CCPP SciDoc v7.0.0  v7.0.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
No Matches
13 !
14 ! the module of diurnal thermocline layer model
15 !
16 use machine , only : kind_phys
17 use module_nst_parameters , only : z_w_max, z_w_min, z_w_ini, eps_z_w, eps_conv
18 use module_nst_parameters , only : eps_sfs, niter_z_w, niter_conv, niter_sfs, ri_c
19 use module_nst_parameters , only : ri_g, omg_m, omg_sh, kw => tc_w, visw, t0k, cp_w
20 use module_nst_parameters , only : z_c_max, z_c_ini, ustar_a_min, delz, exp_const
21 use module_nst_parameters , only : rad2deg, const_rot, tw_max, sst_max
22 use module_nst_parameters , only : zero, one
25 implicit none
27 private
36 subroutine dtm_1p(kdt,timestep,rich,tox,toy,i0,q,sss,sep,q_ts,hl_ts,rho, &
37 alpha,beta,alon,sinlat,soltim,grav,le,d_conv, &
38 xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xzts,xtts)
40 integer, intent(in) :: kdt
41 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: timestep,rich,tox,toy,i0,q,sss,sep,q_ts,&
42 hl_ts,rho,alpha,beta,alon,sinlat,soltim,&
43 grav,le,d_conv
44 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(inout) :: xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xzts,xtts
45 ! local variables
47 !
48 ! input variables
49 !
50 ! timestep: integration time step in seconds
51 ! rich : critical ri (flow dependent)
52 ! tox : x wind stress (n*m^-2 or kg/m/s^2)
53 ! toy : y wind stress (n*m^-2 or kg/m/s^2)
54 ! i0 : solar radiation flux at the surface (wm^-2)
55 ! q : non-solar heat flux at the surface (wm^-2)
56 ! sss : salinity (ppt)
57 ! sep : sr(e-p) (ppt*m/s)
58 ! q_ts : d(q)/d(ts) : q = the sum of non-solar heat fluxes
59 ! hl_ts : d(hl)/d(ts)
60 ! rho : sea water density (kg*m^-3)
61 ! alpha : thermal expansion coefficient (1/k)
62 ! beta : saline contraction coefficient (1/ppt)
63 ! sinlat : sine (lat)
64 ! grav : gravity accelleration
65 ! le : le=(2.501-.00237*tsea)*1e6
66 ! d-conv : fcl thickness
67 !
68 ! inout variables
69 !
70 ! xt : dtl heat content (m*k)
71 ! xs : dtl salinity content (m*ppt)
72 ! xu : dtl x current content (m*m/s)
73 ! xv : dtl y current content (m*m/s)
74 ! xz : dtl thickness (m)
75 ! xzts : d(xz)/d(ts) (m/k )
76 ! xtts : d(xt)/d(ts) (m)
77 !
78 ! logical lprnt
80 ! if (lprnt) print *,' first xt=',xt
81 if ( xt <= zero ) then ! dtl doesn't exist yet
82 call dtm_onset(kdt,timestep,rich,tox,toy,i0,q,sss,sep,q_ts,hl_ts,rho,alpha, &
83 beta,alon,sinlat,soltim,grav,le,xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xzts,xtts)
84 elseif ( xt > zero ) then ! dtl already exists
85 !
86 ! forward the system one time step
87 !
88 call eulerm(kdt,timestep,rich,tox,toy,i0,q,sss,sep,q_ts,hl_ts,rho,alpha, &
89 beta,alon,sinlat,soltim,grav,le,d_conv, &
90 xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xzts,xtts)
91 endif ! if ( xt == 0 ) then
93 end subroutine dtm_1p
97 subroutine eulerm(kdt,timestep,rich,tox,toy,i0,q,sss,sep,q_ts,hl_ts,rho,alpha, &
98 beta,alon,sinlat,soltim,grav,le,d_conv, &
99 xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xzts,xtts)
101 !
102 ! subroutine eulerm: integrate one time step with modified euler method
103 !
104 integer, intent(in) :: kdt
105 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: timestep,rich,tox,toy,i0,q,sss,sep,q_ts, &
106 hl_ts,rho,alpha,beta,alon,sinlat,soltim, &
107 grav,le,d_conv
108 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(inout) :: xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xzts,xtts
109 ! local variables
110 real(kind=kind_phys) :: xt0,xs0,xu0,xv0,xz0,xzts0,xtts0
111 real(kind=kind_phys) :: fw,aw,q_warm
112 real(kind=kind_phys) :: xt1,xs1,xu1,xv1,xz1,xzts1,xtts1
113 real(kind=kind_phys) :: xt2,xs2,xu2,xv2,xz2,xzts2,xtts2
114 real(kind=kind_phys) :: dzw,drho,fc
115 real(kind=kind_phys) :: alat,speed
116 ! logical lprnt
118 !
119 ! input variables
120 !
121 ! timestep: integration time step in seconds
122 ! rich : critial ri (flow/mass dependent)
123 ! tox : x wind stress (n*m^-2 or kg/m/s^2)
124 ! toy : y wind stress (n*m^-2 or kg/m/s^2)
125 ! i0 : solar radiation flux at the surface (wm^-2)
126 ! q : non-solar heat flux at the surface (wm^-2)
127 ! sss : salinity (ppt)
128 ! sep : sr(e-p) (ppt*m/s)
129 ! q_ts : d(q)/d(ts) : q = the sum of non-solar heat fluxes
130 ! hl_ts : d(hl)/d(ts)
131 ! rho : sea water density (kg*m^-3)
132 ! alpha : thermal expansion coefficient (1/k)
133 ! beta : saline contraction coefficient (1/ppt)
134 ! alon : longitude (deg)
135 ! sinlat : sine (lat)
136 ! soltim : solar time
137 ! grav : gravity accelleration
138 ! le : le=(2.501-.00237*tsea)*1e6
139 ! d_conv : fcl thickness (m)
140 !
