16 use machine ,
only : kind_phys
36 subroutine dtm_1p(kdt,timestep,rich,tox,toy,i0,q,sss,sep,q_ts,hl_ts,rho, &
37 alpha,beta,alon,sinlat,soltim,grav,le,d_conv, &
38 xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xzts,xtts)
40 integer,
intent(in) :: kdt
41 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(in) :: timestep,rich,tox,toy,i0,q,sss,sep,q_ts,&
42 hl_ts,rho,alpha,beta,alon,sinlat,soltim,&
44 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(inout) :: xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xzts,xtts
81 if ( xt <= zero )
82 call dtm_onset(kdt,timestep,rich,tox,toy,i0,q,sss,sep,q_ts,hl_ts,rho,alpha, &
83 beta,alon,sinlat,soltim,grav,le,xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xzts,xtts)
84 elseif ( xt > zero )
88 call eulerm(kdt,timestep,rich,tox,toy,i0,q,sss,sep,q_ts,hl_ts,rho,alpha, &
89 beta,alon,sinlat,soltim,grav,le,d_conv, &
90 xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xzts,xtts)
97 subroutine eulerm(kdt,timestep,rich,tox,toy,i0,q,sss,sep,q_ts,hl_ts,rho,alpha, &
98 beta,alon,sinlat,soltim,grav,le,d_conv, &
99 xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xzts,xtts)
104 integer,
intent(in) :: kdt
105 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(in) :: timestep,rich,tox,toy,i0,q,sss,sep,q_ts, &
106 hl_ts,rho,alpha,beta,alon,sinlat,soltim, &
108 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(inout) :: xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xzts,xtts
110 real(kind=kind_phys) :: xt0,xs0,xu0,xv0,xz0,xzts0,xtts0
111 real(kind=kind_phys) :: fw,aw,q_warm
112 real(kind=kind_phys) :: xt1,xs1,xu1,xv1,xz1,xzts1,xtts1
113 real(kind=kind_phys) :: xt2,xs2,xu2,xv2,xz2,xzts2,xtts2
114 real(kind=kind_phys) :: dzw,drho,fc
115 real(kind=kind_phys) :: alat,speed
158 speed = max(1.0e-8, xu0*xu0+xv0*xv0)
160 alat = asin(sinlat)*rad2deg
162 fc = const_rot*sinlat
170 drho = -alpha*q_warm/(rho*cp_w) + omg_m*beta*sep
174 dzw = xz0 * ((tox*xu0+toy*xv0) / (rho*speed) &
175 + xz0*xz0*drho*grav / (4.0*rich*speed))
177 xt1 = xt0 + timestep*q_warm/(rho*cp_w)
178 xs1 = xs0 + timestep*sep
179 xu1 = xu0 + timestep*(fc*xv0+tox/rho)
180 xv1 = xv0 + timestep*(-fc*xu0+toy/rho)
181 xz1 = xz0 + timestep*dzw
186 if ( xt1 <= zero .or. xz1 <= zero .or. xz1 > z_w_max )
193 xzts1 = xzts0 + timestep*((1.0/(xu0*xu0+xv0*xv0)) * &
194 ( (alpha*q_ts/cp_w+omg_m*beta*sss*hl_ts/le)*grav*xz0**3/(4.0*rich*rho) &
195 +( (tox*xu0+toy*xv0)/rho+(3.0*drho-alpha*i0*aw*xz0/(rho*cp_w)) &
196 *grav*xz0*xz0/(4.0*rich) )*xzts0 ))
197 xtts1 = xtts0 + timestep*(i0*aw*xzts0-q_ts)/(rho*cp_w)
207 drho = -alpha*q_warm/(rho*cp_w) + omg_m*beta*sep
208 dzw = xz1*(tox*xu1+toy*xv1) / (rho*(xu1*xu1+xv1*xv1)) &
209 + xz1*xz1*xz1*drho*grav / (4.0*rich*(xu1*xu1+xv1*xv1))
211 xt2 = xt0 + timestep*q_warm/(rho*cp_w)
212 xs2 = xs0 + timestep*sep
213 xu2 = xu0 + timestep*(fc*xv1+tox/rho)
214 xv2 = xv0 + timestep*(-fc*xu1+toy/rho)
215 xz2 = xz0 + timestep*dzw
219 if ( xt2 <= zero .or. xz2 <= zero .or. xz2 > z_w_max )
224 xzts2 = xzts0 + timestep*((1.0/(xu1*xu1+xv1*xv1)) * &
225 ( (alpha*q_ts/cp_w+omg_m*beta*sss*hl_ts/le)*grav*xz1**3/(4.0*rich*rho) &
226 +( (tox*xu1+toy*xv1)/rho+(3.0*drho-alpha*i0*aw*xz1/(rho*cp_w))* &
