CCPP SciDoc  v6.0.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
CCPP Modules
CCPP-compliant modules
[detail level 12]
 GFDL In-Core Fast Saturation Adjustment ModuleThe subroutine 'fv_sat_adj' implements the fast processes in the GFDL Cloud MP. It is part of the GFDL Cloud MP
 GFS Time Vary Pre ModuleThis module contains code related to GFS physics suite setup
 GFS Radiation Time UpdateThis module contains code related to GFS radiation setup
 GFS Physics Time UpdateThis module contains GFS physics time vary subroutines including ozone, stratospheric water vapor, aerosol, IN&CCN and surface properties updates
 GFS sfcsub ModuleThis module contains grib code for each parameter-used in subroutines sfccycle() and setrmsk()
 GFS_surface_loop_control_part1 schemeThis module contains the GFS_surface_loop_control_part1 scheme
 GFS_surface_loop_control_part2 ModuleThis module contains the GFS_surface_loop_control_part2 scheme
 GFS Radiation Surface ModuleThis module contains calls to module_radiation_surface::setemis() to set up surface emissivity for LW radiation and to module_radiation_surface::setalb() to set up surface albedo for SW radiation
 GFS RRTMG Scheme PreThis module contains cloud properties calculation for RRTMG
 GFS RRTMG Scheme PostThis module calculate time averaged output quantities (including total-sky and clear-sky SW and LW fluxes at TOA and surface; conventional 3-domain cloud amount, cloud top and base pressure, and cloud top temperature; aerosols AOD, etc.), store computed results in corresponding slots of array fluxr with appropriate time weights
 GFS RRTMG Scheme SetupThis subroutine initializes RRTMG
 GFS Radiation-SW PreThis module gathers the sunlit points for the shortwave radiation schemes
 sgscloud_radpre_run ModuleThis interstitial code adds the subgrid clouds to the resolved-scale clouds if there is no resolved-scale clouds in that particular grid box. It can also specify a cloud fraction for resolved-scale clouds, using Xu-Randall (1996), if desired
 sgscloud_radpost_run ModuleThis interstitial code restores the original resolved-scale clouds (qc and qi)
 GFS RRTMG-SW Main ModuleThis module includes NCEP's modifications of the RRTMG-SW radiation code from AER
 GFS RRTMG-SW scheme postThis module saves two spectral bands' surface downward and upward fluxes for output
 GFS RRTMG-LW scheme preThis module contains RRTMG-LW pre module
 GFS RRTMG-LW Main ModuleThis module includes NCEP's modifications of the RRTMG-LW radiation code from AER.The RRTMG-LW package includes three files:
 GFS RRTMG scheme postThis module saves RRTMG-LW fluxes results
 Radiation Aerosols ModuleThis module contains climatological atmospheric aerosol schemes for radiation computations
 Radiation Astronomy ModuleThis module sets up astronomical quantities for solar radiation calculations
 Radiation Clouds ModuleThis module computes cloud related quantities for radiation computations
 Radiation Cloud Overlap ModuleThis module contains the calculation of cloud overlap parameters for both RRTMG and RRTMGP
 Radiation Gases ModuleThis module sets up ozone climatological profiles and other constant gas profiles, such as co2, ch4, n2o, o2, and those of cfc gases. All data are entered as mixing ratio by volume, except ozone which is mass mixing ratio (g/g)
 Radiation Surface ModuleThis module sets up surface albedo for SW radiation and surface emissivity for LW radiation
 GFS Cloud Diagnostics ModuleThis module contains code to produce the UFS High/Mid/Low cloud-diagnostics. This was bundled together with the prognostic cloud modules within the RRTMG implementation. For the RRTMGP implementation we propose to keep these diagnostics independent
 RRTMG dcyc2t3 ModuleThis module contains the CCPP-compliant dcyc2t3 codes that fits radiative fluxes and heating rates from a coarse radiation calculation time interval into model's more frequent time steps
 GFS Surface Layer ModuleThis module calculates surface roughness length.This subroutine includes the surface roughness length formulation based on the surface sublayer scheme in Zeng and Dickinson (1998) [197]
 GFS sfc_diag moduleThis module contains the land surface diagose calculation
 GFS sfc_diag_post ModuleThis module contains code related to the surface diagnostic scheme
 GFS Near-Surface Sea Temperature ModuleThis module contains the CCPP-compliant GFS near-surface sea temperature scheme.This subroutine calls the Thermal Skin-layer and Diurnal Thermocline models to update the NSST profile
 GFS NSST Diurnal Thermocline ModelThis module contains the diurnal thermocline layer model (DTM) of the GFS NSST scheme
 GFS NSST Parameter ModuleThis module contains constants and parameters used in GFS near surface sea temperature scheme. history: 20210305: X.Li, reduce z_w_max from 30 m to 20 m
 GFS NSST Water PropertyThis module contains GFS NSST water property subroutines
 GFS Near-Surface Sea Temperature PreThe NSST scheme is one of the three schemes used to represent the surface in the GFS physics suite. The other two are the Noah land surface model and the sice simplified ice model
 GFS Simple Ocean ModuleThis subroutine calculates thermodynamical properties over open water
 GFS Noah LSM ModelThis is Noah LSM driver module, with the functionality of preparing variables to run Noah LSM gfssflx(), calling Noah LSM and post-processing variables for return to the parent model suite including unit conversion, as well as diagnotics calculation