141 ! inout variables
142 !
143 ! xt : dtl heat content (m*k)
144 ! xs : dtl salinity content (m*ppt)
145 ! xu : dtl x current content (m*m/s)
146 ! xv : dtl y current content (m*m/s)
147 ! xz : dtl thickness (m)
148 ! xzts : d(xz)/d(ts) (m/k )
149 ! xtts : d(xt)/d(ts) (m)
151 xt0 = xt
152 xs0 = xs
153 xu0 = xu
154 xv0 = xv
155 xz0 = xz
156 xtts0 = xtts
157 xzts0 = xzts
158 speed = max(1.0e-8, xu0*xu0+xv0*xv0)
160 alat = asin(sinlat)*rad2deg
162 fc = const_rot*sinlat
164 call sw_ps_9b(xz0,fw)
166 q_warm = fw*i0-q !total heat abs in warm layer
168 call sw_ps_9b_aw(xz0,aw)
170 drho = -alpha*q_warm/(rho*cp_w) + omg_m*beta*sep
172 ! dzw = xz0*(tox*xu0+toy*xv0) / (rho*(xu0*xu0+xv0*xv0)) &
173 ! + xz0*xz0*xz0*drho*grav / (4.0*rich*(xu0*xu0+xv0*xv0))
174 dzw = xz0 * ((tox*xu0+toy*xv0) / (rho*speed) &
175 + xz0*xz0*drho*grav / (4.0*rich*speed))
177 xt1 = xt0 + timestep*q_warm/(rho*cp_w)
178 xs1 = xs0 + timestep*sep
179 xu1 = xu0 + timestep*(fc*xv0+tox/rho)
180 xv1 = xv0 + timestep*(-fc*xu0+toy/rho)
181 xz1 = xz0 + timestep*dzw
183 ! if (lprnt) print *,' xt1=',xt1,' xz1=',xz1,' xz0=',xz0,' dzw=',dzw, &
184 ! 'timestep=',timestep,tox,toy,xu0,xv0,rho,drho,grav,rich
186 if ( xt1 <= zero .or. xz1 <= zero .or. xz1 > z_w_max ) then
187 call dtl_reset(xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xzts,xtts)
188 return
189 endif
191 ! call dtm_1p_zwa(kdt,timestep,i0,q,rho,d_conv,xt1,xs1,xu1,xv1,xz1,tr_mda,tr_fca,tr_tla,tr_mwa)
193 xzts1 = xzts0 + timestep*((1.0/(xu0*xu0+xv0*xv0)) * &
194 ( (alpha*q_ts/cp_w+omg_m*beta*sss*hl_ts/le)*grav*xz0**3/(4.0*rich*rho) &
195 +( (tox*xu0+toy*xv0)/rho+(3.0*drho-alpha*i0*aw*xz0/(rho*cp_w)) &
196 *grav*xz0*xz0/(4.0*rich) )*xzts0 ))
197 xtts1 = xtts0 + timestep*(i0*aw*xzts0-q_ts)/(rho*cp_w)
199 ! if ( 2.0*xt1/xz1 > 0.001 ) then
200 ! write(*,'(a,i5,2f8.3,4f8.2,f10.6,10f8.4)') 'eulerm_01 : ',kdt,alat,alon,soltim/3600.,i0,q,q_warm,sep,&
201 ! 2.0*xt1/xz1,2.0*xs1/xz1,2.0*xu1/xz1,2.0*xv1/xz1,xz1,xtts1,xzts1,d_conv,t_fcl,te
202 ! endif
204 call sw_ps_9b(xz1,fw)
205 q_warm = fw*i0-q !total heat abs in warm layer
206 call sw_ps_9b_aw(xz1,aw)
207 drho = -alpha*q_warm/(rho*cp_w) + omg_m*beta*sep
208 dzw = xz1*(tox*xu1+toy*xv1) / (rho*(xu1*xu1+xv1*xv1)) &
209 + xz1*xz1*xz1*drho*grav / (4.0*rich*(xu1*xu1+xv1*xv1))
211 xt2 = xt0 + timestep*q_warm/(rho*cp_w)
212 xs2 = xs0 + timestep*sep
213 xu2 = xu0 + timestep*(fc*xv1+tox/rho)
214 xv2 = xv0 + timestep*(-fc*xu1+toy/rho)
215 xz2 = xz0 + timestep*dzw
217 ! if (lprnt) print *,' xt2=',xt2,' xz2=',xz2
219 if ( xt2 <= zero .or. xz2 <= zero .or. xz2 > z_w_max ) then
220 call dtl_reset(xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xzts,xtts)
221 return
222 endif
224 xzts2 = xzts0 + timestep*((1.0/(xu1*xu1+xv1*xv1)) * &
225 ( (alpha*q_ts/cp_w+omg_m*beta*sss*hl_ts/le)*grav*xz1**3/(4.0*rich*rho) &
226 +( (tox*xu1+toy*xv1)/rho+(3.0*drho-alpha*i0*aw*xz1/(rho*cp_w))* &
227 grav*xz1*xz1/(4.0*rich) )*xzts1 ))
228 xtts2 = xtts0 + timestep*(i0*aw*xzts1-q_ts)/(rho*cp_w)
230 xt = 0.5*(xt1 + xt2)
231 xs = 0.5*(xs1 + xs2)
232 xu = 0.5*(xu1 + xu2)
233 xv = 0.5*(xv1 + xv2)
234 xz = 0.5*(xz1 + xz2)
235 xzts = 0.5*(xzts1 + xzts2)
236 xtts = 0.5*(xtts1 + xtts2)
238 if ( xt <= zero .or. xz < zero .or. xz > z_w_max ) then
239 call dtl_reset(xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xzts,xtts)
240 endif
242 ! if (lprnt) print *,' xt=',xt,' xz=',xz
243 ! if ( 2.0*xt/xz > 0.001 ) then
244 ! write(*,'(a,i5,2f8.3,4f8.2,f10.6,10f8.4)') 'eulerm_02 : ',kdt,alat,alon,soltim/3600.,i0,q,q_warm,sep,&
245 ! 2.0*xt/xz,2.0*xs/xz,2.0*xu/xz,2.0*xv/xz,xz,xtts,xzts,d_conv,t_fcl,te
246 ! endif
247 return
249 end subroutine eulerm
253 subroutine dtm_1p_zwa(kdt,timestep,i0,q,rho,d_conv,xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,tr_mda,tr_fca,tr_tla,tr_mwa)
254 ! apply xz adjustment: minimum depth adjustment (mda)
255 ! free convection adjustment (fca);
256 ! top layer adjustment (tla);
257 ! maximum warming adjustment (mwa)
258 !
