CCPP SciDoc v7.0.0  v7.0.0
Common Community Physics Package Developed at DTC
No Matches
sflx Module Reference

This module contains the entity of GFS Noah LSM Model(Version 2.7).


subroutine gfssflx (nsoil, couple, icein, ffrozp, dt, zlvl, sldpth, swdn, swnet, lwdn, sfcems, sfcprs, sfctmp, sfcspd, prcp, q2, q2sat, dqsdt2, th2, ivegsrc, vegtyp, soiltyp, slopetyp, shdmin, alb, snoalb, rhonewsn, exticeden, bexpp, xlaip, lheatstrg, tbot, cmc, t1, stc, smc, sh2o, sneqv, ch, cm, z0, nroot, shdfac, snowh, albedo, eta, sheat, ec, edir, et, ett, esnow, drip, dew, beta, etp, ssoil, flx1, flx2, flx3, runoff1, runoff2, runoff3, snomlt, sncovr, rc, pc, rsmin, xlai, rcs, rct, rcq, rcsoil, soilw, soilm, smcwlt, smcdry, smcref, smcmax, errmsg, errflg)
 This is the entity of GFS Noah LSM model of physics subroutines. It is a soil/veg/snowpack land-surface model to update soil moisture, soil ice, soil temperature, skin temperature, snowpack water content, snowdepth, and all terms of the surface energy balance and surface water balance (excluding input atmospheric forcings of downward radiation and precipitation).