CCPP SciDoc  v6.0.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
GFS_v17_p8 Suite


Version 17 of the Global Forecast System (GFS) is scheduled for operational implementation by the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) in 2024. The GFS_v17_p8 suite is a prototype of the GFS_v17 suite, and is expected to evolve before the implementation. It is available for use with the CCPP SCM. The primary differences between the GFS_v16 and GFS_v17_p8 suites are:

The GFS_v17_p8 suite uses the parameterizations in the following order:

Suite Definition File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<suite name="SCM_GFS_v17_p8" version="1">
<!-- <init></init> -->
<group name="time_vary">
<subcycle loop="1">
<group name="radiation">
<subcycle loop="1">
<group name="physics">
<subcycle loop="1">
<!-- Surface iteration loop -->
<subcycle loop="2">
<!-- End of surface iteration loop -->
<subcycle loop="1">
<subcycle loop="1">
<subcycle loop="1">
<!-- <finalize></finalize> -->


  • General physics options
    fhzero = 6
    h2o_phys = .true.
    ldiag3d = .true.
    qdiag3d = .true.
    print_diff_pgr = .false.
    fhcyc = 24
    use_ufo = .true.
    pre_rad = .false.
    imp_physics = 8
    iovr = 3
    ltaerosol = .false.
    lradar = .false.
    ttendlim = -999
    dt_inner = 300.0
    sedi_semi = .true.
    decfl = 10
    oz_phys = .false.
    oz_phys_2015 = .true.
    lsoil_lsm = 4
    do_mynnedmf = .false.
    do_mynnsfclay = .false.
    icloud_bl = 1
    bl_mynn_edmf = 1
    bl_mynn_tkeadvect = .true.
    bl_mynn_edmf_mom = 1
    do_ugwp = .false.
    do_tofd = .false.
    gwd_opt = 2
    do_ugwp_v0 = .true.
    do_ugwp_v1 = .false.
    do_ugwp_v0_orog_only = .false.
    do_ugwp_v0_nst_only = .false.
    do_gsl_drag_ls_bl = .false.
    do_gsl_drag_ss = .true.
    do_gsl_drag_tofd = .true.
    do_ugwp_v1_orog_only = .false.
    min_lakeice = 0.15
    min_seaice = 0.15
    use_cice_alb = .false.
    pdfcld = .false.
    fhswr = 1200.
    fhlwr = 1200.
    ialb = 2
    iems = 2
    iaer = 5111
    icliq_sw = 2
    ico2 = 2
    isubc_sw = 2
    isubc_lw = 2
    isol = 2
    lwhtr = .true.
    swhtr = .true.
    cnvgwd = .true.
    shal_cnv = .true.
    cal_pre = .false.
    redrag = .true.
    dspheat = .true.
    hybedmf = .false.
    satmedmf = .true.
    isatmedmf = 1
    lheatstrg = .true.
    lseaspray = .true.
    random_clds = .false.
    trans_trac = .true.
    cnvcld = .true.
    imfshalcnv = 2
    imfdeepcnv = 2
    ras = .false.
    cdmbgwd = 0.14,1.8,1.0,1.0
    prslrd0 = 0.
    ivegsrc = 1
    isot = 1
    lsoil = 4
    lsm = 2
    iopt_dveg = 4
    iopt_crs = 2
    iopt_btr = 1
    iopt_run = 1
    iopt_sfc = 3
    iopt_trs = 2
    iopt_frz = 1
    iopt_inf = 1
    iopt_rad = 3
    iopt_alb = 1
    iopt_snf = 4
    iopt_tbot = 2
    iopt_stc = 3
    debug = .false.
    nstf_name = 2,1,0,0,0
    nst_anl = .true.
    psautco = 0.0008,0.0005
    prautco = 0.00015,0.00015
    lgfdlmprad = .false.
    effr_in = .true.
    ldiag_ugwp = .false.
    fscav_aero = "'*:0.0'"
    do_sppt = .false.
    do_shum = .false.
    do_skeb = .false.
    do_RRTMGP = .false.
    doGP_cldoptics_LUT = .true.
    doGP_lwscat = .true.
    active_gases = 'h2o_co2_o3_n2o_ch4_o2'
    ngases = 6
    rrtmgp_root = '../../ccpp/physics/physics/rte-rrtmgp/'
    lw_file_gas = 'rrtmgp/data/'
    lw_file_clouds = 'extensions/cloud_optics/'
    sw_file_gas = 'rrtmgp/data/'
    sw_file_clouds = 'extensions/cloud_optics/'
    rrtmgp_nGptsSW = 112
    rrtmgp_nGptsLW = 128
    rrtmgp_nBandsLW = 16
    rrtmgp_nBandsSW = 14
    frac_grid = .true.
    cplchm = .false.
    cplflx = .false.
    cplice = .false.
    cplwav = .false.
    cplwav2atm = .false.
    do_ca = .false.
    ca_global = .false.
    ca_sgs = .false.
    nca = 1
    ncells = 5
    nlives = 12
    nseed = 1
    nfracseed = 0.5
    nthresh = 18
    ca_trigger = .true.
    nspinup = 1
    iseed_ca = 12345
    lndp_type = 0
    n_var_lndp = 0
  • GFS Unified UGWP Scheme related options
    knob_ugwp_solver = 2
    knob_ugwp_source = 1,1,0,0
    knob_ugwp_wvspec = 1,25,25,25
    knob_ugwp_azdir = 2,4,4,4
    knob_ugwp_stoch = 0,0,0,0
    knob_ugwp_effac = 1,1,1,1
    knob_ugwp_doaxyz = 1
    knob_ugwp_doheat = 1
    knob_ugwp_dokdis = 1
    knob_ugwp_ndx4lh = 1
    knob_ugwp_version = 0
    launch_level = 54
  • nstf_name = \([2,0,0,0,0]^1 [2,1,0,0,0]^2\)
    • \(^1\) NSST is on and coupled with spin up off
    • \(^2\) NSST is on and coupled with spin up on