259 integer, intent(in) :: kdt
260 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: timestep,i0,q,rho,d_conv
261 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(inout) :: xt,xs,xu,xv,xz
262 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(out) :: tr_mda,tr_fca,tr_tla,tr_mwa
263 ! local variables
264 real(kind=kind_phys) :: dz,t0,ttop0,ttop,fw,q_warm
265 ! TODO: xz_mwa is unset but used below in max function
266 real(kind=kind_phys) :: xz_fca,xz_tla,xz_mwa
267 !
268 real(kind=kind_phys) :: xz_mda
270 tr_mda = zero; tr_fca = zero; tr_tla = zero; tr_mwa = zero
272 ! apply mda
273 if ( z_w_min > xz ) then
274 xz_mda = z_w_min
275 endif
276 ! apply fca
277 if ( d_conv > zero ) then
278 xz_fca = 2.0*xt/((2.0*xt/xz)*(1.0-d_conv/(2.0*xz)))
279 tr_fca = 1.0
280 if ( xz_fca >= z_w_max ) then
281 call dtl_reset_cv(xt,xs,xu,xv,xz)
282 go to 10
283 endif
284 endif
285 ! apply tla
286 dz = min(xz,max(d_conv,delz))
287 call sw_ps_9b(dz,fw)
288 q_warm=fw*i0-q !total heat abs in warm layer
290 if ( q_warm > zero ) then
291 call cal_ttop(kdt,timestep,q_warm,rho,dz,xt,xz,ttop0)
292 ! ttop = (2.0*xt/xz)*(1.0-dz/(2.0*xz))
293 ttop = ((xt+xt)/xz)*(1.0-dz/(xz+xz))
294 if ( ttop > ttop0 ) then
295 xz_tla = (xt+sqrt(xt*(xt-delz*ttop0)))/ttop0
296 tr_tla = 1.0
297 if ( xz_tla >= z_w_max ) then
298 call dtl_reset_cv(xt,xs,xu,xv,xz)
299 go to 10
300 endif
301 endif
302 endif
304 ! apply mwa
305 t0 = 2.0*xt/xz
306 if ( t0 > tw_max ) then
307 if ( xz >= z_w_max ) then
308 call dtl_reset_cv(xt,xs,xu,xv,xz)
309 go to 10
310 endif
311 endif
313 xz = max(xz_mda,xz_fca,xz_tla,xz_mwa)
31510 continue
317 end subroutine dtm_1p_zwa
321 subroutine dtm_1p_fca(d_conv,xt,xtts,xz,xzts)
323 ! apply xz adjustment: free convection adjustment (fca);
324 !
325 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: d_conv,xt,xtts
326 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(inout) :: xz,xzts
327 ! local variables
328 real(kind=kind_phys) :: t_fcl,t0
329 !
330 t0 = 2.0*xt/xz
331 t_fcl = t0*(1.0-d_conv/(2.0*xz))
332 xz = 2.0*xt/t_fcl
333 ! xzts = 2.0*xtts/t_fcl
335 end subroutine dtm_1p_fca
339 subroutine dtm_1p_tla(dz,te,xt,xtts,xz,xzts)
341 ! apply xz adjustment: top layer adjustment (tla);
342 !
343 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: dz,te,xt,xtts
344 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(inout) :: xz,xzts
345 ! local variables
346 real(kind=kind_phys) :: tem
347 !
348 tem = xt*(xt-dz*te)
349 if (tem > zero) then
350 xz = (xt+sqrt(xt*(xt-dz*te)))/te
351 else
352 xz = z_w_max
353 endif
354 ! xzts = xtts*(1.0+0.5*(2.0*xt-dz*te)/sqrt(xt*(xt-dz*te)))/te
355 end subroutine dtm_1p_tla
359 subroutine dtm_1p_mwa(xt,xtts,xz,xzts)
361 ! apply xz adjustment: maximum warming adjustment (mwa)
362 !
363 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: xt,xtts
364 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(inout) :: xz,xzts
365 ! local variables
366 !
367 xz = 2.0*xt/tw_max
368 ! xzts = 2.0*xtts/tw_max
369 end subroutine dtm_1p_mwa
373 subroutine dtm_1p_mda(xt,xtts,xz,xzts)
375 ! apply xz adjustment: minimum depth adjustment (mda)
376 !
377 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: xt,xtts
378 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(inout) :: xz,xzts
379 ! local variables
380 real(kind=kind_phys) :: ta
381 !