227 grav*xz1*xz1/(4.0*rich) )*xzts1 ))
228 xtts2 = xtts0 + timestep*(i0*aw*xzts1-q_ts)/(rho*cp_w)
235 xzts = 0.5*(xzts1 + xzts2)
236 xtts = 0.5*(xtts1 + xtts2)
238 if ( xt <= zero .or. xz < zero .or. xz > z_w_max )
253 subroutine dtm_1p_zwa(kdt,timestep,i0,q,rho,d_conv,xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,tr_mda,tr_fca,tr_tla,tr_mwa)
259 integer,
intent(in) :: kdt
260 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(in) :: timestep,i0,q,rho,d_conv
261 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(inout) :: xt,xs,xu,xv,xz
262 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(out) :: tr_mda,tr_fca,tr_tla,tr_mwa
264 real(kind=kind_phys) :: dz,t0,ttop0,ttop,fw,q_warm
266 real(kind=kind_phys) :: xz_fca,xz_tla,xz_mwa
268 real(kind=kind_phys) :: xz_mda
270 tr_mda = zero; tr_fca = zero; tr_tla = zero; tr_mwa = zero
273 if ( z_w_min > xz )
277 if ( d_conv > zero )
278 xz_fca = 2.0*xt/((2.0*xt/xz)*(1.0-d_conv/(2.0*xz)))
280 if ( xz_fca >= z_w_max )
286 dz = min(xz,max(d_conv,delz))
290 if ( q_warm > zero )
291 call cal_ttop(kdt,timestep,q_warm,rho,dz,xt,xz,ttop0)
293 ttop = ((xt+xt)/xz)*(1.0-dz/(xz+xz))
294 if ( ttop > ttop0 )
295 xz_tla = (xt+sqrt(xt*(xt-delz*ttop0)))/ttop0
297 if ( xz_tla >= z_w_max )
306 if ( t0 > tw_max )
307 if ( xz >= z_w_max )
313 xz = max(xz_mda,xz_fca,xz_tla,xz_mwa)
325 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(in) :: d_conv,xt,xtts
326 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(inout) :: xz,xzts
328 real(kind=kind_phys) :: t_fcl,t0
331 t_fcl = t0*(1.0-d_conv/(2.0*xz))
343 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(in) :: dz,te,xt,xtts
344 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(inout) :: xz,xzts
346 real(kind=kind_phys) :: tem
350 xz = (xt+sqrt(xt*(xt-dz*te)))/te
363 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(in) :: xt,xtts
364 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(inout) :: xz,xzts
377 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(in) :: xt,xtts
378 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(inout) :: xz,xzts
380 real(kind=kind_phys) :: ta
394 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(in) :: dta,xt,xtts
395 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(inout) :: xz,xzts
397 real(kind=kind_phys) :: ta
399 ta = max(zero,2.0*xt/xz-dta)
400 if ( ta > zero )
411 subroutine convdepth(kdt,timestep,i0,q,sss,sep,rho,alpha,beta,xt,xs,xz,d_conv)
417 integer,
intent(in) :: kdt
418 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(in) :: timestep,i0,q,sss,sep,rho,alpha,beta
419 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(in) :: xt,xs,xz
420 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(out) :: d_conv
421 real(kind=kind_phys) :: t,s,d_conv_ini,d_conv2,fxp,aw,s1,s2,fac1
449 s1 = alpha*rho*t-omg_m*beta*rho*s
451 if ( s1 == zero )
455 fac1 = alpha*q/cp_w+omg_m*beta*rho*sep
456 if ( i0 <= zero )
457 d_conv2=(2.0*xz*timestep/s1)*fac1
458 if ( d_conv2 > zero )
459 d_conv = sqrt(d_conv2)
463 elseif ( i0 > zero )
467 iter_conv:
do n = 1, niter_conv
470 s2 = alpha*(q-(fxp-aw*d_conv_ini)*i0)/cp_w+omg_m*beta*rho*sep
471 d_conv2=(2.0*xz*timestep/s1)*s2
472 if ( d_conv2 < zero )
