This module contains NoahMP glacier routines.
Functions/Subroutines | |
subroutine, public | noahmp_glacier ( iloc,jloc,cosz,nsnow,nsoil,dt, sfctmp,sfcprs,uu,vv,q2,soldn, prcp,lwdn,tbot,zlvl,ficeold,zsoil, thsfc_loc,prslkix,prsik1x,prslk1x, psfc,pblhx,iz0tlnd,itime, sigmaf1,garea1,psi_opt, ep_1,ep_2,epsm1,cp, qsnow,sneqvo,albold,cm,ch,isnow, sneqv,smc,zsnso,snowh,snice,snliq, tg,stc,sh2o,tauss,qsfc, fsa,fsr,fira,fsh,fgev,ssoil, trad,edir,runsrf,runsub,sag,albedo, qsnbot,ponding,ponding1,ponding2,t2m, q2e,z0h_total, ifdef ccpp |
subroutine, private | atm_glacier (ep_2, epsm1, sfcprs, sfctmp, q2, soldn, cosz, thair, qair, eair, rhoair, solad, solai, swdown) |
re-process atmospheric forcing | |
subroutine, private | energy_glacier (nsnow,nsoil,isnow,dt,qsnow,rhoair, eair,sfcprs,qair,sfctmp,lwdn,uu, vv,solad,solai,cosz,zref, tbot,zbot,zsnso,dzsnso,sigmaf1,garea1, thsfc_loc,prslkix,prsik1x,prslk1x, psfc,pblhx,iz0tlnd,itime,psi_opt, ep_1, ep_2, epsm1, cp, tg,stc,snowh,sneqv,sneqvo,sh2o, smc,snice,snliq,albold,cm,ch, ifdef ccpp |
Compute energy budget (momentum & energy fluxes and phase changes). | |
subroutine, private | thermoprop_glacier (nsoil, nsnow, isnow, dzsnso, dt, snowh, snice, snliq, df, hcpct, snicev, snliqv, epore, fact) |
calculate thermal properties of soil, snow, lake, and frozen soil. | |
subroutine, private | csnow_glacier (isnow, nsnow, nsoil, snice, snliq, dzsnso, tksno, cvsno, snicev, snliqv, epore) |
snow bulk density, volumetric capacity, and thermal conductivity | |
subroutine, private | radiation_glacier (dt, tg, sneqvo, sneqv, cosz, qsnow, solad, solai, albold, tauss, sag, fsr, fsa, albsnd, albsni) |
Compute solar radiation: absorbed & reflected by the ground. | |
subroutine, private | snow_age_glacier (dt, tg, sneqvo, sneqv, tauss, fage) |
subroutine, private | snowalb_bats_glacier (nband, cosz, fage, albsnd, albsni) |
subroutine, private | snowalb_class_glacier (nband, qsnow, dt, alb, albold, albsnd, albsni) |
subroutine, private | glacier_flux (nsoil,nsnow,emg,isnow,df,dzsnso,z0m, zlvl,zpd,qair,sfctmp,rhoair,sfcprs, ur,gamma,rsurf,lwdn,rhsur,smc, eair,stc,sag,snowh,lathea,sh2o, thsfc_loc,prslkix,prsik1x,prslk1x, psfc,pblhx,iz0tlnd,itime,uu,vv, sigmaf1,garea1,psi_opt,ep_1, ep_2, epsm1, cp, ifdef ccpp |
use newton-raphson iteration to solve ground (tg) temperature that balances the surface energy budgets for glacier. | |
subroutine | esat (t, esw, esi, desw, desi) |
subroutine, private | sfcdif1_glacier (iter,zlvl,zpd,z0h,z0m, qair,sfctmp,h,rhoair,mpe,ur, ifdef ccpp |
compute surface drag coefficient cm for momentum and ch for heat | |
subroutine, private | tsnosoi_glacier (nsoil, nsnow, isnow, dt, tbot, ssoil, snowh, zbot, zsnso, df, hcpct, stc) |
subroutine, private | hrt_glacier (nsnow, nsoil, isnow, zsnso, stc, tbot, zbot, df, hcpct, ssoil, phi, ai, bi, ci, rhsts, botflx) |
subroutine, private | hstep_glacier (nsnow, nsoil, isnow, dt, ai, bi, ci, rhsts, stc) |
subroutine, private | rosr12_glacier (p, a, b, c, d, delta, ntop, nsoil, nsnow) |
subroutine, private | phasechange_glacier (nsnow, nsoil, isnow, dt, fact, dzsnso, stc, snice, snliq, sneqv, snowh, smc, sh2o, qmelt, imelt, ponding) |
subroutine, private | water_glacier (nsnow, nsoil, imelt, dt, prcp, sfctmp, qvap, qdew, ficeold, zsoil, isnow, snowh, sneqv, snice, snliq, stc, dzsnso, sh2o, sice, ponding, zsnso, fsh, runsrf, runsub, qsnow, ponding1, ponding2, qsnbot, fpice, esnow) |
subroutine, private | snowwater_glacier (nsnow, nsoil, imelt, dt, sfctmp, snowhin, qsnow, qsnfro, qsnsub, qrain, ficeold, zsoil, isnow, snowh, sneqv, snice, snliq, sh2o, sice, stc, dzsnso, zsnso, fsh, qsnbot, snoflow, ponding1, ponding2) |
subroutine, private | snowfall_glacier (nsoil, nsnow, dt, qsnow, snowhin, sfctmp, isnow, snowh, dzsnso, stc, snice, snliq, sneqv) |
subroutine, private | compact_glacier (nsnow, nsoil, dt, stc, snice, snliq, imelt, ficeold, isnow, dzsnso) |
subroutine, private | combine_glacier (nsnow, nsoil, isnow, sh2o, stc, snice, snliq, dzsnso, sice, snowh, sneqv, ponding1, ponding2) |
subroutine, private | combo_glacier (dz, wliq, wice, t, dz2, wliq2, wice2, t2) |
subroutine, private | divide_glacier (nsnow, nsoil, isnow, stc, snice, snliq, dzsnso) |
subroutine, private | snowh2o_glacier (nsnow, nsoil, dt, qsnfro, qsnsub, qrain, isnow, dzsnso, snowh, sneqv, snice, snliq, sh2o, sice, stc, ponding1, ponding2, fsh, qsnbot) |
subroutine, private | error_glacier (iloc,jloc,swdown,fsa,fsr,fira, fsh,fgev,ssoil,sag,prcp,edir, ifdef ccpp |
subroutine, public | noahmp_options_glacier (iopt_alb, iopt_snf, iopt_tbot, iopt_stc, iopt_gla, iopt_sfc, iopt_trs) |