382 xz = max(z_w_min,xz)
383 ta = 2.0*xt/xz
384 ! xzts = 2.0*xtts/ta
386 end subroutine dtm_1p_mda
390 subroutine dtm_1p_mta(dta,xt,xtts,xz,xzts)
392 ! apply xz adjustment: maximum temperature adjustment (mta)
393 !
394 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: dta,xt,xtts
395 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(inout) :: xz,xzts
396 ! local variables
397 real(kind=kind_phys) :: ta
398 !
399 ta = max(zero,2.0*xt/xz-dta)
400 if ( ta > zero ) then
401 xz = 2.0*xt/ta
402 else
403 xz = z_w_max
404 endif
405 ! xzts = 2.0*xtts/ta
407 end subroutine dtm_1p_mta
411 subroutine convdepth(kdt,timestep,i0,q,sss,sep,rho,alpha,beta,xt,xs,xz,d_conv)
413 !
414 ! calculate depth for convective adjustment
415 !
417 integer, intent(in) :: kdt
418 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: timestep,i0,q,sss,sep,rho,alpha,beta
419 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: xt,xs,xz
420 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(out) :: d_conv
421 real(kind=kind_phys) :: t,s,d_conv_ini,d_conv2,fxp,aw,s1,s2,fac1
422 integer :: n
423 !
424 ! input variables
425 !
426 ! timestep: time step in seconds
427 ! i0 : solar radiation flux at the surface (wm^-2)
428 ! q : non-solar heat flux at the surface (wm^-2)
429 ! sss : salinity (ppt)
430 ! sep : sr(e-p) (ppt*m/s)
431 ! rho : sea water density (kg*m^-3)
432 ! alpha : thermal expansion coefficient (1/k)
433 ! beta : saline contraction coefficient (1/ppt)
434 ! xt : initial heat content (k*m)
435 ! xs : initial salinity content (ppt*m)
436 ! xz : initial dtl thickness (m)
437 !
438 ! output variables
439 !
440 ! d_conv : free convection depth (m)
442 ! t : initial diurnal warming t (k)
443 ! s : initial diurnal warming s (ppt)
445 n = 0
446 t = 2.0*xt/xz
447 s = 2.0*xs/xz
449 s1 = alpha*rho*t-omg_m*beta*rho*s
451 if ( s1 == zero ) then
452 d_conv = zero
453 else
455 fac1 = alpha*q/cp_w+omg_m*beta*rho*sep
456 if ( i0 <= zero ) then
457 d_conv2=(2.0*xz*timestep/s1)*fac1
458 if ( d_conv2 > zero ) then
459 d_conv = sqrt(d_conv2)
460 else
461 d_conv = zero
462 endif
463 elseif ( i0 > zero ) then
465 d_conv_ini = zero
467 iter_conv: do n = 1, niter_conv
468 call sw_ps_9b(d_conv_ini,fxp)
469 call sw_ps_9b_aw(d_conv_ini,aw)
470 s2 = alpha*(q-(fxp-aw*d_conv_ini)*i0)/cp_w+omg_m*beta*rho*sep
471 d_conv2=(2.0*xz*timestep/s1)*s2
472 if ( d_conv2 < zero ) then
473 d_conv = zero
474 exit iter_conv
475 endif
476 d_conv = sqrt(d_conv2)
477 if ( abs(d_conv-d_conv_ini) < eps_conv .and. n <= niter_conv ) exit iter_conv
478 d_conv_ini = d_conv
479 enddo iter_conv
480 d_conv = max(zero,min(d_conv,z_w_max))
481 endif ! if ( i0 <= zero ) then
483 endif ! if ( s1 == zero ) then
485 ! if ( d_conv > 0.01 ) then
486 ! write(*,'(a,i4,i3,10f9.3,3f10.6,f10.1,f6.2)') ' d_conv : ',kdt,n,d_conv,d_conv_ini,q,i0,rho,cp_w,timestep,xt,xs,xz,sep, &
487 ! s1,s2,d_conv2,aw
488 ! endif
490 end subroutine convdepth
493 subroutine dtm_onset(kdt,timestep,rich,tox,toy,i0,q,sss,sep,q_ts,hl_ts,rho, &
494 alpha,beta,alon,sinlat,soltim,grav,le,xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xzts,xtts)
495 !
496 ! determine xz iteratively (starting wit fw = 0.5) and then update the other 6 variables
497 !
499 integer,intent(in) :: kdt
500 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: timestep,rich,tox,toy,i0,q,sss,sep,q_ts, &
501 hl_ts,rho,alpha,beta,alon,sinlat,soltim,grav,le
502 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(out) :: xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xzts,xtts
503 real(kind=kind_phys) :: xt0,xs0,xu0,xv0,xz0
504 real(kind=kind_phys) :: xt1,xs1,xu1,xv1,xz1
505 real(kind=kind_phys) :: fw,aw,q_warm,ft0,fs0,fu0,fv0,fz0,ft1,fs1,fu1,fv1,fz1
506 real(kind=kind_phys) :: coeff1,coeff2,ftime,z_w,z_w_tmp,fc,warml,alat
507 integer :: n
508 !
509 ! input variables
510 !
511 ! timestep: time step in seconds
512 ! tox : x wind stress (n*m^-2 or kg/m/s^2)
513 ! toy : y wind stress (n*m^-2 or kg/m/s^2)
514 ! i0 : solar radiation flux at the surface (wm^-2)
515 ! q : non-solar heat flux at the surface (wm^-2)
516 ! sss : salinity (ppt)
517 ! sep : sr(e-p) (ppt*m/s)
518 ! rho : sea water density (kg*m^-3)
519 ! alpha : thermal expansion coefficient (1/k)
520 ! beta : saline contraction coefficient (1/ppt)
521 ! alon : longitude
522 ! sinlat : sine(latitude)
523 ! grav : gravity accelleration
524 ! le : le=(2.501-.00237*tsea)*1e6
525 !