476 d_conv = sqrt(d_conv2)
477 if ( abs(d_conv-d_conv_ini) < eps_conv .and. n <= niter_conv )
exit iter_conv
480 d_conv = max(zero,min(d_conv,z_w_max))
493 subroutine dtm_onset(kdt,timestep,rich,tox,toy,i0,q,sss,sep,q_ts,hl_ts,rho, &
494 alpha,beta,alon,sinlat,soltim,grav,le,xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xzts,xtts)
499 integer,
intent(in) :: kdt
500 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(in) :: timestep,rich,tox,toy,i0,q,sss,sep,q_ts, &
501 hl_ts,rho,alpha,beta,alon,sinlat,soltim,grav,le
502 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(out) :: xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xzts,xtts
503 real(kind=kind_phys) :: xt0,xs0,xu0,xv0,xz0
504 real(kind=kind_phys) :: xt1,xs1,xu1,xv1,xz1
505 real(kind=kind_phys) :: fw,aw,q_warm,ft0,fs0,fu0,fv0,fz0,ft1,fs1,fu1,fv1,fz1
506 real(kind=kind_phys) :: coeff1,coeff2,ftime,z_w,z_w_tmp,fc,warml,alat
536 fc=1.46/10000.0/2.0*sinlat
552 if ( abs(alat) > 1.0 )
553 ftime=sqrt((2.0-2.0*cos(fc*timestep))/(fc*fc*timestep))
558 coeff1=alpha*grav/cp_w
559 coeff2=omg_m*beta*grav*rho
560 warml = coeff1*q_warm-coeff2*sep
562 if ( warml > zero .and. q_warm > zero)
563 iters_z_w:
do n = 1,niter_z_w
564 if ( warml > zero .and. q_warm > zero )
565 z_w=sqrt(2.0*rich*ftime/rho)*sqrt(tox**2+toy**2)/sqrt(warml)
573 if (abs(z_w - z_w_tmp) < eps_z_w .and. z_w/=z_w_max .and. n < niter_z_w)
exit iters_z_w
577 warml = coeff1*q_warm-coeff2*sep
583 xz0 = max(z_w,z_w_min)
588 if ( z_w < z_w_max .and. q_warm > zero)
593 ft0 = q_warm/(rho*cp_w)
596 fv0 = -fc*xu0+toy/rho
598 xt1 = xt0 + timestep*ft0
599 xs1 = xs0 + timestep*fs0
600 xu1 = xu0 + timestep*fu0
601 xv1 = xv0 + timestep*fv0
603 fz0 = xz0*((tox*xu1+toy*xv1)/rho+omg_m*beta*grav*sep*xz0*xz0/(4.0*rich) &
604 -alpha*grav*q_warm*xz0*xz0/(4.0*rich*cp_w*rho))/(xu1*xu1+xv1*xv1)
605 xz1 = xz0 + timestep*fz0
607 xz1 = max(xz1,z_w_min)
609 if ( xt1 < zero .or. xz1 > z_w_max )
617 ft1 = q_warm/(rho*cp_w)
620 fv1 = -fc*xu1+toy/rho
622 fz1 = xz1*((tox*xu1+toy*xv1)/rho+omg_m*beta*grav*sep*xz1*xz1/(4.0*rich) &
623 -alpha*grav*q_warm*xz1*xz1/(4.0*rich*cp_w*rho))/(xu1*xu1+xv1*xv1)
625 xt = xt0 + 0.5*timestep*(ft0+ft1)
626 xs = xs0 + 0.5*timestep*(fs0+fs1)
627 xu = xu0 + 0.5*timestep*(fu0+fu1)
628 xv = xv0 + 0.5*timestep*(fv0+fv1)
629 xz = xz0 + 0.5*timestep*(fz0+fz1)
636 xzts = (q_ts+omg_m*rho*cp_w*beta*sss*hl_ts*xz/(le*alpha))/(i0*xz*aw+2.0*q_warm-2.0*omg_m*rho*cp_w*beta*sss*sep/(le*alpha))
637 xtts = timestep*(i0*aw*xzts-q_ts)/(rho*cp_w)
640 if ( xt < zero .or. xz > z_w_max )
651 subroutine cal_w(kdt,xz,xt,xzts,xtts,w_0,w_d)
668 integer,
intent(in) :: kdt
669 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(in) :: xz,xt,xzts,xtts
670 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(out) :: w_0,w_d
672 w_0 = 2.0*(xtts-xt*xzts/xz)/xz
673 w_d = (2.0*xt*xzts/xz**2-w_0)/xz
683 subroutine cal_ttop(kdt,timestep,q_warm,rho,dz,xt,xz,ttop)
701 integer,
intent(in) :: kdt
702 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(in) :: timestep,q_warm,rho,dz,xt,xz
703 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(out) :: ttop
704 real(kind=kind_phys) :: dt_warm,t0
707 t0 = dt_warm*(1.0-dz/(xz+xz))
708 ttop = t0 + q_warm*timestep/(rho*cp_w*dz)
