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cu_gf_driver Module Reference

This module contains the scale-aware Grell-Freitas cumulus scheme driver.


subroutine, public cu_gf_driver_init (imfshalcnv, imfshalcnv_gf, imfdeepcnv, imfdeepcnv_gf, mpirank, mpiroot, errmsg, errflg)
subroutine, public cu_gf_driver_run (ntracer, garea, im, km, dt, flag_init, flag_restart, cactiv, cactiv_m, g, cp, xlv, r_v, forcet, forceqv_spechum, phil, raincv, qv_spechum, t, cld1d, us, vs, t2di, w, qv2di_spechum, p2di, psuri, hbot, htop, kcnv, xland, hfx2, qfx2, aod_gf, cliw, clcw, pbl, ud_mf, dd_mf, dt_mf, cnvw_moist, cnvc, imfshalcnv, flag_for_scnv_generic_tend, flag_for_dcnv_generic_tend, dtend, dtidx, ntqv, ntiw, ntcw, index_of_temperature, index_of_x_wind, index_of_y_wind, index_of_process_scnv, index_of_process_dcnv, fhour, fh_dfi_radar, ix_dfi_radar, num_dfi_radar, cap_suppress, dfi_radar_max_intervals, ldiag3d, qci_conv, do_cap_suppress, maxupmf, maxmf, do_mynnedmf, ichoice_in, ichoicem_in, ichoice_s_in, spp_cu_deep, spp_wts_cu_deep, nchem, chem3d, fscav, wetdpc_deep, do_smoke_transport, kdt, errmsg, errflg)
 This is the Grell-Freitas convection scheme driver module.