526 ! output variables
527 !
528 ! xt : onset t content in dtl
529 ! xs : onset s content in dtl
530 ! xu : onset u content in dtl
531 ! xv : onset v content in dtl
532 ! xz : onset dtl thickness (m)
533 ! xzts : onset d(xz)/d(ts) (m/k )
534 ! xtts : onset d(xt)/d(ts) (m)
536 fc=1.46/10000.0/2.0*sinlat
537 alat = asin(sinlat)
538 !
539 ! initializing dtl (just before the onset)
540 !
541 xt0 = zero
542 xs0 = zero
543 xu0 = zero
544 xv0 = zero
546 z_w_tmp=z_w_ini
548 call sw_ps_9b(z_w_tmp,fw)
549 ! fw=0.5 !
550 q_warm=fw*i0-q !total heat abs in warm layer
552 if ( abs(alat) > 1.0 ) then
553 ftime=sqrt((2.0-2.0*cos(fc*timestep))/(fc*fc*timestep))
554 else
555 ftime=timestep
556 endif
558 coeff1=alpha*grav/cp_w
559 coeff2=omg_m*beta*grav*rho
560 warml = coeff1*q_warm-coeff2*sep
562 if ( warml > zero .and. q_warm > zero) then
563 iters_z_w: do n = 1,niter_z_w
564 if ( warml > zero .and. q_warm > zero ) then
565 z_w=sqrt(2.0*rich*ftime/rho)*sqrt(tox**2+toy**2)/sqrt(warml)
566 else
567 z_w = z_w_max
568 exit iters_z_w
569 endif
571 ! write(*,'(a,i4,i4,10f9.3,f9.6,f3.0)') ' z_w = ',kdt,n,z_w,z_w_tmp,timestep,q_warm,q,i0,fw,tox,toy,sep,warml,omg_m
573 if (abs(z_w - z_w_tmp) < eps_z_w .and. z_w/=z_w_max .and. n < niter_z_w) exit iters_z_w
574 z_w_tmp=z_w
575 call sw_ps_9b(z_w_tmp,fw)
576 q_warm = fw*i0-q
577 warml = coeff1*q_warm-coeff2*sep
578 end do iters_z_w
579 else
580 z_w=z_w_max
581 endif
583 xz0 = max(z_w,z_w_min)
585 !
586 ! update xt, xs, xu, xv
587 !
588 if ( z_w < z_w_max .and. q_warm > zero) then
590 call sw_ps_9b(z_w,fw)
591 q_warm=fw*i0-q !total heat abs in warm layer
593 ft0 = q_warm/(rho*cp_w)
594 fs0 = sep
595 fu0 = fc*xv0+tox/rho
596 fv0 = -fc*xu0+toy/rho
598 xt1 = xt0 + timestep*ft0
599 xs1 = xs0 + timestep*fs0
600 xu1 = xu0 + timestep*fu0
601 xv1 = xv0 + timestep*fv0
603 fz0 = xz0*((tox*xu1+toy*xv1)/rho+omg_m*beta*grav*sep*xz0*xz0/(4.0*rich) &
604 -alpha*grav*q_warm*xz0*xz0/(4.0*rich*cp_w*rho))/(xu1*xu1+xv1*xv1)
605 xz1 = xz0 + timestep*fz0
607 xz1 = max(xz1,z_w_min)
609 if ( xt1 < zero .or. xz1 > z_w_max ) then
610 call dtl_reset(xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xtts,xzts)
611 return
612 endif
614 call sw_ps_9b(xz1,fw)
615 q_warm=fw*i0-q !total heat abs in warm layer
617 ft1 = q_warm/(rho*cp_w)
618 fs1 = sep
619 fu1 = fc*xv1+tox/rho
620 fv1 = -fc*xu1+toy/rho
622 fz1 = xz1*((tox*xu1+toy*xv1)/rho+omg_m*beta*grav*sep*xz1*xz1/(4.0*rich) &
623 -alpha*grav*q_warm*xz1*xz1/(4.0*rich*cp_w*rho))/(xu1*xu1+xv1*xv1)
625 xt = xt0 + 0.5*timestep*(ft0+ft1)
626 xs = xs0 + 0.5*timestep*(fs0+fs1)
627 xu = xu0 + 0.5*timestep*(fu0+fu1)
628 xv = xv0 + 0.5*timestep*(fv0+fv1)
629 xz = xz0 + 0.5*timestep*(fz0+fz1)
631 xz = max(xz,z_w_min)
633 call sw_ps_9b_aw(xz,aw)
635 ! xzts = (q_ts+(cp_w*omg_m*beta*sss/(le*alpha))*hl_ts)*xz/(i0*xz*aw+2.0*q_warm-2.0*(rho*cp_w*omg_m*beta*sss/alpha)*(sep/sss))
636 xzts = (q_ts+omg_m*rho*cp_w*beta*sss*hl_ts*xz/(le*alpha))/(i0*xz*aw+2.0*q_warm-2.0*omg_m*rho*cp_w*beta*sss*sep/(le*alpha))
637 xtts = timestep*(i0*aw*xzts-q_ts)/(rho*cp_w)
638 endif
640 if ( xt < zero .or. xz > z_w_max ) then
641 call dtl_reset(xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xtts,xzts)
642 endif
644 return
646 end subroutine dtm_onset
651 subroutine cal_w(kdt,xz,xt,xzts,xtts,w_0,w_d)
652 !
653 ! abstract: calculate w_0,w_d
654 !
655 ! input variables
656 !