715 subroutine app_sfs(kdt,xt,xs,xu,xv,alpha,beta,grav,d_1p,xz)
735 integer,
intent(in) :: kdt
736 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(in) :: xt,xs,xu,xv,alpha,beta,grav,d_1p
737 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(out) :: xz
739 real(kind=kind_phys) :: cc,l,d_sfs,tem
740 real(kind=kind_phys),
parameter :: c2 = 0.3782
744 tem = alpha*xt - beta*xs
746 d_sfs = sqrt(2.0*cc*(xu*xu+xv*xv)/tem)
762 l =
774 subroutine cal_tztr(kdt,xt,c_0,c_d,w_0,w_d,zc,zw,z,tztr)
792 integer,
intent(in) :: kdt
793 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(in) :: xt,c_0,c_d,w_0,w_d,zc,zw,z
794 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(out) :: tztr
796 if ( xt > zero )
799 tztr = (1.0+z*(w_d-c_d))/(1.0-w_0+c_0)
800 elseif ( z > zc .and. z < zw )
802 tztr = (1.0+c_0+z*w_d)/(1.0-w_0+c_0)
803 elseif ( z >= zw )
806 elseif ( xt == zero )
809 tztr = (1.0-z*c_d)/(1.0+c_0)
823 subroutine cool_skin(ustar_a,f_nsol,f_sol_0,evap,sss,alpha,beta,rho_w,rho_a,ts,q_ts,hl_ts,grav,le,deltat_c,z_c,c_0,c_d)
850 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(in) :: ustar_a,f_nsol,f_sol_0,evap,sss,alpha,beta,rho_w,rho_a,ts,q_ts,hl_ts,grav,le
851 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(out) :: deltat_c,z_c,c_0,c_d
853 real(kind=kind_phys),
parameter :: a1=0.065, a2=11.0, a3=6.6e-5, a4=8.0e-4, tcw=0.6, tcwi=1.0/tcw
854 real(kind=kind_phys) :: a_c,b_c,zc_ts,bc1,bc2
855 real(kind=kind_phys) :: xi,hb,ustar1_a,bigc,deltaf,fxp
856 real(kind=kind_phys) :: zcsq
857 real(kind=kind_phys) :: cc1,cc2,cc3
862 ustar1_a = max(ustar_a,ustar_a_min)
867 hb = alpha*(f_nsol-deltaf)+beta*sss*cp_w*evap/le
868 bigc = 16*grav*cp_w*(rho_w*visw)**3/(rho_a*rho_a*kw*kw)
871 xi = 6./(1+(bigc*hb/ustar1_a**4)**0.75)**0.3333333
875 z_c = min(z_c_max,xi*visw/(sqrt(rho_a/rho_w)*ustar1_a ))
880 deltaf = f_nsol - deltaf
881 if ( deltaf > 0 )
882 deltat_c = deltaf * z_c / kw
890 if ( z_c > zero )
891 cc1 = 6.0*visw / (tcw*ustar1_a*sqrt(rho_a/rho_w))
892 cc2 = bigc*alpha / max(ustar_a,ustar_a_min)**4
893 cc3 = beta*sss*cp_w/(alpha*le)
895 a_c = a2 + a3/zcsq - (a3/(a4*z_c)+a3/zcsq) * exp(-z_c/a4)
897 if ( hb > zero .and. zcsq > zero .and. alpha > zero)
898 bc1 = zcsq * (q_ts+cc3*hl_ts)
899 bc2 = zcsq * f_sol_0*a_c - 4.0*(cc1*tcw)**3*(hb/alpha)**0.25/(cc2**0.75*zcsq)
902 b_c = (q_ts+cc3*hl_ts)/(f_sol_0*a_c &
903 - 4.0*(cc1*tcw)**3*(hb/alpha)**0.25/(cc2**0.75*zcsq*zcsq))
904 c_0 = (z_c*q_ts+(f_nsol-deltaf-f_sol_0*a_c*z_c)*b_c)*tcwi
905 c_d = (f_sol_0*a_c*z_c*b_c-q_ts)*tcwi
936 real(kind_phys) :: z1,z2,zmx,ztr,zi
937 real(kind_phys) :: fa,fb,fi,int
940 m = nint((z2-z1)/delz)
941 fa = exp(-exp_const*((z1-zmx)/(ztr-zmx))**n)
942 fb = exp(-exp_const*((z2-zmx)/(ztr-zmx))**n)
945 zi = z1 + delz*float(i)
946 fi = exp(-exp_const*((zi-zmx)/(ztr-zmx))**n)
949 int_epn = delz*((fa+fb)/2.0 + int)
955 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(inout) :: xt,xs,xu,xv,xz
966 real(kind=kind_phys),
intent(inout) :: xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xzts,xtts
subroutine, public convdepth(kdt, timestep, i0, q, sss, sep, rho, alpha, beta, xt, xs, xz, d_conv)
This subroutine calculates depth for convective adjustment.
