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◆ noahmp_options_glacier()

subroutine, public noahmp_glacier_routines::noahmp_options_glacier ( integer, intent(in) iopt_alb,
integer, intent(in) iopt_snf,
integer, intent(in) iopt_tbot,
integer, intent(in) iopt_stc,
integer, intent(in) iopt_gla,
integer, intent(in) iopt_sfc,
integer, intent(in) iopt_trs )
[in]iopt_albsnow surface albedo (1->bats; 2->class)
[in]iopt_snfrainfall & snowfall (1-jordan91; 2->bats; 3->noah)
[in]iopt_tbotlower boundary of soil temperature (1->zero-flux; 2->noah)
[in]iopt_stcsnow/soil temperature time scheme (only layer 1) 1 -> semi-implicit; 2 -> full implicit (original noah)
[in]iopt_glaglacier option (1->phase change; 2->simple)
[in]iopt_sfcsfc scheme option
[in]iopt_trsthermal roughness option

Definition at line 3467 of file module_sf_noahmp_glacier.F90.