657 ! kdt : the number of time step
658 ! xt : dtl heat content
659 ! xz : dtl depth
660 ! xzts : d(zw)/d(ts)
661 ! xtts : d(xt)/d(ts)
662 !
663 ! output variables
664 !
665 ! w_0 : coefficint 1 to calculate d(tw)/d(ts)
666 ! w_d : coefficint 2 to calculate d(tw)/d(ts)
668 integer, intent(in) :: kdt
669 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: xz,xt,xzts,xtts
670 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(out) :: w_0,w_d
672 w_0 = 2.0*(xtts-xt*xzts/xz)/xz
673 w_d = (2.0*xt*xzts/xz**2-w_0)/xz
675 ! if ( 2.0*xt/xz > 1.0 ) then
676 ! write(*,'(a,i4,2f9.3,4f10.4))') ' cal_w : ',kdt,xz,xt,w_0,w_d,xzts,xtts
677 ! endif
678 end subroutine cal_w
683 subroutine cal_ttop(kdt,timestep,q_warm,rho,dz,xt,xz,ttop)
684 !
685 ! abstract: calculate
686 !
687 ! input variables
688 !
689 ! kdt : the number of record
690 ! timestep : the number of record
691 ! q_warm : total heat abs in layer dz
692 ! rho : sea water density
693 ! dz : dz = max(delz,d_conv) top layer thickness defined to adjust xz
694 ! xt : heat content in dtl at previous time
695 ! xz : dtl thickness at previous time
696 !
697 ! output variables
698 !
699 ! ttop : the diurnal warming amount at the top layer with thickness of delz
701 integer, intent(in) :: kdt
702 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: timestep,q_warm,rho,dz,xt,xz
703 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(out) :: ttop
704 real(kind=kind_phys) :: dt_warm,t0
706 dt_warm = (xt+xt)/xz
707 t0 = dt_warm*(1.0-dz/(xz+xz))
708 ttop = t0 + q_warm*timestep/(rho*cp_w*dz)
710 end subroutine cal_ttop
715 subroutine app_sfs(kdt,xt,xs,xu,xv,alpha,beta,grav,d_1p,xz)
716 !
717 ! abstract: adjust dtm-1p dtl thickness by applying shear flow stability with assumed exponetial profile
718 !
719 ! input variables
720 !
721 ! kdt : the number of record
722 ! xt : heat content in dtl
723 ! xs : salinity content in dtl
724 ! xu : u-current content in dtl
725 ! xv : v-current content in dtl
726 ! alpha
727 ! beta
728 ! grav
729 ! d_1p : dtl depth before sfs applied
730 !
731 ! output variables
732 !
733 ! xz : dtl depth
735 integer, intent(in) :: kdt
736 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: xt,xs,xu,xv,alpha,beta,grav,d_1p
737 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(out) :: xz
738 ! real(kind=kind_phys) :: ze,cc,xz0,l,d_sfs, t_sfs, tem
739 real(kind=kind_phys) :: cc,l,d_sfs,tem
740 real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: c2 = 0.3782
742 cc = ri_g/(grav*c2)
744 tem = alpha*xt - beta*xs
745 if (tem > zero) then
746 d_sfs = sqrt(2.0*cc*(xu*xu+xv*xv)/tem)
747 else
748 d_sfs = zero
749 endif
751 ! xz0 = d_1p
752 ! iter_sfs: do n = 1, niter_sfs
753 ! l = int_epn(0.0,xz0,0.0,xz0,2)
754 ! d_sfs = cc*(xu*xu+xv*xv)/((alpha*xt-beta*xs)*l)
755 ! write(*,'(a,i6,i3,4f9.4))') ' app_sfs_iter : ',kdt,n,cc,l,xz0,d_sfs
756 ! if ( abs(d_sfs-xz0) < eps_sfs .and. n <= niter_sfs ) exit iter_sfs
757 ! xz0 = d_sfs
758 ! enddo iter_sfs
760 ! ze = a2*d_sfs ! not used!
762 l = int_epn(zero,d_sfs,zero,d_sfs,2)
764 ! t_sfs = xt/l
765 ! xz = (xt+xt) / t_sfs
767 xz = l + l
769 ! write(*,'(a,i6,6f9.4))') ' app_sfs : ',kdt,xz0,d_sfs,d_1p,xz,2.0*xt/d_1p,t_sfs
770 end subroutine app_sfs
774 subroutine cal_tztr(kdt,xt,c_0,c_d,w_0,w_d,zc,zw,z,tztr)
775 !
776 ! abstract: calculate d(tz)/d(ts)
777 !
778 ! input variables
779 !
780 ! kdt : the number of record
781 ! xt : heat content in dtl
782 ! xz : dtl depth (m)
783 ! c_0 : coefficint 1 to calculate d(tc)/d(ts)
784 ! c_d : coefficint 2 to calculate d(tc)/d(ts)
785 ! w_0 : coefficint 1 to calculate d(tw)/d(ts)
786 ! w_d : coefficint 2 to calculate d(tw)/d(ts)
787 !
788 ! output variables
789 !
