This module contains the CCPP-compliant NoahMP land surface model driver.
Functions/Subroutines | |
subroutine, public | noahmpdrv_init (me, isot, ivegsrc, nlunit, errmsg, errflg) |
This subroutine is called during the CCPP initialization phase and calls set_soilveg() to initialize soil and vegetation parameters for the chosen soil and vegetation data sources. More... | |
subroutine, public | noahmpdrv_finalize |
subroutine | transfer_mp_parameters (vegtype, soiltype, slopetype, soilcolor, parameters) |
This subroutine fills in a derived data type of type noahmp_parameters with data from the module noahmp_tables. More... | |
subroutine | penman (sfctmp, sfcprs, ch, t2v, th2, prcp, fdown, ssoil, q2, q2sat, etp, snowng, frzgra, ffrozp, dqsdt2, emissi_in, sncovr) |
brief Calculate potential evaporation for the current point. Various partial sums/products are also calculated and passed back to the calling routine for later use. More... | |
subroutine, public | noahmpdrv_run (im, km, itime, ps, u1, v1, t1, q1, soiltyp, vegtype, sigmaf, sfcemis, dlwflx, dswsfc, snet, delt, tg3, cm, ch, prsl1, prslki, zf, dry, wind, slopetyp, shdmin, shdmax, snoalb, sfalb, flag_iter, flag_guess, idveg, iopt_crs, iopt_btr, iopt_run, iopt_sfc, iopt_frz, iopt_inf, iopt_rad, iopt_alb, iopt_snf, iopt_tbot, iopt_stc, xlatin, xcoszin, iyrlen, julian, rainn_mp, rainc_mp, snow_mp, graupel_mp, ice_mp, con_hvap, con_cp, con_jcal, rhoh2o, con_eps, con_epsm1, con_fvirt, con_rd, con_hfus, weasd, snwdph, tskin, tprcp, srflag, smc, stc, slc, canopy, trans, tsurf, zorl, snowxy, tvxy, tgxy, canicexy, canliqxy, eahxy, tahxy, cmxy, chxy, fwetxy, sneqvoxy, alboldxy, qsnowxy, wslakexy, zwtxy, waxy, wtxy, tsnoxy, zsnsoxy, snicexy, snliqxy, lfmassxy, rtmassxy, stmassxy, woodxy, stblcpxy, fastcpxy, xlaixy, xsaixy, taussxy, smoiseq, smcwtdxy, deeprechxy, rechxy, sncovr1, qsurf, gflux, drain, evap, hflx, ep, runoff, cmm, chh, evbs, evcw, sbsno, snowc, stm, snohf, smcwlt2, smcref2, wet1, t2mmp, q2mp, errmsg, errflg) |
This subroutine is the main CCPP entry point for the NoahMP LSM. More... | |