
LTP=0: no extra top layer More...
logical, parameter lextop = (LTP > 0)
 control flag for extra top layer More...
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter con_24 = 24.0_kind_phys
 lower limit of saturation vapor pressure (=1.0e-10) More...
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter con_hr = 3600.0_kind_phys
 lower limit of saturation vapor pressure (=1.0e-10) More...
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter con_99 = 99.0_kind_phys
 lower limit of saturation vapor pressure (=1.0e-10) More...
real(kind=kind_phys), parameter con_100 = 100.0_kind_phys
 lower limit of saturation vapor pressure (=1.0e-10) More...