790 ! tztr : d(tz)/d(tr)
792 integer, intent(in) :: kdt
793 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: xt,c_0,c_d,w_0,w_d,zc,zw,z
794 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(out) :: tztr
796 if ( xt > zero ) then
797 if ( z <= zc ) then
798 ! tztr = 1.0/(1.0-w_0+c_0)+z*(w_d-c_d)/(1.0-w_0+c_0)
799 tztr = (1.0+z*(w_d-c_d))/(1.0-w_0+c_0)
800 elseif ( z > zc .and. z < zw ) then
801 ! tztr = (1.0+c_0)/(1.0-w_0+c_0)+z*w_d/(1.0-w_0+c_0)
802 tztr = (1.0+c_0+z*w_d)/(1.0-w_0+c_0)
803 elseif ( z >= zw ) then
804 tztr = 1.0
805 endif
806 elseif ( xt == zero ) then
807 if ( z <= zc ) then
808 ! tztr = 1.0/(1.0+c_0)-z*c_d/(1.0+c_0)
809 tztr = (1.0-z*c_d)/(1.0+c_0)
810 else
811 tztr = 1.0
812 endif
813 else
814 tztr = 1.0
815 endif
817 ! write(*,'(a,i4,9f9.4))') ' cal_tztr : ',kdt,xt,c_0,c_d,w_0,w_d,zc,zw,z,tztr
818 end subroutine cal_tztr
823 subroutine cool_skin(ustar_a,f_nsol,f_sol_0,evap,sss,alpha,beta,rho_w,rho_a,ts,q_ts,hl_ts,grav,le,deltat_c,z_c,c_0,c_d)
824 !
825 ! upper ocean cool-skin parameterizaion, fairall et al, 1996.
826 !
827 ! input:
828 ! ustar_a : atmosphreic friction velocity at the air-sea interface (m/s)
829 ! f_nsol : the "nonsolar" part of the surface heat flux (w/m^s)
830 ! f_sol_0 : solar radiation at the ocean surface (w/m^2)
831 ! evap : latent heat flux (w/m^2)
832 ! sss : ocean upper mixed layer salinity (ppu)
833 ! alpha : thermal expansion coefficient
834 ! beta : saline contraction coefficient
835 ! rho_w : oceanic density
836 ! rho_a : atmospheric density
837 ! ts : oceanic surface temperature
838 ! q_ts : d(q)/d(ts) : q = the sum of non-solar heat fluxes
839 ! hl_ts : d(hl)/d(ts)
840 ! grav : gravity
841 ! le :
842 !
843 ! output:
844 ! deltat_c: cool-skin temperature correction (degrees k)
845 ! z_c : molecular sublayer (cool-skin) thickness (m)
846 ! c_0 : coefficient1 to calculate d(tz)/d(ts)
847 ! c_d : coefficient2 to calculate d(tz)/d(ts)
849 !
850 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: ustar_a,f_nsol,f_sol_0,evap,sss,alpha,beta,rho_w,rho_a,ts,q_ts,hl_ts,grav,le
851 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(out) :: deltat_c,z_c,c_0,c_d
852 ! declare local variables
853 real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: a1=0.065, a2=11.0, a3=6.6e-5, a4=8.0e-4, tcw=0.6, tcwi=1.0/tcw
854 real(kind=kind_phys) :: a_c,b_c,zc_ts,bc1,bc2
855 real(kind=kind_phys) :: xi,hb,ustar1_a,bigc,deltaf,fxp
856 real(kind=kind_phys) :: zcsq
857 real(kind=kind_phys) :: cc1,cc2,cc3
860 z_c = z_c_ini ! initial guess
862 ustar1_a = max(ustar_a,ustar_a_min)
864 call sw_rad_skin(z_c,fxp)
865 deltaf = f_sol_0*fxp
867 hb = alpha*(f_nsol-deltaf)+beta*sss*cp_w*evap/le
868 bigc = 16*grav*cp_w*(rho_w*visw)**3/(rho_a*rho_a*kw*kw)
870 if ( hb > 0 ) then
871 xi = 6./(1+(bigc*hb/ustar1_a**4)**0.75)**0.3333333
872 else
873 xi = 6.0
874 endif
875 z_c = min(z_c_max,xi*visw/(sqrt(rho_a/rho_w)*ustar1_a ))
877 call sw_rad_skin(z_c,fxp)
879 deltaf = f_sol_0*fxp
880 deltaf = f_nsol - deltaf
881 if ( deltaf > 0 ) then
882 deltat_c = deltaf * z_c / kw
883 else
884 deltat_c = zero
885 z_c = zero
886 endif
887 !
888 ! calculate c_0 & c_d
889 !
890 if ( z_c > zero ) then
891 cc1 = 6.0*visw / (tcw*ustar1_a*sqrt(rho_a/rho_w))
892 cc2 = bigc*alpha / max(ustar_a,ustar_a_min)**4
893 cc3 = beta*sss*cp_w/(alpha*le)
894 zcsq = z_c * z_c
895 a_c = a2 + a3/zcsq - (a3/(a4*z_c)+a3/zcsq) * exp(-z_c/a4)
897 if ( hb > zero .and. zcsq > zero .and. alpha > zero) then
898 bc1 = zcsq * (q_ts+cc3*hl_ts)
899 bc2 = zcsq * f_sol_0*a_c - 4.0*(cc1*tcw)**3*(hb/alpha)**0.25/(cc2**0.75*zcsq)
900 zc_ts = bc1/bc2
901 ! b_c = z_c**2*(q_ts+cc3*hl_ts)/(z_c**2*f_sol_0*a_c-4.0*(cc1*tcw)**3*(hb/alpha)**0.25/(cc2**0.75*z_c**2)) ! d(z_c)/d(ts)
902 b_c = (q_ts+cc3*hl_ts)/(f_sol_0*a_c &
903 - 4.0*(cc1*tcw)**3*(hb/alpha)**0.25/(cc2**0.75*zcsq*zcsq)) ! d(z_c)/d(ts)
904 c_0 = (z_c*q_ts+(f_nsol-deltaf-f_sol_0*a_c*z_c)*b_c)*tcwi
905 c_d = (f_sol_0*a_c*z_c*b_c-q_ts)*tcwi
907 else
908 b_c = zero
909 zc_ts = zero
910 c_0 = z_c*q_ts*tcwi
911 c_d = -q_ts*tcwi
912 endif
914 ! if ( c_0 < 0.0 ) then
915 ! write(*,'(a,2f12.6,10f10.6)') ' c_0, c_d = ',c_0,c_d,b_c,zc_ts,hb,bc1,bc2,z_c,cc1,cc2,cc3,z_c**2
916 ! endif
918 ! c_0 = z_c*q_ts/tcw
919 ! c_d = -q_ts/tcw
921 else
922 c_0 = zero
923 c_d = zero
924 endif ! if ( z_c > 0.0 ) then
926 end subroutine cool_skin
927 !