subroutine, public dtm_1p_mwa(xt, xtts, xz, xzts)
This subroutine applies maximum warming adjustment (mwa).
subroutine dtm_1p_zwa(kdt, timestep, i0, q, rho, d_conv, xt, xs, xu, xv, xz, tr_mda, tr_fca, tr_tla, tr_mwa)
This subroutine applies xz adjustment.
subroutine, public dtm_1p_fca(d_conv, xt, xtts, xz, xzts)
This subroutine applies free convection adjustment(fca).
real function int_epn(z1, z2, zmx, ztr, n)
This function calculates a definitive integral of an exponential curve (power of 2).
subroutine, public cal_ttop(kdt, timestep, q_warm, rho, dz, xt, xz, ttop)
This subroutine calculates the diurnal warming amount at the top layer with thickness of delz.
subroutine, public dtm_1p_mta(dta, xt, xtts, xz, xzts)
This subroutine applies maximum temperature adjustment (mta).
subroutine, public dtm_1p(kdt, timestep, rich, tox, toy, i0, q, sss, sep, q_ts, hl_ts, rho, alpha, beta, alon, sinlat, soltim, grav, le, d_conv, xt, xs, xu, xv, xz, xzts, xtts)
This subroutine contains the module of diurnal thermocline layer model.
subroutine app_sfs(kdt, xt, xs, xu, xv, alpha, beta, grav, d_1p, xz)
This subroutine adjust dtm-1p dtl thickness by applying shear flow stability with assumed exponential...
subroutine, public dtm_1p_mda(xt, xtts, xz, xzts)
This subroutine applies minimum depth adjustment (xz adjustment).
subroutine, public dtl_reset(xt, xs, xu, xv, xz, xzts, xtts)
This subroutine resets the value of xt,xs,xu,xv,xz,xtts,xzts.
subroutine dtm_onset(kdt, timestep, rich, tox, toy, i0, q, sss, sep, q_ts, hl_ts, rho, alpha, beta, alon, sinlat, soltim, grav, le, xt, xs, xu, xv, xz, xzts, xtts)
subroutine, public dtm_1p_tla(dz, te, xt, xtts, xz, xzts)
This subroutine applies top layer adjustment (tla).
subroutine, public cal_w(kdt, xz, xt, xzts, xtts, w_0, w_d)
This subroutine computes coefficients (w_0 and w_d) to calculate d(tw)/d(ts).
subroutine eulerm(kdt, timestep, rich, tox, toy, i0, q, sss, sep, q_ts, hl_ts, rho, alpha, beta, alon, sinlat, soltim, grav, le, d_conv, xt, xs, xu, xv, xz, xzts, xtts)
This subroutine integrates one time step with modified Euler method.
subroutine dtl_reset_cv(xt, xs, xu, xv, xz)
This subroutine resets the value of xt,xs,xu,xv,xz.
subroutine cal_tztr(kdt, xt, c_0, c_d, w_0, w_d, zc, zw, z, tztr)
This subroutine calculates d(tz)/d(ts).
subroutine, public cool_skin(ustar_a, f_nsol, f_sol_0, evap, sss, alpha, beta, rho_w, rho_a, ts, q_ts, hl_ts, grav, le, deltat_c, z_c, c_0, c_d)
This subroutine contains the upper ocean cool-skin parameterization (Fairall et al,...
This module contains constants and parameters used in GFS near surface sea temperature scheme.
This module contains GFS NSST water property subroutines.
This module contains the diurnal thermocline layer model (DTM) of the GFS NSST scheme.