 NoahMP LSM ModelThis is the NoahMP LSM driver module, with the functionality of preparing variables to run the NoahMP LSM subroutine noahmp_sflx(), calling NoahMP LSM and post-processing variables for return to the parent model suite including unit conversion, as well as diagnotics calculation
 GFS surface_generic_pre moduleThis module contains code related to running prior to all GFS surface schemes
 GFS surface_generic_post ModuleThis module contains code related to all GFS surface schemes to be run afterward
 GFS Surface Perturbation ModuleThis module contains routines used in the percentile matching algorithm for the albedo and vegetation fraction perturbations
 GFS sfc_sice ModuleThis is three-layer thermodynomics sea-ice model based on Winton (2000) [188]
 GFS TKE-EDMF PBL ModuleThis file contains the CCPP-compliant SATMEDMF scheme (updated version) which computes subgrid vertical turbulence mixing using scale-aware TKE-based moist eddy-diffusion mass-flux (TKE-EDMF) parameterization (by Jongil Han)
 GFS Unified Gravity Wave Physics ModuleThis is the CCPP entry points for unified GWP scheme v0
 GSL drag_suite ModuleThis module contains the CCPP-compliant GSL orographic gravity wave dray scheme
 CIRES UGWP orowam2017 ModuleThis is the OROGW-solver of WAM2017
 CIRES Unified Gravity Wave Physics v0 Module@ The subroutine initializes the CIRES UGWP V0
 GFS UGWP V0 Driver ModuleThis is the CIRES UGWP V0 driver module
 cires_ugwp_post ModuleThis module contains code run cires_ugwp afterwards.The subroutine initializes the CIRES UGWP
 GFS gwdps ModuleThis subroutine includes orographic gravity wave drag and mountain blocking
 GFS Ozone Photochemistry (2015) ModuleThis module contains the CCPP-compliant Ozone 2015 photochemistry scheme
 GFS Water Vapor Photochemical ModuleThis subroutine is NRL H2O physics for stratosphere and mesosphere
 GFS saSAS Deep Convection ModuleThis subroutine contains the entirety of the SAMF deep convection scheme
 GFS saSAS Shallow Convection ModuleThis subroutine contains the entirety of the SAMF shallow convection scheme.This routine follows the GFS saSAS Deep Convection Module quite closely, although it can be interpreted as only having the "static" and "feedback" control portions, since the "dynamic" control is not necessary to find the cloud base mass flux. The algorithm is simplified from SAMF deep convection by excluding convective downdrafts and being confined to operate below \(p=0.7p_{sfc}\). Also, entrainment is both simpler and stronger in magnitude compared to the deep scheme
 GFS Convective Cloud Diagnostics ModuleThis module contains the calculation of fraction of convective cloud, pressure at bottom of convective cloud and at top of convective cloud
 GFDL Cloud Microphysics ModuleThis is cloud microphysics package for GFDL global cloud resolving model. The algorithms are originally derived from Lin et al. (1983) [115]. Most of the key elements have been simplified/improved. This code at this stage bears little to no similarity to the original Lin MP. Therefore, it is best to be called GFDL microphysics (GFDL MP)
 GFDL Cloud MP modulesThis module contains the column GFDL Cloud microphysics scheme
 GFS Precipitation Type Diagnostics ModuleIf dominant precip type is requested (i.e., Zhao-Carr MP scheme), 4 more algorithms in calpreciptype() will be called. the tallies are then summed in calwxt_dominant(). For GFDL cloud MP scheme, determine convective rain/snow by surface temperature; and determine explicit rain/snow by rain/snow coming out directly from MP
 GFS Stochastics Physics ModuleThis is the GFS stochastics physics driver module
 Grell-Freitas Convection ModuleThis is the Grell-Freitas scale and aerosol aware scheme
 Grell-Freitas Convection Driver ModuleThis is Grell-Freitas cumulus scheme driver module
 Grell-Freitas Deep Convection ModuleThis is Grell-Freitas deep convection scheme module
 Grell-Freitas Shallow Convection ModuleThis module contains Grell-Freitas shallow convection scheme.GF shallow convection as described in Grell and Freitas (2014) [73]. input variables are:
 MYNN Surface Layer ModuleThis scheme (1) performs pre-mynnsfc work, (2) runs the mynn sfc layer scheme, and (3) performs post-mynnsfc work
 RUC LSM ModelThis module contains the RUC Land Surface Model developed by NOAA/GSL (Smirnova et al. 2016 [177])
 Aerosol-Aware Thompson MP ModuleThis module contains the aerosol-aware Thompson microphysics scheme
 NSSL MP ModuleThis module contains the front end to NSSL microphysics scheme
 NSSL 2-moment microphysics modulesThis module provides a 2-moment bulk microphysics scheme described by Mansell, Zeigler, and Bruning (2010, JAS)
 GFS Physics Function ModuleThis module provides API for computing basic thermodynamic physics functions
 GFS Physics Parameter ModuleThose variables are grouped together in accordance with functionaity and are given brief descriptions and value specifications. There are two types of attributes (parameters vs. save) designated for the control variables. Those with a "parameter" attribute are prescribed with a preferred option value, while the ones with a "save" attribute are given a default value but could be changed at the model's execution-time (usually through an input of name-list file or through run scripts)
 GFS Physics Constants ModuleThis module contains some of the most frequently used math and physics constants for GCM models
 GFS RRTMG Constants ModuleThis module contains some of the most frequently used math and physics constants for RRTMG
 Mersenne Twister ModuleModule: mersenne_twister Modern random number generator