928 !======================
929 !
932 real function int_epn(z1,z2,zmx,ztr,n)
933 !
934 ! abstract: calculate a definitive integral of an exponetial curve (power of 2)
935 !
936 real(kind_phys) :: z1,z2,zmx,ztr,zi
937 real(kind_phys) :: fa,fb,fi,int
938 integer :: m,i,n
940 m = nint((z2-z1)/delz)
941 fa = exp(-exp_const*((z1-zmx)/(ztr-zmx))**n)
942 fb = exp(-exp_const*((z2-zmx)/(ztr-zmx))**n)
943 int = zero
944 do i = 1, m-1
945 zi = z1 + delz*float(i)
946 fi = exp(-exp_const*((zi-zmx)/(ztr-zmx))**n)
947 int = int + fi
948 enddo
949 int_epn = delz*((fa+fb)/2.0 + int)
950 end function int_epn
954 subroutine dtl_reset_cv(xt,xs,xu,xv,xz)
955 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(inout) :: xt,xs,xu,xv,xz
956 xt = zero
957 xs = zero
958 xu = zero
959 xv = zero
960 xz = z_w_max
961 end subroutine dtl_reset_cv
965 subroutine dtl_reset(xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xzts,xtts)
966 real(kind=kind_phys), intent(inout) :: xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xzts,xtts
967 xt = zero
968 xs = zero
969 xu = zero
970 xv = zero
971 xz = z_w_max
972 xtts = zero
973 xzts = zero
974 end subroutine dtl_reset
976end module nst_module
subroutine, public convdepth(kdt, timestep, i0, q, sss, sep, rho, alpha, beta, xt, xs, xz, d_conv)
This subroutine calculates depth for convective adjustment.
subroutine, public dtm_1p_mwa(xt, xtts, xz, xzts)
This subroutine applies maximum warming adjustment (mwa).
subroutine dtm_1p_zwa(kdt, timestep, i0, q, rho, d_conv, xt, xs, xu, xv, xz, tr_mda, tr_fca, tr_tla, tr_mwa)
This subroutine applies xz adjustment.
subroutine, public dtm_1p_fca(d_conv, xt, xtts, xz, xzts)
This subroutine applies free convection adjustment(fca).
real function int_epn(z1, z2, zmx, ztr, n)
This function calculates a definitive integral of an exponential curve (power of 2).
subroutine, public cal_ttop(kdt, timestep, q_warm, rho, dz, xt, xz, ttop)
This subroutine calculates the diurnal warming amount at the top layer with thickness of delz.
subroutine, public dtm_1p_mta(dta, xt, xtts, xz, xzts)
This subroutine applies maximum temperature adjustment (mta).
subroutine, public dtm_1p(kdt, timestep, rich, tox, toy, i0, q, sss, sep, q_ts, hl_ts, rho, alpha, beta, alon, sinlat, soltim, grav, le, d_conv, xt, xs, xu, xv, xz, xzts, xtts)
This subroutine contains the module of diurnal thermocline layer model.
subroutine app_sfs(kdt, xt, xs, xu, xv, alpha, beta, grav, d_1p, xz)
This subroutine adjust dtm-1p dtl thickness by applying shear flow stability with assumed exponential...
subroutine, public dtm_1p_mda(xt, xtts, xz, xzts)
This subroutine applies minimum depth adjustment (xz adjustment).
subroutine, public dtl_reset(xt, xs, xu, xv, xz, xzts, xtts)
This subroutine resets the value of xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xtts,xzts.
subroutine dtm_onset(kdt, timestep, rich, tox, toy, i0, q, sss, sep, q_ts, hl_ts, rho, alpha, beta, alon, sinlat, soltim, grav, le, xt, xs, xu, xv, xz, xzts, xtts)
subroutine, public dtm_1p_tla(dz, te, xt, xtts, xz, xzts)
This subroutine applies top layer adjustment (tla).
subroutine, public cal_w(kdt, xz, xt, xzts, xtts, w_0, w_d)
This subroutine computes coefficients (w_0 and w_d) to calculate d(tw)/d(ts).
subroutine eulerm(kdt, timestep, rich, tox, toy, i0, q, sss, sep, q_ts, hl_ts, rho, alpha, beta, alon, sinlat, soltim, grav, le, d_conv, xt, xs, xu, xv, xz, xzts, xtts)
This subroutine integrates one time step with modified Euler method.
subroutine dtl_reset_cv(xt, xs, xu, xv, xz)
This subroutine resets the value of xt,xs,xu,xv,xz.
subroutine cal_tztr(kdt, xt, c_0, c_d, w_0, w_d, zc, zw, z, tztr)
This subroutine calculates d(tz)/d(ts).
subroutine, public cool_skin(ustar_a, f_nsol, f_sol_0, evap, sss, alpha, beta, rho_w, rho_a, ts, q_ts, hl_ts, grav, le, deltat_c, z_c, c_0, c_d)
This subroutine contains the upper ocean cool-skin parameterization (Fairall et al,...
This module contains constants and parameters used in GFS near surface sea temperature scheme.
This module contains GFS NSST water property subroutines.
This module contains the diurnal thermocline layer model (DTM) of the GFS NSST scheme.